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I'd Walk Through Barbwire for You, Just to Be With You

Getting So Big

I sat in the small two-bedroom house of Ryan’s and I’s in Tallahassee, Florida. I bounced Ryder on my lap as I sat in the large living room, “you so big. Who’s a big boy?”

He just smiled widely. He no longer had the bars on his cheeks, but we were feeding him with a tube still. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I saw Ryan walk in with someone, but didn’t see who it was until they walked into the living room.

“Donn this is Calyn my girlfriend,” Ryan said pointing over to me. “Babe this is Donn Madea from Transworld.”

“And is this the young guy you’ve kept so quiet about?” Donn asked.

Ryan smiled and walked over to us. I passed Ryder off to him and stood up. He smiled down at the boy, “yeah this is Ryder.”

I smiled, “it’s time for a feeding.”

Ryan nodded and sat down, “he will be six months in a couple days.”

“He looks great,” Donn said sitting down.

I walked in with his IV bag and hooked it onto the tiny pole that sat on the coffee table. Ryan unbuttoned his onesie and I handed him the hook up. Ryan placed Ryder into his swing and made sure it was off.

“So he’s still on the feeding tube?” he asked looking at us.

“Yeah, for about another couple months then we’ll try baby food,” I told Donn and smiled.

“You should really tell people your story about this little guy, Ryan,” he said looking at Ryan.

“We really don’t want everyone to know,” he said fidgeting then looking at me.

“Yeah, I agree with Ryan. I mean we don’t want people to think we’re asking for money by telling our story,” I said softly. “We’re getting by so we’re fine.”

“Maybe later,” Ryan said softly.

“You should put it into the Kickstart movie,” Donn offered.

“We’ll think about it,” Ryan said nodding.

I smiled up at Ryan, “I’ll support whatever you decide.”

“Good,” he said smiling and kissed me quickly.

I looked down at Ryder as he bounced in his swing happy he was being feed. His arms were just a wiggling. I shook my head, “hey mister, watch your tube.”

He just blew a large bubble and squealed. I grabbed his rag and wiped his mouth. Ryan stood and spoke, “I’m going to take Donn up to Carmichael's Ranch for some footage for the movie.”

I nodded and smiled, “have fun and be careful.”

“Dad will be there so I’ll be good,” he said smiling.

“Tell papa Troy I said hi,” I said softly.

“Will do,” he said and kissed me softly then Ryders forehead before leaving with Donn.

I smiled down at Ryder, “what do you think buddy? Shall we let people know your little story yet?”

He just wiggled and danced as he enjoyed his lunch. I pulled out the flip camera and took footage of him having fun. I had this camera attached to me for the most part. We wanted to put together a movie ourselves about Ryder’s battle so he could see when he was older.
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