Status: UH-VWALA! I know, I know, I haven't finished a whole bunch of other stuff, but I need to get this outta mah system. I love you all.

My Innocent Romance

Three - Everyone Has Their Own Personal Stalker

Hardly two weeks later and Frank’s the one following me everywhere.

“You know, you’re like my own personal stalker.” I giggle as we’re walking to the shop on our lunch break.

“How do you know I’m not?” He winks at me and nudges my ribs with his elbow. I giggle louder.
“Don’t you think it’s ironic?”
I look at him -he’s standing beside me while I’m waiting to me served- his dark brown hair falling into his eyes.

“What’s ironic?” I’m smiling, I tend to do a lot of this when I’m around him; makes a change from my normal self.
He pushes his hair away from his face.

“That when you first started, you were the one always following me around-” I step forward and hand over the chewing gum to be scanned “-and now, I’m always following you.”
I pay and walk to the exit, Frank following me.

“I suppose,” I offer him the packet. He takes a stick of gum then hands it back.
“Y’know, I’m gonna take a walk..” I notice a hell load of trees behind the shop, and want to investigate.
I don’t wait for him to answer, instead just walk off.

Not two minutes later, I step through the gate of the ‘nature reserve’.
Not three minutes later, I hear footsteps behind me. I smile.
“You followed me,” I’m looking at the floor, trying to hide a blush I didn’t know the reason for.

“I’m your stalker, remember?”
I nod to myself more than anyone else while still walking. Frank catches up and walks beside me.
“Anyway, I don’t want you getting murdered or something,” He laughs quietly, his nervous laugh.

I smile at the thought; me getting murdered. I’m just morbid and depressing like that.
“I can look after myself, ya’know,” My voice was surprisingly soft- normally I would’ve snapped at someone following me or implying that I couldn’t stand up for myself.

“I know,”
We kept softly bumping into each other every now and again.
His white converse got muddy.
It was November.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would just like to thank frankie-killjoy-iero for her comment - Much love, sweetie ! :3

And thank you for the subs, people, you amaze me <3