The Way of an Exorcist

Chapter 2

Humming, I skipped down the hallway, not caring that I was late. I had a reason just not the best one. Besides, what's the worse Yukio-sensei could do?

I stopped when I reached the door and took a deep breath. Slamming it open, I grinned at Yukio and waved. "Yo," I greeted, walking in the classroom and closing the door behind me.

He adjusted his glasses and frowned at me. "You're late, Fujika-san," he stated obviously. I shrugged, seating myself in the back, next to a teen male with pink hair.

"I know. My alarm clock didn't wake me up like it was supposed to," I sighed, leaning back in my seat.

"Fujika-san, it's an alarm clock. It's supposed to wake you up."

"But it didn't. That's why I was late"

"Tch," the guy I had sat behind of scoffed. He had multiple piercings on his ears and shot black hair with a large blonde streak running down the middle of it.

"What's your problem?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He turned around, causing me sit up right. I melded my hands together and leaned my head on the flat surface, listening attentively.

"My problem? What's your problem? Coming in late at the first day; it's like you don't even care!" he growled at me. I rolled my eyes at him, a tiny smirk making it's way to my lips.

"Because I don't. If you think about it, my parents forced me into becoming an exorcist; it's not something I chose to do," I stated.

"Then drop out!"

"But if you look at it this way, if I wasn't serious then I wouldn't be in this school. Oh, and if you're comparing me to you, then I would be caught dead than to not listen to the teacher and instead talk to some girl. Yeah, you're so serious," I said, voice dripping with sarcasm. I knew my logic had gotten to him because he grumbled something intelligibly and turned around.

I heaved a sigh, hearing a faint chuckle emit from the redhead's lips. I turned my head and asked, "What's so funny?"

He paused and stared back at me. "You are," he grinned.

I exhaled through my nose and grinned back at him.

"Your mom."
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to end it like that.

And you know I had to.