The Way of an Exorcist

Chapter 5

"It's not like I fail this class or in any other class. I get better scores than Mr. Rebel in the back." I mumbled, directing my comment to the guy with black hair and blonde streaks going down the middle; Ryuji.

I'm sure he heard me, since he scoffed at me.

"Saki! since you want to talk so much, tell me and the class what a Naberius is." Yukio demanded me.

I sighed heavily as I stood up from my seat.

"A Naberius is a mid level demon. It is kin of Astath and King of Rot. It's a demon the ancients made by cobbling together multiple Ghouls for use in fighting against other demons. Making these Naberius demons are forbidden and the technique was sealed away."

I crossed my arms against my chest as a delightful smirk curve its way up to my lips.

"Anything else?" I asked him.

"What's a Ghoul?" He asked me.

"A Ghoul is a low level demon that is also kin of Astaroth and King of Rot. This demon mainly appears in countries like America, where it's customary to bury those who passed away because it possesses corpses. Come at me Yukio-sensei!" I challenged him.

He kept a straight expression on his face as he pushed up his glasses again, adjusting them.

I guess he accepted my challenge.

"What's the name of the low to high level demons that possess animals and serve as Shinshi? (1) They coexist with humans. They were originally popular in Japan as guardian deities of foods and agriculture. The older ones are intelligent and can understand human language. They would enter into agreements with people. As long as the agreement is kept, they bring benefit, but otherwise they may inflict harm."

"They are called Byakko." I answered him.

"What are Bariyons?" He asked me.

"They are low level demons that possess rocks and boulders. They are motionless and make nonsensical sounds. they are harmless, but if you hold you, its gets heavy and weighs you down."

"They can generate ultrasonic waves."

"Reapers...." I simply answered him.

"They possess earthen."


"They are often characterized by emotion."


Yukio then turned around and faced the board.

"Good job Kimura-san. Keep up this good effort and you'll become and excellent Knight and Dragoon." He complimented me.

My lips curved upwards into a warm smile.

"Arigato!" I thanked him and sat back down in my seat.
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Shinshi are messengers to gods indigenous to Japan.