The Way of an Exorcist

Chapter 20

I looked down at my shoes. God, how I hated the uniform. Mephistopheles wass such a pervert, forcing the girl student staff to wear such mini skirts. I sighed before wrapping the tie around my neck loosely, too distracted to care about the itchy fabric.

As I finished, my stomach growled. I was hungry. I looked at the obento box before getting up from the edge of the bed to go towards my desk and eat it. I didn't want ants attracted in my room so I got up and grabbed it before walking out of the room and towards outside. I knew I should've been resting but what was the point in staying it when all my germs were floating around? No, I should go out for some fresh air.

I walked slowly out of the wing, getting a few looks here and there.

I felt like shit. No, I felt dead and I probably looked dead. I looked at my reflection in the window. I was pale, and dark circles were around my eyes. I sighed before trudging on. I hated being sick; I felt weak, defenseless. Plus, I was so limited to doing only such things, I felt confined.


I turned around to see Shima with Bon and the timid guy I was told was Konekomaru. "Woah, you look like shit," Bon commented casually. I snorted, leaning on my left leg.

"Thanks, I feel like it too. Now I know what it's like to be you for a day," I replied nonchalantly.


"Just kidding. Gee, loosen up, Bon."

He grumbled something intelligibly before walking past me with his hands in his pockets. I turned back to Shima and Konekomaru and said sarcastically, "Yeah, he's really warming up to me."