Status: UH-VWALA! I know, I know, I haven't finished a whole bunch of other stuff, but I need to get this outta mah system. I love you all.

My Innocent Romance

Two - Science Room Posters Are Mighty Interesting

Michelle guided me to Maths this morning, then left. The teacher re-introduced me to Jodie and Frank. The teacher has I name I care not to remember.
I sit next to Frank again.

At the end of the lesson, forty minutes later, I’m told I have Science (apparently, this school has a lack of ability to make the timetable comprehensible).

“Um.. I, um, where is that?” I ask nervously.
The teacher smiles -the teachers are always smiling, it’s rather scary- and calls Frank; he walks backwards through the door he just vacated through.

“Frank, could you show Gerard to the next class please.” It wasn’t a question.
Frank nods and I notice a slight curve on his lips.

“Can I see your timetable?” Frank asks while walking just slightly in front of me.
I give it to him while I star intently at my beat-up converse, the floor moving causing me to feel nausea.

“Looks like we have all the same lessons, dude.”
He hands the green card back to me with a grin set on his face.
I smile slightly.
I can’t help but feel incredibly nervous around him, but comfortingly content at the same time.

Twenty minutes pass, and the Science teacher hasn’t showed. Jodie asks Frank questions, saying that you can tell when someone is lying just by looking at them.

“Did you go to the skate park today, Frankie?”
Jodie is sat opposite me, but a chair to the left, while Frank is only a chair away on the side of our square table.
Frank replies with a ‘no’. Jodie is convinced that he’s lying and isn’t satisfied.
“Did you see your girlfriend today?” There’s a slither of bitterness in her voice, and I look at the scratches on the table- for some reason, I feel that it isn’t my place to be hearing his answer.

“No,” Frank’s voice is flat. “I broke up with her last week.”
For some other unknown reason, I look up to Jodie’s face.
She looks pleased, but like she’s trying to hide it. She’s failing.
I then look to Frank, he’s already looking at me. I look away and to the poster of a ‘blobby fish’.

I’m sure Jodie notices that I feel uncomfortable. So she asks me a question. Just to be a bitch presumably.
“Did you go to the supermarket today?”

“No, I did not.”
From somewhere, I get the confidence to hold eye contact with the walking Cheese Puff (she’s seriously that orange).
I note that Frank is watching me.

“Do you have a girlfriend, Gerard?” I hear the bitterness again. I keep eye contact.

I’m a good liar.
Frank suddenly becomes interested in a poster showing the different stages of stars reaching a supernova. He’s wearing a small smirk.
Jodie believes me.