Status: UH-VWALA! I know, I know, I haven't finished a whole bunch of other stuff, but I need to get this outta mah system. I love you all.

My Innocent Romance

Eight - There's This Guy..

Frank isn't in today. I hate it when he's not in - it only means that Jodie will talk to me even more.

Jodie sighs for the tenth time in five minutes, and I know that if I don't ask her what's wrong, she wont shut up and I may be forced to drown her in that 'make-up' of hers.
"What's up, Jodie?" I sound less than interested.

"There's this guy.." She sighs out.
I don't look up from my iPod.

"And I don't know what to say to him.."

"Just tell 'im you like the dude, job done."
I really couldn't care less about her love life. In the short time that I've known her, I already know that she likes a different guy every three or so days.

"Do you really think that'd work?"
She turns to me now. I have no choice but to kill her pretend I like the girl and 'help' her.

"Yes. It really would."
I pretend I need the toilet.
I sneak out the fire exit.