Killer Instincts

Beach Day

It's the next day and I had just woken up from a good night's sleep. First I look over to see Alex sleeping soundly, and then look over at the clock. I see that it's about 8 in the morning. Seeing as there's still things to do from last night, I carefully slide out of bed and go into the closet and pick out clothes to wear for the day. Since we had a walk in closet I got dressed in the closet itself. I change into an animal belted tunic and jeans. Then go into my jewelry and pick out everything that's leopard to match my top. I do my makeup and everything else, leaving my shoes alone for now and I leave the closet and quietly leaving the bedroom, grabbing my phone on the way out. I head downstairs and get something to drink before going back to the dishes in the sink that Alex refused to let me finish last night. Since there wasn't many, I got those done fairly quickly and I moved onto the living room to get rid of the candles we left last night to cool off after blowing the flames out.

I gather the candles from the living room and from the kitchen, putting them away where we keep them. I started contemplating making breakfast or not, but since I just did the dishes I didn't want to make anymore. Maybe we can go out for breakfast today. So I grabbed my drink and went out into the living room to watch tv and use my phone for a bit, replying to text messages and whatnot. I make sure to pay attention when the weather comes on so I can see what it's gonna be like today. Thankfully today's going to be a tad warm and sunny. Perfect. Then my phone goes off and one of my friends is calling, so I answer and talk to them for a bit. I talk to them about how great it feels to have Alex home for the week and everything else that's been going on. That's when I hear footsteps on the stairs, and I know that it's Alex who has just woke up.

I turn around just as he comes off the stairs, looking tired with messy hair.

"Nice hair babe." I snicker.

"Very funny." He says dryly, before going into the kitchen.

I of course couldn't help but stare, because well yeah.

"Brooke? Hellooo? Come in Brooke. Brooke!" My friend yells on the other line.

"Huh?" I say, snapping out of it.

"Were you caught up in staring at your hubby again?" She laughs.

"What? No...." I deny.


"Okay I was. What of it? I can't help myself."

"Uh huh...suuure. You wanted to marry one of the hottest guys in the WWE."

"Hey, he asked me and I had to say yes."

"We all know you were gonna say yes. You wanted to marry the guy ever since you first fell for him."

"Your point?"

"I'm just saying. Not all fangirls are as lucky as you."

"I know right? My life is perfect right now. I'm really happy I did meet him. If I didn't I'd probably be still in some lame relationship with some loser who doesn't respect me. There's not too many guys out there like Alex. He's one of the few that are actually respectful and all that."

"Because I was brought up to be respectful." Alex says as he comes into the living room.

"As every guy should be." I smile.

"Awwwww." I hear my friend gush on the other line.

"Alright, he's clearly awake so I'm gonna let you go. Talk to you later?"

"Yeah no problem."

We say our goodbyes, and I put my phone down on the table.

"Now that you're off the phone, I can give you a proper good morning."

"Oh really?"

"Mmhmm." He grins.

He starts to scooch closer, until he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me into him. Then he takes his thumb and pointer finger, tilting my chin up and smiling slightly before he leans in and presses his lips to mine. Of course it doesn't really help when he's shirtless and wearing just pants. But I didn't focus on that, or was I? I really don't know, because just as quick as he had pressed his lips to mine, he took them away. Little did I know, I had let out a small whine of disappointment once he pulled away. He just chuckles.

"More later. We have all day, I'm not going anywhere."

"...tease me like that."

"Because it's fun and I love you."

"I love you too. So I was thinking that maybe we could go out for breakfast instead of making something and eating here. I just got done finishing the dishes from last night so.."

"Oh sure, yeah no problem. We can go out for breakfast this morning. Just give me a bit okay?"

"Yeah, sure." I nod.

He kisses my head once before getting up off the couch and heading back upstairs. I sit there for a while before getting up myself and heading upstairs into the bedroom. I go over and grab my shoes and put those on, before making sure I had everything in my bag. Then I head back downstairs as I hear the shower running in the bathroom, knowing that he's in there showering. I go back into the living room and relax there for a bit as I wait for him to be done in the shower and everything. It's about a half hour later when he comes back down the stairs, fully dressed.

"Ready to go Brooke?"

"Yeah, all set." I reply, getting up from the couch.

I go into the kitchen to get the keys to the house and the car, before walking over to him by the front door. He insists on driving so I toss him the keys and get into the passenger seat while he gets into the drivers seat. He puts the keys in the ignition and turns the car on. I put my window down since it's a nice warm day out and he backs out of the driveway, and down the road. I feel him take my hand in his, lacing our fingers together with his free hand. I look up at him and smile, before resuming looking out the window as we drive along. Soon we arrive at a place for breakfast and park. We get out and head inside, finding a table to sit down at. We look at the menus for drinks first before ordering those. Then we look through for something to eat, waiting until the drinks got to the table to order the food. We mostly talked about how things have been since he's been gone and whatnot, and soon the food came and we started eating.

"So what do you wanna do now?" I ask Alex once we walk out after paying for our food.

"Anything as long as I'm with you." He smiles, kissing my head.

"You're too sweet."

"Because I love you."

"Love you too. But as for something to do, it's still a bit cool out so swimming is out of the picture for right now. I was thinking maybe the beach or something, but we can do that later."

"Right, but we can still go and make a day out of it. It shouldn't be too bad because it's sunny and it's warm in the sun. Then after the sun goes down we can go see a movie or something. Should tire us out enough so that we'll have no problem sleeping."

"Oh of course not."

So we get back into the car and head home to get ready for the beach. After changing into my swimsuit, which was teal/blue and white and light blue cover-up on the bottom. I grab the beach bag and fill it with sunscreen and towels for both of us. I slip into a pair of flip flops and put my hair up as I come out of the bathroom, also putting a pair of sunglasses on my head.

"Aw darn, I missed you with no shirt on." I tease.

"All the more left to see when we get to the beach." He chuckles.

We gather our things back up and we head downstairs and out the door, getting into the car. We head to the nearest beach and park the car, getting out and walking out onto the sand. Since it did get a little aggravating to walk through the sand with my flip flops on, I stopped for a brief second to take them off and resume walking until we found a spot where we could stay at. I drop the bag and take out my towel, opening it up and laying it across the sand before sitting on it. At least I remembered to put on the sunblock before we left the house, less to worry about that way. Although Alex refused to put sunblock on. Alex decided to go down to the water just to test it out to see if it was too cold or not, and I stayed up on the beach sitting in the sun, tanning naturally. My eyes on Alex the whole time, I'm not paying attention to much, that is until my phone goes off, signaling a message. I open up the bag and find my phone, going into the message I've received.

"Huh?" I ask myself as I see that the message is from a number I don't recognize.

Then I go into the message itself and what I read creeps me out.

You'll soon be mine.

Creeped out, I delete the message and put my phone back into the bag. To get rid of the creepy feeling I just got, I stand up and take off the bottom cover up I had on and ditch my sunglasses, heading down to the water where Alex was. I come up with an idea and I sneak up behind him, waiting a few minutes as I'm right behind him before jumping on his back and tackling him into the water. We surface since we were pretty far out and I'm laughing as I see his face.

"Gotcha'." I giggle.

"You sneak."

"Love you too." I giggle again, before swimming away.

"Oh no you don't, get back here."

"Oh, I don't think so."


"Alex...." I mock.

"Don't make me come after you."

"Ooooh I'm scared."

He gives me a look before moving through the water at full speed at me. It was so sudden, I didn't have time to get away, before he grabbed my leg and pulled me towards him.



"You're not being fair."

"Well neither were you."

He lets me go as soon as I'm close to him, before opening up his arms for a hug.

"Come on..." He grins.

I shake my head and roll my eyes amusedly before swimming closer and wrapping my arms around him in a hug. Then before I know it, we're like floating in the water together, him being a personal floatie of course. Since we did pack a lunch, when we got tired of swimming for the moment, we went back up on the beach and sat on our towels and ate lunch.

"You know, you're so stubborn. Why don't you put sunblock on?"

"I'm a man, and we can deal with the sun."

"Okay then. Don't come crying to me when your back and everything hurts. You won't be able to hug me or anything if you have a sunburn."

"Awww really?"

"Yes really."

" fine...give me the sunblock."

I just grin and dig through my bag, grabbing the sunblock and giving it to him. Then my phone goes off again...another message. I'm almost afraid to look, but I do it anyway. I look at the screen and I breathe a sigh of relief since it was one of my best friends. I reply to the message before putting my phone back into the bag. Alex hands me back the can of sunblock.

"All set?"

"Yeah." He nods.

"Good." I say, taking the can back and putting it in the beach bag.

Throughout the whole day, we switched between going into the water and resting on the beach. I never got anymore creepy texts on my phone, which was a good thing. The sun had now started to set and we decided to stay until it sets completely before going home. Since we were all dried off and done for the day with the water, we got our dry clothes on and gathered our things, going up to the car. We put our things in the car before getting in ourselves, heading home. When we got home, we both took showers before changing and going back down into the living room. Alex grabbed the phone and ordered some food before joining me in the living room. We figured we'd order out and after we were done we'd head upstairs and go to bed. We only got one pizza and we shared it while we relaxed for a bit and watched TV. After we were both full, we stayed on the couch watching TV still and I could feel myself starting to fall asleep. I try to shake it off and not fall asleep, and I try to hide it, but Alex notices because my breathing changes every time I doze off.

"Alright, you're falling asleep. Let's head to bed Brooke."

"No, I'm alright, honest."

"'re falling asleep, I can tell. Off to bed with you. You head upstairs and I'll be there shortly okay?"

"....kay." I mumble, pulling from his arms and getting up from the couch.

I head upstairs while he cleans up the food and everything else, putting the leftover box of pizza in the fridge. He did whatever dishes there were in the sink before shutting the light off and then shutting everything off in the living room. He made sure to lock all the doors and close all the curtains before heading upstairs. When he gets upstairs, he finds me in bed already and I'm passed out. He smiles to himself before closing the bedroom door and climbing into bed next to me. He leans over and kisses my forehead before quietly saying goodnight, and he settles down in his spot before going off to sleep himself.