The Way of an Exorcist

Chapter 6

I raised my hand, saying out my teacher's name to gain his attention. "Yukio-sensei! Yukio-sensei!" I called out. He turned around from the board and stared at me.

"Yes, Fujika-san?"

"I need to go take a whizz!" I stated blandly, crossing my legs to emphasize my statement. He sighed, muttering something inaudibly under his breath.

"Then go, Fujika-san. And hurry back. Class will be over soon."

I nodded, getting up and rushing out the door. I hummed to myself before skipping like I had previously done. Of course, I didn't have to go to the bathroom, but I'd do anything to skip class. It wasn't as if I was failing; no, I maintained good grades, I just couldn't handle being stuck in such a boring class.


As I arrived back in the classroom, I saw them getting ready to leave. "Yo, Yukio-sensei, I'm back!" I grinned, pretending to dry my hands on the uniform skirt. I loathed the uniform with a burning passion. The stripped tie was the article of clothing I disliked the most; I hated wearing that thing around my neck. Improvising, I wrapped it around my arm.

Needless to say, I didn't have to deal with the material suffocating me.

He nodded in acknowledgment, placing a stack of papers in his briefcase.

I stayed after class for a few minutes like some of the other students had done to talk to our classmates and get to know each other. "Hey, dickface," I greeted to the 'rebel' with a wave of my hand. He growled before yelling at me.


I waved him off. "Kidding. Loosen up, dude. Get a joke or two," I grinned slyly.


"B-Bon, calm down!" a timid looking, short teenager soothed. I looked behind his shoulder and hummed.

"Who's that? Your wife?" I asked, nonchalantly.


I ended up laughing, hard. "Dude, chill! I mean no harm!" I winked with a grin.
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I totally wrote this while watching Extreme Make Over Home Edition.