Killer Instincts

Dinner Date

It's the next day, and I was hoping on sleeping in this morning. It lasts for some time, until I feel a pressure on my lips. I open my eyes after a bit to see that Alex is kissing me. I close my eyes and start to kiss back, loving this wake up call. My arms then find their way around his neck and I relax into the kiss, pulling him a bit closer. Alex ends up hovering above me now, his hands wandering.

"Alex...." I say between kisses.

"Hmm?" He mumbles.

"This can'"

"I don't care." He says, starting to kiss me with more intensity.

My hands my their way to his hair and I tug lightly as my pulse and heartbeat quicken. I kiss back with just as much intensity, pulling myself closer as I can get. Then I turn the tables and I flip us over so that I'm on top of him now. I still continue with tugging on his hair, but give that a rest to run them over his shoulders, and down his sides. His hands rest on my back for a bit before making them wander. I make a few quiet noises, which are muffled by his lips since he's still kissing me. That's when I feel his fingers trail underneath the shirt that I wore to bed last night. I shiver at the skin to skin contact of his fingers to my back. But I pull away from his lips, leaning my forehead against his.

"My shirt....stays on..."

"Ohhh come on. We have to have a little fun this week. And I want to have that kind of fun."

"Makes me wonder what it is with you guys and the mornings."


"Oh ok, have on."

"Yesss." He cheers before pressing his lips back to mine.

Then he rolls us over again so that I'm under him again. His lips instantly find their way back to mine, and his hands rest on my sides. It doesn't take him too long to move his hands to the bottom of my shirt and play with the hem of it. As he starts to move it up a little bit, he pulls away from my lips and presses them to my neck. I stay calm for a while as he moves along my neck, but when he gets close to my sensitive spot, I lose it. I tilt my head to the side, close my eyes, and bite my lip as I feel him closing in on the spot. All he does is gently press his lips to it, and it makes me sigh quietly. Then he attacks the spot without warning me and a loud moan comes from me. He smirks against my neck and continues, which causes me to breath heavily and quieter moans come from me from time to time. Especially when he adds in the teeth with the nipping and biting at the skin. He keeps nipping and biting the skin as he moves away from my neck, before pressing his lips back to mine.

That's when my shirt gets lifted higher and I have to sit up while kissing him so that I can take off my shirt. We break the kiss as Alex helps pull the shirt over my head, before kissing every inch of skin he can reach. With every kiss, my heartbeat gets faster and so does my breathing. Since he already had his shirt off, half of my job was done. Basically after the kissing of every inch of skin he could get was done, the rest of both of our clothes came off and we got under the blankets. A few hours later I wake up, snuggled into Alex. I look up to see him looking back at me, watching me sleep.

"That was a great wake up call." I laugh lightly.

"Glad you thought so." He chuckles, leaning down and kissing me briefly.

He pulls me closer into his side after he pulls away and sighs. He runs his fingers lightly over my shoulders while I trace patterns on his chest.

"I love much." I mumble.

"I love you too."

"I suppose we should get up now right?"

"We could....if that's what you want to do."

"Normally I wouldn't but I actually want to this time."


"Oh hush...we have all day for you to be cuddly."

"And that's exactly what I'm gonna do." He smiles, before kissing me again.

Thank god I had a robe hanging up nearby, because I grabbed that and put that on once I got out of bed.

"You don't need to wear that you know."

"Oh I know how much you would love that, but I want to cover up while I'm finding clothes to wear."

"Awwww." He pouts.

"If I didn't wear the robe, we'd probably end up where we did when we woke up."

"And that's a bad thing?"


"Okay okay....wear the robe."

Then I go into our walk in closet, looking through clothes for possible outfits. Once I find one, I decide to just get dressed in the closet, once I go through the dresser drawers for my under things. Alex of course hasn't moved from the bed, watching me get dressed in the closet with a big grin on his face. I walk out of the closet after I was done to see him still staring.

"Alright get up and get dressed. I know you have to go to the gym to keep up your muscles and everything."

"Would you like to come with me?" He asks.

"Hmm as tempting as that sounds, I'll have to pass."

"Why? I love when my beautiful wife comes with me. You have to stay in shape yourself you know."

"Oh I know. That's why I usually take morning jogs."

"Come on....come with me."

"Well I am already in work out clothes basically......okay...I'll go."

"Yesss." He cheers.

"Dork...get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs."

"Kiss first."

"Never get enough of those do you?" I giggle, walking over to him.

"Nope." He smiles as I reach him.

Then when I lean down and kiss him, he grabs me and pulls me onto his lap, pulling me into a deep kiss.

"....come on.....get...dressed..." I say, breaking the kiss the best I can each time.

"" He replies.

".....Alex...please...we can do this later."

"Ruin my fun." He says, pulling from my lips.

"Love you too. Now I suggest you fix your....problem...down there and then get dressed. No round two." I giggle, moving from his lap and from his arms, heading out of the room.

I head down to the kitchen and start looking for something to eat for lunch because it's noontime now. I find something and make it, before sitting at the table and eating. Alex comes downstairs shortly after, since I heard the water running from upstairs not too long ago and he had taken a show to take care of his problem.

"How was the cold shower?" I giggle.

"Haha." He says dryly.

"Love you too. So any plans for today?"

"Well I do have to make a trip to the gym at least sometime today."

"Right of course." I nod.

"You're welcome to come with me."

"I know I am. Plus I don't think I really have a choice do I?"

"Nope. I want you to keep up with your gym visits too."

"Thought so. We can go now if you want. Just got to get my gym bag together, unlike you who has one packed already."

"Always prepared for when I'm on the road. Meet you in the car?" He asks.

"Yep." I nod, kissing him quickly.

We both head upstairs, Alex getting his gym bag and I get mine together. I head downstairs after him, grabbing a few waters out of the fridge and stuffing them into my bag. I then make sure I'm not missing anything and before I can even head out the door, my phone goes off. I touch the screen and again I see that I have a text, from the same number as yesterday.


I get confused, but shake it off, taking my phone and anything else before leaving the house and locking it behind me and getting into the car.

"What took you so long?" Alex asks.

"Oh nothing."

He shrugs it off before starting the car and pulling out of the driveway and heading off to the gym. We to separate locker rooms to drop off of our bags, before going off and doing our own thing. I start off on the treadmill as he goes into the weight room. Of course the weight room and the treadmills were near each other, so we could see each other. He knocked on the glass of the window to get my attention, and I looked up and smiled as I saw him him. Then he starting making these motions and rolled my eyes amusedly, focusing on my walking on the treadmill. That's basically the only thing I end up doing the whole time in the gym. Only because I'm not a Diva, I don't have to really lift weights or use a punching bag or anything. After about an hour at the gym, we head back to the locker rooms and shower before heading back home.

"You wanna go out tonight?" Alex asks after we settle in, once we walk inside.

"Go out how?"

"You know, dinner. We've stayed in for dinner ever since I came home."

"Yeah, I guess that's a good idea. Romantic night?"


"Looking forward to it. So...that means a dress and all that? Dressing up?"

"Uh huh."

"Good. I have the perfect thing to wear."

"Everything you wear is perfect." He smiles, tilting my face up by my chin so I'm looking at him.

I smile back before he leans down and kisses me softly. He pulls away, but I go in for one more, not having gotten enough just yet. I smiled when I pulled away, and then I headed upstairs. It was a nice day so I figured going outside and sitting by the pool was a good idea. So I headed upstairs and into the bedroom, searching through my drawers for a swim suit. I pick out a an animal print, light blue, push up halter top swim suit and head into the bathroom to change. I tie my hair up into a ponytail after getting changed, and I grab a coverup, putting that over the swimsuit. I grab the sunscreen and a towel and a few other things I may want to use poolside and then head out of the room and downstairs. Alex is of course watching a football game on TV. I head out the back door, out to the pool, setting my towel down on the ground next to the pool chair I sat on. I applied the sunscreen to the areas I could reach and I get comfortable, bathing in the sunlight. The sounds of the birds and nature all around was soothing. I was just about to doze off when I heard some rustling in the bushes/trees in the yard. I open my eyes and look around, wondering what the rustling was. I just shook it off, thinking it was a stray animal just roaming around the neighborhood. It's only a few minutes before I hear the rustling again and this time it's closer. I shoot up and look around frantically.

"Who's there?" I call out, but no response.

I start to get a little freaked out and grab my things, heading inside. I walk inside and close the sliding door, locking it and looking out the glass, seeing if there's anyone or anything outside. I don't realize that Alex is coming up behind me and when he puts his hands on my shoulders, I almost jump like 10 feet in the air.

"Whoa, calm down. It's just me."

" scared me."

"Brooke...what's wrong? I haven't seen you this freaked out before."

"I was tanning for a bit, relaxing by the pool and I heard some rustling outside in the bushes."


"That's what I thought, but it got closer to me."

"I'll go check it out." He says, unlocking the door and stepping outside.

He then walks around the pool area, searching all the bushes for signs of anything or anyone. After a bit he comes back in, not finding anything.

"Brooke there's nothing out there, must've been an animal."

"Maybe you're right...I'm sorry I just get paranoid sometimes."

"It's alright. We all get paranoid sometimes, nothing to be sorry for."

"Right. I'm gonna go take a nap."

"Alright. You want me to come with you?"

"No no, that's okay. You watch your football game, I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure." I nod. "Love you." I add, kissing him quickly before heading back up to the bedroom.

Once back in the bedroom, I change back into comfortable clothes, seeing as I never got to really enjoy the pool. After I was changed, I climb onto the bed and get comfortable, listening to the sounds of outside through the open window in the bedroom. It soon puts me to sleep, and I sleep for a pretty long time. Must've been longer than I expected because I was currently being woken up by Alex. I groan in protest.

"Brooke, come's 6 o'clock, time to go out to dinner."

"6 o'clock? Really? How long was I out?"

"Most of the day." He chuckles. "Guess you were really tired."

"Guess so."

"Come on, get up."

I sit up and stretch before sliding out of bed and going into the closet, picking out a dress to wear and I head into the bathroom and get changed, do my makeup and hair. I come back out to get my shoes on and I check myself in the mirror once to make sure everything looks perfect.

"Perfect." Alex says, coming up behind me and wrapping himself around me.

"As you always say." I smile.

"'Cause it's true."

I turn my head and kiss him briefly before pulling from his arms and grabbing the clutch that I had picked out and put my keys and such in it. Alex grabs a few things himself and we head out of the bedroom, down the stairs and outside to the car. He opens my door for me and I get in, buckling my seat belt. He shuts my door and goes around to the driver's side, getting in, buckling his seat belt and starting the car. We pull out of the driveway and we're off to a restaurant for dinner. When we arrive, it's a restaurant with a valet. The valet opens my door and helps me out while Alex gets out and then tosses the keys to the valet and we head inside, hand in hand. The setting is amazing, low light, candles on each table, faint music in the background. We're seated fairly quickly and we look over the menus for drinks and food. We order the drinks first, waiting for those as we talk amongst each other. The drinks don't take too long to get to the table, and when they do we order our food, that of course taking longer than the drinks because they need to cook it and prepare it and all that.

"We need more nights like this. I don't want you to leave the end of the week."

"I don't either, but I have a job to do Brooke."

"I know, I know. I just miss you too much."

"Well you possibly could come on the road with me for a few weeks if you want. A lot of the guys' girlfriends and wives come on the road for a bit."


"Uh huh, so do you?"

"Do I really need to answer that question?" I laugh, the food now arrive at the table.

"No, I suppose not." He chuckles and the food is set down in front of us.

We then start to eat the food, occasionally talking to each other, planning things for the rest of the week and when I go on the road with him for a few weeks. After dinner we order a dessert and we share that. After eating that, we hang around a bit before Alex pays the bill and we get up, heading outside to the valet, waiting for our car to come back. Alex stands behind me, with his arms wrapped around me, keeping me warm from the slight breeze in the air. We soon look and see the car pulling up to the curb and the valet gets out, tossing the keys to Alex. The valet, holds my door open for me and I get in, thanking him. Alex comes around to the driver's side and like always starts the car and then we head off towards home.

"Tonight was amazing, thank you." I smile.

"Anything for you, you deserve anything and everything."

"Which is one of the reasons why I married you. You spoil me, even though I don't need to be. And yes I know, you think I deserve it."

"You do, always and forever."

I smile and grab his free hand, lacing my fingers with his and watching the scenery as we drive along. The ride back seemed so much shorter than the ride to the restaurant, because we were soon home and parked in the driveway. We both get out and head inside, Alex unlocking the door. I instantly head upstairs, taking my shoes off along the way.

"I'll join you in a minute." He calls to me.

While I'm upstairs getting ready for bed, he shuts all the lights off and sets the security system, locking all the doors and windows, closing the shades before heading upstairs himself. I'm already in bed, waiting for him to come to bed himself. He changes, putting his clothes in the bin of dirty clothes with mine, before climbing into bed next me and turning off the light. He grabs me and pulls me into him, kissing the top of my head. We say our goodnights, before we both fall into a deep sleep.