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Silence is a Girl's Loudest Cry


It was somewhere past midnight when I decided to return inside. I do wish I was not so easily influenced by my weakness, but it does not damage my life in any way so I will stop the thoughts here. The night skies of late May are always some of my best, despite the smog that collects in the Los Angeles County, my home, hidden in the hills make the stars most visible. The night is one of my strongest weaknesses; I love the full and crescent moon, I stay awake until I see the morning star disappear. I have always found it interesting how the night sky tends to pull me away from reality, from everyday life. I do not need to fret of annoying noises, of the heat of day, just the night and I. It is my second best escape right now, that and music. I thank music for being there when no one else was, but music has the tendency to choose sides at times. Night does not. It does not speak, nor lead you to any direction; it just listens and comforts.

I walked back inside, sliding the glass door close. This is what I do most Saturday mornings; what more can I do when no one else is wake? I walked into the living room, watching the moonshine hit places and making them gleam; it was full moon out tonight. I crept slowly through the house; minding my every step because of the klutz that flows in my blood. I heard keys clattering and someone fussing with the doorknob. Instantly I fell back by the side of my sofa, I could feel the blood pulsate in my palms as I my heart screamed, regardless of how I pathetically tried to make it hush. I grabbed my aluminum bat from under the couch and called for my inner ninja

The door crept open as I watched the shadowy figure of a man step in, looking left and right before he took any more steps; that is when I stood up with the bat tightly gripped in my hand. “Amy? Amy is that you?”

My heart hit a silent moment until it beat right in my ears. “H-how do you know m-my n-name?” I did my best to keep my voice strong, luckily in the dark the stranger could not see my hands tremble.

“Amy, it’s me, dad.” Without lowering the bat, my eyes came to recognize the shadow. It was him.

Lowering the bat, I walked back to the couch; I can’t believe I almost beat my dad with a bat just because I thought he was a creeper. Wait—what the hell’s he doing out so damn late? I thought he was back up stairs with mom. As if the last piece of a puzzle completed the picture, my thoughts also did so.

“You were out cheating on mom again, weren’t you?” I could feel my blood boil as the seconds passed whilst he failed to respond. “Weren’t you!” The palm of his hand taped my lips shut. I narrowed my eyes at him and reached for his palm, digging my nails into his skin until I felt a familiar warmth edge down my fingertips. His hand retreated with a sharp hiss escaping his lips.

“What the hell is your problem?” I heard the edge in his voice. My father is not the man to anger, not in any circumstance, but at this moment, I found no reason to care at all.

“Ask yourself that damn question!” The words escaped before I had time to realize my mistake. I reached forward, grasping my cheek as if somehow that would make the stinging feel erase with magic.

“You know better than to use that language with me! And you will not speak of this to your mother or anyone else, now go up stairs and shut up.” My breathing was furious and I could feel the tears prick my eyes and blur my vision as I made my way upstairs.

I close my door shut, my back sliding against the back of my door; letting tears escape their prison. How could he? He said he was done with cheating. I guess it’s right how they say people never change. Am I stupid for thinking he’d actually stay true to my mom? I wanna tell mom, but I know he wouldn’t have that. If he doesn’t kill me in the process, then he’ll kill my mom, if not emotionally, physically. I can’t let my mom go through that; she doesn’t deserve that, and he doesn’t deserve her.

I had a chance to see the glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling before my vision hit black.