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I'd Walk Through Barbwire for You, Just to Be With You

Something Special

I gasped as Ryder crawled feverishly away from me and bumped his little head on the side table in the living room. I hurried over as he fell to his belly balling. I checked his little head then swept him up in my arms without moving his head much. He wailed and wailed causing Ryan to run in from the garage dropping mud from his boots.

“What’s wrong?” he asked concerned.

“Bumped his head,” I said softly kissing the small child’s head. “Sh, babe it’s okay.”

“How hard?” he asked looking at me worried.

“Not very hardly,” I said softly.

He looked at his small child, “it’s okay buddy. Daddy’s here.”

Ryder slowly stopped crying and reached out for Ryan. I sighed, “no bud, daddy’s dirty.”

“Sorry,” he said looking at his jersey then to the ground. “I’m going to just go back out to the garage.”

“Smart thinking,” I said giving him that look. “And come back and clean up your mess.”

“Fine,” he said and disappeared.

I sighed and placed Ryder back in his swing then buckled him in, “you got to be careful little man.”

I sighed and watched as Ryan walked back in wearing just a pair of running shorts. He sighed grabbing cleaning supplies from the kitchen and came back to scrub the floor. I smiled softly knowing he knew he messed up. He looked up at me and sighed, “sorry about this.”

I smiled and shook my head then slowly kneeled down in front of him. I cupped his cheeks in my hand, “it’s okay, you didn’t mean to make the mess. I still love you.”

He chuckled at my last comment, “good because I love you too much for you to be mad at me.”

I smiled and kissed his lightly, “good, because I’m not leaving anytime soon.”

He chuckled and pulled me into his arms causing me to look up at him, “you are so beautiful.”

“Oh now you are trying to butter me up,” I said looking at him.

He shrugged, “so what if I am.”

I laughed causing Ryan to burrow his face in the grove of my neck. I wiggled as he placed a kiss on the bare skin. This caused him to chuckle, “puddin’.”

I smiled and lifted his head up and kissed him softly, “you are so cute.”

“Only for you,” he said and kissed the tip of my nose then my lips.

I smiled, “makes me feel special.”

“Well it should,” he said brushing the bangs from my eyes.

I gazed up at him and shook my head, “I’m so glad we became best friends in middle school.”

He chuckled and nodded as he rested his chin on my shoulder, “two silly teenagers out to tear up the world on two dirt bikes.”

I smiled, “that we were.”

“Still are,” he said smiling.

I nodded and kissed his cheek, “stealing championships out of others grasps.”

He laughed, “two championships so far.”

“Here we come 450s!” I said smiling widely.

He chuckled, “they ain’t gonna know what hit them.”

“Dirt,” I said then busted out laughing.

He laughed at my outburst causing us to flop backwards on the ground we were sitting on, “you are something.”

“Something special, I know,” I said smiling.

He kissed my cheek and squeezed me tightly, “I can’t wait to spend forever with ya.”

“Same sweetheart, same,” I said laying my head on his shoulder then looking up at the ceiling becoming lost in thought with Ryan. Forever, I couldn’t wait…
♠ ♠ ♠
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