Status: UH-VWALA! I know, I know, I haven't finished a whole bunch of other stuff, but I need to get this outta mah system. I love you all.

My Innocent Romance

One - New School, New People, New Life.

“Come on, now, don’t worry, she’s a lovely lady and you’ve only got a small class”
The middle-aged woman smiles at me, arm around my shoulder and leading me to the first room in the short hallway.

I was nervous as hell.
But really, there wasn’t much to be nervous about; when she’d said ‘small class’, she wasn’t kidding.

“Hello,” an older woman greats me and my chaperon, sitting at a table made up of three rectangular school desks.

“This is Gerard, and this is his first day. I’m sorry he’s late Mrs Hemley, public transport is never reliable.” Michelle (I think) tells the woman at the table.
I look around - there’s a girl sitting in front of me, twisting her neck awkwardly to look at who was new, and on the other side of the table, a boy, offering me a small smile.
I hole my hand up and wiggle my fingers slightly. The teacher beams at me and tells me I can sit anywhere. There are only two seats - one next to the scary looking girl, the other opposite the woman, next to the boy. I take the latter.

Michelle leaves.
I swallow, pick at my bitten-short nails, and look up at ‘Mrs Hemley’ through my black fringe.

“Let me introduce you - this is Jodie” she motions to the girl, smiling, and I give a slight nod, “and this is Frank.” I look to my right without turning, from beneath my hair I see the boy gives a wave, still smiling.

I leave twenty minutes later. I was late. Very.
On my way home, I decide that the girl talks too much and the boy laughs when he’s nervous.
I consider this a breakthrough.