Status: Just started!


Chapter One

Sirens went off, in the near distance from my home, and I saw a pair of headlights on a white SUV pull into my snow-covered driveway. And there I was, on the porch. Stuck in the clothes dad forced me to wear. A pair of light denim shorts that came halfway up my butt, a pink spaghetti strap, and he dyed my hair bleach blond. Since it was never washed, it was long and greasy, the smell of dad hung onto it, the ends and roots were frazzled, from being pulled countless times. My makeup had ran down my face, I used the darkest shade of mascara I could find, and black eyeshadow. Well, that's what dad put on my face. Along with an orange colored foundation, and deep, blood red lipstick. My lips were chapped and scarred, from being bitten, burned, dad attempting to pull them off, and various pains.

The man in the white SUV pulled to a halt, stepping out of the car, and walking towards me, quickly, and a concerned look slowly developed in in his green-blue yes. Maybe he saw my scars and bruises, the condition of our shack-like house. It could have been anything. Maybe it was my ugliness, my fatness, or whatever. I was just terrified at all the cops that were there, as they arrested my father. Maybe that's what the man heard, my father yelling at me, telling me he would come back, and rape me, and abuse me, and calling me a slut. Useless, worthless, and telling me that I need to kill myself, and the list went on and on.

I screamed, and collapsed, laying down on the wooden porch, as my entire body trembled, and I couldn't properly breathe, between the screams, and sobs. I covered my ears, and he screamed louder at me.

“I'm going to fucking find you, and kill you, you dirty slut!!! You'll never forget me, I'll always be inside of you. In your dreams, at school, at home, everywhere.” he yelled.

Before anything else, I felt a strong pair of arms around me, it was the man in the car from a few seconds ago. He pulled me close to him, and covered my ears, his hands over mine, and stroked my back gently, in an attempt to soothe me. I was still trembling, as he cradled me, like a baby almost. I just kept my face buried in his chest, sobbing, and screaming, doing whatever I could do, to just block out dad's screams.

It went on like that, until I heard the sirens again, Dad's screams were gone, and they were leaving. Finally. My body shook, and I sniffled.

“Leah. Leah. Leah. Are you alright? Oh my God, are you okay?” he asked me, frantically.

I shook my head in response. How was I going to be okay? Did he have any clue what has been happening to me for the past twelve years? And the last time was about fifteen minutes ago? Did he know what the fuck I was going through? How the hell did he know I exist?

He removed his jacket, a heavy black parka, with fur inside it around me, and held me closer, almost if he was cuddling me. I wrapped my arms back around him. I just held onto him. As tight as possible. As if I let go, everything would end.

“Help..” I whispered into his chest.

“You're okay. I'm here now. I'm going to keep you safe. I promise everything will be okay.” he reassured to me.

“Thank you so much...thank you. I've never been told that..I've just always wanted to hear it...I haven't been covered up, or warm in twelve years. Just thank you so much. You just saved my life.”I told him.

“You're welcome, sweetheart...we need to get you home. We have to leave, now. We have to get you out.”

I remember, after that being lifted off, and put in the passenger seat of his car, my mind just went blank. I didn't remember much, but the seats felt like velvet. Unlike anything else. A fresh aroma of cinnamon filled my nose, and after that I fell, and everything just went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this chapter is actually my writing. Yeah, it sucks, I know. And it's short. But, I'm going to try and make it better.

Remember, I did NOT write the summary, it is NOT mine, if you want to credit someone, send Heather something! She's the genius who wrote it! (: