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Casualty of Love

Not The Time

Clover’s POV

Zach started to make his way over to me to give me a hug. I stormed passed him and heard Nathan punch him as well. how could you expect me to hug my boyfriend who just punch my best friend?

“Go to him, but not me.” I heard Nathan start. I stopped dead in my tracks. “Do you guys even know what really happened before that day in the hall?” he finished, his voice quivering out of pain a little.

I spun around, still crying and looked at him. “What happened, Nathan?” I asked him.

“I already told you.” Zach said faintly.

“Shut the hell up, Zach! I want to hear what Nathan has to say!” I screeched.

Nathan motioned towards the couch. “Sit down, everyone.” He said calmly.

Cam helped Zach up and the three of them took a seat. Nathan sat in a rocking chair while Cam and Michael sat on one couch leaving Zach and I in another together. I was disgusted to be next to him right now, but I really didn’t know what happened.

“What happened?” I managed.

“What did Zach tell you?” Nathan questioned.

I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter; I want to hear your side.”

“First,” he started as he stood up. “Did you know that Zach and I used to be in a band together?”

I shook my head and looked down. “I knew of a Nate that they had talked about, and I asked Zach if it could be the same person,” briefly I looked at Zach before turning back to the ground. “But he told me no, and I believed him.” I finished, my voice growing quieter as I continued.

“Hm.” He said and sat back down. “Well, Zach and I were writing a song about Cameron. I bet you anything that’s where he started, but it was well before that. Before we flew over to England the three of them went out every night to the bar or a club because they all could, and I couldn’t yet. Zach went out one night with just Michael and the three of us happened to share a room for whatever reason.

“Nathan, what the hell are you doing?” he said to me.

I looked at him like he was drunk, mostly because he was. “What?”

“You’re fucking black. Get me my water!” he demanded.

I rolled my eyes and ignored what he said. Not long after, Zach passed out on the floor. I was a bit concerned, but Michael told me it was fine. Zach woke up the next morning, oblivious to what had happened the previous night.” Nathan paused.

I looked at Zach, who was looking down in his lap.

“Later,” Nathan continued. “He just started singing over me and taking away my parts, so I stopped singing when I should have been. I got hell for that, let me tell you.

“God damn it, Nathan!” Zach screamed as loud as he could at me. “You need to fucking do your part in the songs!”

I rolled my eyes. “Not if you’re going to scream over me, I’m not!”

He looked down and then back up at me. Zach punched me, just like he did moments ago. I let it go because I figured he was drunk and he wasn’t thinking straight. Zach began neglecting me as a band member and ignoring anything I had to say. I didn’t play for an entire set and he never noticed. He didn’t want me there.

So when we were working on our song, we had a disagreement over a lyric and Zach didn’t like my idea, I’m sure he told you it was racist, but it was really ‘You should just stick with you’, he hated that line and picked his own. When he performed it, he did make a racist one and glared at me. I stopped playing.

“Really!?” I exclaimed.

He nodded. “Really.”

I shook my head. “You have to make everything about you, don’t you , Zach? Well guess what? It’s not all about Zach! This is a band and we all stick together and work together and love each other!”

“I’d prefer if you weren’t in this band.” He said, flatly.

I unfortunately lost my cool and, yeah, I punched him. I feel bad for that, but I did. I’m sorry Clover, but that is exactly what happened. I don’t fully know what Zach told you, but that’s as close to the truth as I can get it. I’m sorry that I had to explain all of this to you, but someone had to show you want you’re dating.”

“What happened after that?” I asked sheepishly, a bit afraid of what might come next.

Nathan sighed. “Brent pulled me away and told me that I had to leave. We said ‘personal issues’ or whatever, because it was. I got anger management therapy and figured that I was all good to come back, but he wouldn’t let me. He hated me so much that he wanted to make sure he never had to see me again.”

I sighed and kept crying. Zach pulled me close to him. I pushed his arm away. “Don’t!” I exclaimed.

Zach stood up and grabbed both of my hands. “Clover, I love you and I hope you know that nothing will ever change that. I don’t care what has happened in either of our pasts, I will always love you for who you are. You’re smart and beautiful and caring and amazing and special and I fricken love you!” Slowly Zach dropped to one knee. He pulled out a small black box and opened it, revealing diamond ring. “Clover, it hasn’t been long, but it’s been long enough for me know that you’re my soul mate and I love you with every ounce of my body. Will you marry me?” he asked me.

I looked over at Nathan who was shaking his head. Was I really in a position where I had to choose between my best friend and boyfriend? My mouth dropped and I pulled away from Zach.

“Please don’t do this.” Nathan whispered.

“Please, Clover. It felt right just then to ask you. I wanted to ask you sooner, but I couldn’t.” Zach pleaded.

“Do either of you realize what just happened?” I stood up, barely able to see and stood in the middle of Nathan’s familiar living room. “I just found out that my best friend and the love of my life hate each other! Do you know what that does to me? Do either of you care?” I screamed.

They were both left speechless.

“That’s what I thought!” I exclaimed as I stormed off to my house. I didn’t hear anyone follow me.

Once I got home, I changed into my pajamas and laid down in my bed on the opposite side that Zach normally laid on. I kept crying. I could see my pillow starting to stain with tears and mascara, but I didn’t care. My crying slowed down and I decided that whoever came in first would be the person that I listened to and went with.

Everything was too good to be true and I had to pick between my love and friendship. I would let them decide. Whoever was first was who I would stay with.

Moments later, I heard footsteps. I closed my eyes and tried to drain all of the tears out. “Clover?” I heard a voice call. “You awake?”

I nodded and began to roll over. I wasn’t sure who it was.

“No, I’ll come over to you.”

I obeyed. I saw the person come closer to me. I tried to make out their face. My eyes widened when I realized who was standing before me.
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