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I'd Walk Through Barbwire for You, Just to Be With You

The Start of Something Big

Fumbling with the keys in my hand, I sat on the concrete ground waiting for Ryan to finish with track practice. Practice had finished but he had to shower and clean up. I heard footsteps coming and saw him round the corner. I sighed and stood up. His hand came down to pull me up. I took it and we made our way towards his beaten up pick up. Sliding in, he drove down the road, “sorry it took so long after practice. Coach had a few words with us.”

I nodded, “it’s alright. I just was thinking.”

“Oh yeah about what?” he asked glancing over.

“Us,” I said looking out the window.

“You do that a lot, don’t you?” he asked reaching over to grab my hand.

“Yeah, I do,” I sighed.

“What you been thinking about?” he asked.

“Future,” I said pulling my legs up to the side next to me on the seat.

“Oh yeah,” he said nodding.

“We graduate this year and then you are going to take the world on with your racing,” I sighed. “And me, what am I going to do?”

“Follow me?” he asked smiling.

“And do what Ryan?” I asked unsure.

“I don’t know, you’ll think of something,” he said softly.

I sighed, “I want a future Ryan. I want to be happy and have kids within the next four years.”

“That soon Calyn?” he asked me.

“Yes, married and happy. I want to be a young happy mom,” I said sighing. “I want to be able to chase my kids.”

“I know I do too,” he said. “But within the next four years Calyn?”

I looked at him, “yes within the next four years. So if you want that with me step up to it.”

“Calyn, we’re still in high school,” he said shaking his head.

“Yes and we’re already expecting our first child,” I flat out told him.

“What?” he asked coming to a stop in front of his place.

“Yes, Ryan it’s time to start thinking about this stuff,” I said sighing.

“Calyn this is all so sudden,” he said looking at me.

“And you think it isn’t for me?” I asked getting aggravated.

“This is just so shocking. I don’t know what to say,” he said shrugging.

“I don’t know maybe you could start with, don’t worry babe I’ll be there for you,” I said sighing.

“I will be,” he sighed. “How far are you?”

“Two months,” I said biting my nail.

“How long have you known?” he asked.

“About two days now,” I said.

He sighed and leaned his head back on the headrest, “so we’re going to have a baby huh?”

“Yeah in seven months,” I said sighing.

He grabbed me and pulled me too him, “I figured I’d have a few years left than I could get some championships under us and more money.”

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder, “I wanted to go to state with the softball team this year.”

He sighed and kissed my forehead, “we’ll get through this.”

I sniffled and nodded, “just what I wanted to do my senior year.”

He sighed then spoke softly, “we will make this the best senior year ever.”

“We only have one senior year of high school Ryan,” I said softly.

“We’ll make this the best year period,” he said and pressed his forehead against mine. “You and I are one, together, forever.”

I smiled and kissed him softly, “you have a way with your words.”

He smiled shyly and nodded, “I try with you.”

I nodded and looked up at him, “shall we go tell your parents?”

He sighed and nodded, “guess we better huh?”

I nodded, “promise?”

“I promise forever,” he said sealing the deal with a sweet loving kiss.

I smiled and watched him get out then help me out. Walking hand and hand, we made our way into the large family home to see his father, Troy reading over some papers from his recliner. Michele, Ryan’s mother, stood in the kitchen more likely readying tonight’s dinner for her three boys, Ryan, Jade and Blake. Ryan and I pulled our shoes off and made our way through the house towards the kitchen. Glancing down at me Ryan spoke softly, “now or later?”

“Later,” I said smiling weakly.

He nodded and plopped up on the counter then asked his mother, “what’s for dinner mama?”

“I’m making ravioli,” she said smiling at us.

“Sounds delicious,” he said and smiled.

“Calyn are you staying for dinner tonight?” she asked me.

“If you’d like me too,” I said politely.

“Oh dear, you are always welcome here anytime,” she said softly waving her spoon around slightly as she spoke.

I smiled and laid my head on Ryan’s lap from where he sat on the counter. He lightly began to run his fingers through my hair soothingly. He broke his loving gaze to look at his mom to ask, “Can she stay tonight?”

“If her parents don’t care,” she said. “But no monkey business in that bed of yours Ryan.”

He gulped and nodded causing me to speak up, “you don’t have to work about that Michele.”

“Good, I know how teens are these days. I don’t need any of my boys’ impregnating any girls right now.”

Ryan looked at her then spoke now curious to what his mother would say, “but what would you say if say one of us boys had been to get a girl pregnant?”

“Well,” she stopped and thought for a second. “If one of you boys did, I’d support you and your girlfriend’s wishes. Whether that’d be to keep the baby or not. I’d be there for you guys 100 percent of the time and help you guys in every way I could. It’d be my grandbaby and I want the best for that child.”

“That’s good,” Ryan said softly then looked at me.

“Yeah, why do you ask?” she asked turning to look at him.

“Well,” he began.

I sighed and stood up, “I’m sorry Michele. Ryan and I used protection and I was on birth control, but I switched pills.”

She sighed then looked at us and nodded, “like I just said. I’m here for you guys.”

“Thanks mom,” he said and stepped down and hugged her tightly.

She sighed and nodded, “I still love you both very much.”

“Of course we love you too mom,” he said softly kissing his mothers cheek.

I slowly stepped forward and hugged her, “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be,” she said and kissed my forehead. “You’ve always been a daughter to me. I knew you and Ryan would be together for the long run. I just didn’t think things would fall into place this fast.”

I nodded, “I didn’t either.”

We broke apart but she held me out at arm’s length as she asked, “how far along are you?”

“Two months,” I said softly. “I just found out two days ago.”

She nodded, “you got a gynecologist right?”

I nodded, “yes and she is wonderful.”

“Good,” she said and smiled wiping her now tear-stained cheeks.

“We’re going to keep it though,” I said softly.

“What are you hoping for?” she asked softly.

I looked over at Ryan, “a boy.”

He smiled, “he’ll be riding a dirt bike by the age of two.”

I smiled and hugged Ryan’s waist, which he pulled me in closer to him. I looked up at him, “get your close time in now because in a couple months we won’t be this close.”

“We will always be this close even with a watermelon in between us,” he said softly.

I smiled up at him. Hopefully this was a beautiful start to something that could last forever…
♠ ♠ ♠

So I just kind of came up with this one day! Hope you guys like it... :)
