This is a Rebel Love Song

Caught Red Handed

I held Bryan close to me. He kept whispering and mumbling things that I didn’t necessarily understand, but took into at least a small amount of concern.

I could hear the loud set of footsteps approaching closer and closer. We were about to be caught!

“Bryan, I know a way we can sneak out of here.” I whispered as he looked up into my eyes.
“How? There doesn’t seem to be anyway out!”

I pointed to a window at the back of the room. “There. That’s how we’ll get out.”

“We can’t squeeze through that!” Monte argued quietly.

“Bryan, if I can touch you in the most inappropriate ways within 10 seconds, of course we can squeeze through that window and make a run for it.” I smirked.

Bryan’s face became red hot. “F-Fine, we’ll do it your way.”

I smirked once again, grasping his wrist and tip-toed sprinted to the end of the room. “Okay, you’ll go first!” I declared, propping open the window and unlocking it. Bryan, with help from myself, was able to bring the window up so that there was enough space for, at least myself to get through, since I was clearly a little taller and weighed a bit more than he did.

“Just a little higher!” Bryan gasped, holding onto the ledge of the window sill. I grasped his thighs so he would have a better chance of getting out.

“Once you’re on the other side, I’ll try to get out by myself!” I declared, shoving Bryan’s legs off of my shoulders, hoping he had successfully made it to the other side without getting harmed. There was silence.

“Bryan?” I asked cautiously.

“Y-Yeah?” He whispered back.

I didn’t make a response to his question, but instead, tried to lift myself to the sill of the window. With no luck, I tried to jump. No luck again.

Just then, I heard the doorknob that to turn.

Taking in a sharp breath, I try to lift myself, once again, onto the window sill. I ended up falling face first to the floor, earning myself a broken nose.

“God Damnit.” I muttered, but whipped my head up to see Craig standing in the doorway of the room.

I waved my middle finger in the air as Craig scowled at me. “What the hell are you doing?” he snapped. I glanced around, making sure there was no sign on Bryan anywhere.
“…Nothing.” I smoothly lied.

Craig gave me one of those cut-the-shit looks. “Really now? I just came by the studio to make sure my microphone was in check for tomorrow’s rehearsal, and just happened to see your car in the parking lot. You wouldn’t ever come here alone, so who are you with Max?”

I silently wished that Bryan wouldn’t make a sound. I don’t need Craig to think he needs to watch us like a hawk every 5 seconds. Just then, a sound was heard. “Max?” It was Bryan.
Craig’s eyes widened. “Max, come on, I’ll help y-oh hello Craig!” Bryan’s head popped out from the other side of the window sill, as he had his arms outstretched for my own, elbows resting against the window sill itself. We were so busted.

“Okay, explain?” Craig was fuming.

I, without really thinking, I grasped both of my hands into Bryan’s, as he pulled me up and over the window sill, making sure Craig wouldn’t try to latch onto my ankle or something. “Come on!” Bryan shrieked, now grasping my hand as we ran off from the recording studio.

We ended up tracing our steps back to the parking lot quickly and fast paced, making sure Craig wouldn’t spot us again. Bryan took over the driver’s seat, bringing the engine to life and speeding out of the parking lot.

Once on an empty road, I finally spoke. “Where in the world are we going?”

“You’ll see.” I saw Bryan smirk.

After a few minutes of silence, I screamed frantically, “STOP THE CAR!”