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Love is the Sweetest Poision

Angels with Even Filthier Souls

The shore stood by my body as I rested on the sand.
The water pulled my body close,
But my mind away.
“Why do we like to hurt?”
A voice freed itself from my lips.
No response.
The waves only grew as the night set in further.
No words could describe what I felt,
But the waves pulled me in.
My eyes blackened as my eyelids dropped.
The cold water burned against my flesh as my body wandered in
My eyes unlocked from their trance.
A wave three-times my size stared me in the face…

“BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!” A groan of defeat escaped me.
Monday morning was back to bite me in the ass.
I grabbed a stuffed animal
And chucked it at the annoying noise.
I heard it crash against the floor.
Now I'm gonna need a new alarm clock.
I pulled the black covers on my head;
Back into the blackness of night.
“Get the hell up!
“You’re gonna make me late!”
Of course,
The royal bitch would already screw up
My first day of the new semester.
New York City Performing Arts Academy.
I'm stuck in a boarding school for performing arts and models.
Yeah, I'm a model.
Get over it.

I stuffed my toothbrush in my mouth
And tried to brush through the clumps in my hair.
Before I forget to mention.
My hair is ocean blue,
My eyes, gray…
My hair looks turquoise and eyes are gray,
a hint of violet in the summer.
Midnight blue and icy silver in the winter.
Yeah, I'm kind-of a freak of nature.
I finished fixing my hair until it finally stood the way I wanted it to.
Straight down.
It’s was too early to tease it.
I don’t care enough to change.
I stuffed my last things into my bags and almost flew down the stairs.
I wish I could fly.
My mom’s blonde hair swept behind her Cruela De Vil back.
Her lip snickered up.
“What the hell are you wearing?”
FYI my mom doesn’t approve of pajamas,
Unless I'm wearing lingerie or it’s a shoot.
Yeah, it’s that bad.
“They’re called pajamas.”
“You have clothes, put some on.”
It’s one in the freaking morning.
“Open your eyes darling,
“I am wearing some.”
She opened her mouth to say something…
The taxi honked outside.
If looks could kill…
I’d be six feet under.
“You’re so damn lucky I don’t wanna be late.”
“Whatever bitch,”
I said under my breath.
She heard it.
My cheek stung red like red ants.
What a bitch!
“Get the hell in the taxi!”
I did as I was told.
Something else I forgot to say.
Remember how I told you I'm a model?
Well my mom’s my manager.
Yippee for me!
Note sarcasm.

I carried my stuff into the yellow car
And sat in the back.
My mom went to her limo.
Mother thinks she’s the queen of England.
And treats me like Cinderella.
Too bad this isn’t a fairy tale.

I'm headed to the city of lights, New York.
She’s gonna hoe around in China, then Italy, and France.
I would whine,
But right now,
Anything’s better than following the Ice Queen.

The airport was alone.
A man dressed in a black and white uniform
Around his mid-forties grabbed my bags.
“Follow me.”
I’d rather get lost.
But Victoria would kick my ass.
She really is the cherry on top of a sundae.
Yeah, if the cherry was rotten
And the sundae was poison.
According to her Evilness,
I'm not her daughter.
I think that’s the nicest thing she’s ever called me.

I sat in the white leather seats and bent it all the way backwards.
First class, gotta love it.
I blasted my earphones.
Looks like I'm the only one on the plane headed to NY.
The first stop is in Cali.
I stared outside and watched the plane pull off the ground.
I’ll be back in about four months.
I got bored with staring at the ocean,
I mean it’s all blue,
It doesn’t change much.
I ended up looking at some of the weird travel magazines.
Kind-of random here…
I don’t understand the point of paparazzi.
We have a right to privacy right?
And are people really bored with their lives
That they have to spend all their time
Worrying about someone else’s life
Who has nothing to do with their own?
I'm not just talking about the paparazzi,
I'm talking about the people who read them too.
There’s nothing interesting about who’s with who
Who’s pregnant
Who’s secret got out.
Who did something stupid and embarrassing.
It’s their lives not ours,
Why should it matter so much?
“This is our first stop in Stockton California.
“The flight to New York will return in half an hour.”
Time to get my lazy ass off this plane!
I walked around and found a Starbucks.
Thank you God!
I ordered my usual,
A Caramel Frappuccino,
Nonfat milk
No whipped cream.
Just to give me a little wake up call.
I'm not some caffeine freak
But a little caffeine here and there doesn’t kill anyone.
“Flight 367 to New York is now boarding.”
Whoops, there’s my flight.
I showed the woman in the blue and white uniform my return ticket
And boarded the plane.

I walked in and went back to my seat.
First class was still empty.
I spoke too soon.
A tall boy with long black hair walked in.
Pale skin.
Angelic blue eyes to leave any girl worshiping the floor he walked on.
Any girl except me.
I rolled my eyes.
Of all the empty seats,
He looks at the one right next to me.
I propped my legs on the seat next to me.
Me a bitch?
I just don’t take shit from anyone.
Especially not boys.
You know what made this moment sweeter?
He took the two seats across the aisle from me.
“This is Christian your captain.
“We will be taking off shortly.”

My hair is like a magnet.
Everyone that walked in looked at me like if I was an alien.
Thank you.
But I have nothing to be thankful for.
My life is hell.
My mom isn’t even a mom to me.
I don’t have a dad because he thought it would be nicer to have a life away from me.
Oh boo-hoo.
Oh well.

I looked up at the boy.
He held a pamphlet to The New York City Academy of Performing Arts.
Are you freaking serious?
That officially made my morning,
Don’t forget the slap that woke me up.
I rolled my eyes and put my sunglasses on.
I know I'm indoors.
I didn’t ask for your opinion.

I closed my eyes.
They can wake me up when this flight is over.

The voice was back,
“This is your captain speaking again.
“It’s Six AM and welcome to New York.”
Sleeping in a plane for four hours isn’t what I would really call sleep.
I'm more used to the bed in my room.
Kudos to Victoria.

Cocky and conceited?
Do I have a nice body?
Well I can’t complain.
Except for the fact that Victoria makes me throw up everything I eat.
Or not eat at all.
It’s life.
Suck it up.

I walked around the airport looking for a man with my name.
Oh forgive me;
I haven’t even introduced myself.
Where are my manners?
The name is Starlet Blue Sage.
They call me Star for short.
StarBurnsBlue for my model name.
Ironic how my middle name is Blue, huh?
I like it.
If you don’t…well too bad for you.

I saw a white poster with my name in black cursive.
He saw my blue hair.
He was annoyed already,
Especially with the fact I'm only sixteen.
Talk about feeling the love.
“Good morning Miss Sage.”
I said nothing.
He sighed,
“Right this way Ma’am.”
I thought it was gonna be another taxi.
For once,
Cruela shared the money I make.
Makes perfect sense, right?

The woman in green stood across the pond
As we were crossing over the Manhattan Bridge.
I sighed as we passed the annoyance of the city life.
A castle looking building stood in the center of a population of trees.
Home Sweet Home.

The limo dropped me off and I pulled my bags with me.
I was just about to pull my hair out when I saw blonde everywhere.
This should be fun.
I went to the Admissions Office to find my dorm key.

The building was crowded of people talking and hugging.
They act as if they’re never going to see each other again.
I walked all the way to the third floor.
Room 13.
Aren’t I lucky?
The best and most famous models and performers were set on the third floor.
Don’t I feel special?

I wrote my name in blue Expo pen on the whiteboard on the door.
I stuffed the key into the door and my day officially made my top 10…worst.
Two beds.
Hell no!
I asked for no roommate this year.
I groaned and dumped my stuff on the floor.
My pictures were on one of the walls with a black and blue bed.
The walls were white with a few poke-a-dots of different blues.
The ceiling was black.
It’s okay.
But I'm not gonna complain.
I think it’s pointless.
Jumped on my bed not caring of how nicely it was made.
Oh well, I'm gonna sleep on it anyways.
Why not mess it up now?

Hey, the name’s Jayke.
I'm going to modeling school.
I think we can all agree that’s weird.
Everyone except my parents.
They think I'm in Military Camp.
Well enough about the boring stuffs.
Walking in the hallways is pretty funny.
Same reactions as everyone else.
Let me explain.
I'm hot.
I know it.
And girls for sure know it.
Let’s just say I use it to my advantage.
Since when is it illegal to flaunt?
That’s right, it’s not.
And even if it was,
I wouldn’t care.
Rules are made for breaking, right?

I walked over the dorm.
Why would they make a new student go on the third floor?
Doesn’t make much sense.
Oh well.
Dorm 13.
Talk about unlucky.
I saw a name on the door already.
Looks like the roomy’s here.
I knocked on the door.

I heard a knock on the door.
Looks like the roommate’s here.
I'm not too thrilled about this.
A boy walked in.
What the fuck?
Why is roommate a guy?
Luck officially hates me.
Wait, it gets better.
It was the same guy from the plane.
Could this day get any worse?
I dropped my head on my bed covering it with my pillows.
I could scream and cry and whine and throw a tantrum.
But what good would that do me?
I grabbed my iPod making the music go as high as it could.
I really do not want to talk to him.

Well, well, well.
Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.
I mean,
Hey I'm stuck in the same room as a girl for a whole year,
Who can argue with that?
But get this,
It’s the same chick I saw on the plane,
And let me tell ya’,
She’s the hottest chick on the campus.
Score one for Jayke.

She didn’t even turn to look at me.
She just turned around and ignored me.
Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed much.
Oh well,
She’ll ease up sooner or later,
They all do.

I grabbed my bags and started emptying them into the drawers and my closet.
He sat there staring at me.
Smirking at me.
I looked at what I held in my hands.
My bra.
Don’t hate me ‘cause I'm beautiful
But according to school reviews I have the best body here.
Everybody calls my 36DD cleavage and my hourglass shape a blessing.
Well considering I'm only 5’ 6’’.
It’s a whatever’s thing.

I tormented the boy.
Victoria strictly only lets me wear lingerie as undergarments
Not to mention I'm going to have to throw away my pajamas that I'm wearing right now.
I pulled each laced bra and panty out and made sure he saw.
Call me a tease.

Here’s a hint.
I don’t talk much.
I don’t take any bull from anyone.
I don’t do emotions.
I don’t mess around with guys.
Never had a boyfriend,
Don’t plan on one anytime soon.
Maybe that will help you understand me better…
…Maybe not.

I stuffed the rest of my belongings
And jumped on my bed with my bear beside me.
Yes, I have a bear I sleep with.
Have a problem with it?
Didn’t think so.

This is gonna be a long day.
I stared at the ceiling as the boy unpacked and kept looking at me.
“Good Afternoon, students.
“This is Shirley Fuentes your Dean
“And welcome to New York City Academy of Performing Arts.
“Please join us in the Main Building for an assembly at one in the afternoon.
“That will be all.”
Now I have a boring assembly to go.
Should I be exited?
Either way I'm not.
I pulled out my laptop and sat on my silver desk.
I have absolutely nothing to do now.
I looked at my iPod.
I walked out the room.
“Hey Cutie,
“Are you going to the assembly?”
He called out to me.
I rolled my eyes.
I walked out without turning around.
This should be so much fun…

In the hallways,
I could already hear the whispers coming from all the girls.
Pretty much about how he’s so hot.
How they all wanna ‘get with him’.
Some about how he is in bed?
I think it’s so funny how some girls spend so much time drooling over someone,
Especially when there’s no way in hell they’ll end up together.
It’s their own personal hell.
Speaking of hell…
Rosalie the Queen Bitch came ‘strutting’ down the hallways.
I laughed.
She looked like a man when she tried to look sexy.
The girl could not walk on heels to save her life.
I'm not being mean,
It’s the truth.
Truth Hurts.
She stopped to look at me.
Her overly glossed lips pulled up into a snicker.
They look like they’ve been dumped in a batch of oil.
“Oh, If you look at that,
“Looks like blueberry’s back.”
Her posse laughed and stopped at the same time she did.
“Nice to see you actually passed last year Rat.”
My voice was light and playful,
Minus the razor sharp edge to my voice.
I love having the innocent illusion.
It’s a fun game.
I never lose.
“I have a name ya’know.”
She was never good at hiding when she was hurt.
“Does it look like I care?”
My voice could kill.
I walked away before she had a chance to say anything.
The boy kept following after me.
He seemed like a lost puppy.
Well he was.

I walked into the assembly room taking my usual place all the way in the back.
Ms. Fuentes stood on stage,
“Okay I want everyone with a roommate to sit beside them.”
She waited until everyone sat down and shut up.
I don’t waste time sugar coating things.
I find it pointless.
“Now that everyone settled down,
“I want everyone paying attention.
“I better not find out anyone is listening to their iPod during this assembly
“…That means you StarBurnsBlue.”
I pulled my earphones out.
“Nice to see you remember me Shirley.”
Almost everyone turned and looked everywhere in the room for me.
I mean come on,
It’s not that hard to find someone with blue hair,
Is it?
“How could I forget one of our top performers and models?”
I saw Rosalie’s face drop.
“Speaking of top models,
“I wanted to talk about the roommate situation.
“As everyone knows,
“The students on the third floor are our top models,
“And they know they have roommates.
“The arrangements have been set so every new model has a mentor.”
Many people made comments and asked questions.
“Okay, in other words,
I have the new students
“Paired up with our best returnees so they can learn from the best.
“I paired you up with who I thought best suited you,
“And I know your rooms are white
“Because during time you will be decorating your rooms with what represents you
“As well as your best photographs.
“Your roommate will also be your partner for your shoots.
“Everyone will have shoots twice every two months.”
No way.
“I want everyone up on this stage so they can introduce themselves by dorm numbers.”
“After, you can pick up your portfolios and class schedules.
“Classes begin tomorrow at eight-thirty.
“You have enough time to walk around the campus
“So I don’t want to hear any excuses to why you were late.
“Curfew is at ten.
“That is all, and again, welcome to New York City Academy of Performing Arts.”
People began to line up.
Me and my…umm roommate stood out a lot.
We joined the line.

We went up on stage.
He talked into the microphone.
He had two stud piercings on his lips.
Snake bites.
Wow, I’ve never seen a guy with snake bites around here.
That’s hot.
…Did I just say that?
Not good.
Let’s all pretend you didn’t hear that.
My turn.
I walked up to the stage.
“Lots of people here know me round here.
“If you don’t, the name’s Starlet Blue Sage.
“Call me StarBurnsBlue.”
I smiled.
I'm not even sure.
Oh well.
The lads seemed to like it as a lot of them flushed.
Including the boy next to me.
I never learned his name.
I’ll do that later.

I walked out and went to pick up my schedule.
My portfolio was partially full as I still had my pictures from my past years.
First Hour: Ballet.
Yeah I dance.
No one knows.
You should feel special;
I just told you a secret.
The school has six top dancers.
Two are ballet.
I haven’t met the male ballet dancer.
It’s not funny.
I think guys that do ballet actually have balls unlike the football team.
Two are flamingo dancers.
The last two are tango dancers.
Second Hour: Math
Third Hour: Study Hall
Fourth Hour: English
Fifth Hour: History
Sixth Hour: Marine Biology
Yeah I'm not really what you’d call a girly girl.
Ballet doesn’t count.
Maybe with all these sports
I might be able to eat something without having to puke it back out.

I walked back to my dorm and left my schedule on my desk.
I think we’re getting our books tomorrow.
I walked back out.

The sun was setting already as I took a walk into the woods.
Nothing scary there,
Well besides a few wolves at night.
And bears.
Oh well.
I guess you can say I'm not scared of anything.
The moon was crescent with a star in the center.
Just like my tattoo on my left hip.
Don’t ask.

I walked back to my room.
It was only ten.
I grabbed my clothes and walked into the shower.
The warm water felt nice on my body.
I didn’t feel trapped anymore.
I could finally relax.
Except for the fact,
I had ballet practice at six in the morning.
I walked out and I felt the warm air rush at me like a swarm of bees.
I pulled on my laced tank and my black and white shorts.
I towel-dried my hair,
And spread lotion over my pale skin.

He sat with his back leaning against the wall.
His eyes set on his wrist.
It bled.
He looked up at me,
Finally realizing I stepped out of the washroom.
He didn’t even bother to hide them because he knew I already saw.
I’d never seen ice blue eyes more innocent than now.
They looked right at me as if they stared right into my soul.
I pulled my eyes to the ground.
“Please don’t tell anyone.”
He pleaded.
“Not a soul.”
I always keep my word.
I walked to my bed.
As if I was trapped in my own fantasy world.
I wish.
“What’s your name kid?”
He looked up at me.
His wrist still bled.
“Jayke Scarlet.
“But they call me JaykeScar.”
“Ironic much?”
He looked up at me.
“You’re the one to talk,
I pulled out my first aid kit.
I threw a roll of bandages and a wristband to him.
He raised an eyebrow.
“Unless you wanna show the whole school your secret,
“I suggest you keep those on.”
He nodded.
What am I supposed to say to that?
No one’s ever told me ‘thanks’.
Awww, what a pity.
I flicked the light switch by my bedside before he had a chance to say anything.