Sequel: Takin' Back My Love.
Status: writing at my own pace.


Chubby Bunny.

My phone was flooded with texts, I already had over 100. I bit my lip as I tried to think of something to respond with. They also wanted a party at my house this Friday, I could do it but I don’t know if Enrique and his little slut would be here. I walked downstairs and found my parents without Enrique thank god.
“Mom, Dad. I was wondering, am I going to have the house to myself on Friday.” I asked it straight-out.
“You might, I’m not sure though. By the way, Enrique and Anna will have the guest room near you.” My mom said with her thinking face on.
I made a face before walking away and pulling my cell phone out. I sent a mass send text to all the people I know, also telling them to invite whoever they would like to invite. I then called up my close 7 best friends, saying we were going to chill tonight. I went up to my room, sitting down I slipped off my high heels. I walked into my closet and pulled out some clothes. Walking out I slipped my jeans plus my shirt off. Pulling my clothes off, I felt eyes on me. I rolled my eyes as I pulled my shorts and my shirt on. I caught a glimpse of Enrique looking longingly at me. I flicked him off before shutting my door and turning on some dubstep.
I nodded my head to the music, as I re-did my make-up plus my hair. I added a few accessories before I heard a knock on my door. Sighing I walked over to my door and opened it. Enrique was standing there looking upset. He kept closing and opening his mouth, trying to say something.
I shook my head as he said,” I’m so sorry to have left after we do that…”
I scoffed before saying,” Sorry doesn’t mean shit anymore.”
I then walked past him and down the stairs. Walking into the kitchen I saw my brothers chilling and goofing around. I laughed hard as Lein jumped on Jaxon, causing him to fall over. I went over to the alcohol cabinet and vodka, beer, tequila, and brandy. I put them in a basket then grabbed some candy and chips. After I was done with that I called and ordered some pizza. When the doorbell rang I walked over to it as Enrique was talking with the blonde bimbo upstairs. I pulled out 40 dollars from my wallet and gave it to the pizza guy.
I took the pizza from him before saying,” Keep the change.” I smiled at him and closed the door
My brothers came barreling in and asked me,” Want us to help you carry this stuff up.”
I laughed and nodded. I quickly grabbed the vodka and ran up the stairs. They came up with everything else. I put everything on out just as my friends came running up the stairs. Mitch, Autumn, and Krissi whistled in contentment. I laughed as went over to my iPod and started blasting 3oh!3 plus Lil Jon. I turned it way up loud, and then I went and grabbed a vodka bottle. I tipped my head back and let the burning liquid go down my throat. Landon and Jaxon were currently having a chubby bunny contest.
I jumped in-between them and said,” I want in.”
They laughed but nodded and swallowed the marshmallows they had in their mouths. Then we started the contest again. They were stubborn but I won. They groaned and held their stomachs before lying down. Then I heard a bimbo’s voice speak.
“Can you turn this shit down? Some of us are trying to sleep.” She sounded snotty as heck.
I walked over to where she was, my friends and my brothers keeping their eyes on me to make sure I didn’t beat the shit out of her.
“First, this is my house not yours miss prissy. Second, I would get the fuck out of my room. Third, I don’t give a shit about your opinion hoe.” I smirked as I saw her turn red with anger.
Enrique walked out and asked in a sleepy tone,” What’s going on?” He gave a concerned look at each of us.
“This bitch won’t turn down her fucking bullshit music.” She said in the most nasally voice ever.
I then lost it. I almost grabbed her by the hair when Andi and Lein grabbed me.
“Let me at her!!” I hissed at them while trying to pry their hands off of me.
Andi screamed, “Enrique get Anna away now!”
Enrique looked frightened, he tried to pull Anna away but she wouldn’t go. I got out of my brother’s grip and almost got her but she moved at the last second. I caught myself before I fell. I instantly turned around just as she tried to claw me. I grabbed her hand as it went past my face. I smirked before twisting her arm, she cried out in pain. Before I could do anymore harm, Matt had wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me away from Anna. Enrique looked shocked at what I had done to her.
“Scram hoe.” I hissed at her.
She gave me the finger before walking back into the guestroom. She didn’t even deny herself being a hoe. Enrique quickly followed after her like a puppy. I sighed before partying more. At about 3am everyone one had settled down for the night except for Matt and me, I didn’t know about Enrique plus Anna. Matt was teasing me to where I felt like I was going to go crazy.
“Matt, stop teasing me…” I said in a sultry voice.
He chuckled before starting to take our clothes off. Eventually we were naked and he grabbed a condom out of my nightstand. He quickly slipped it onto his cock. He positioned himself to where he was at my entrance. He pushed himself in and he started thrusting, hard and fast. He was groaning and I was moaning. We did it a couple times before we curled up in my bed by each other.
I woke up and slipped on his shirt plus my underwear and put on a pair of sunglasses before walking downstairs. I went into the kitchen and poured myself some fresh hot coffee. I took a sip happily before walking over to the living room and turning on Nightmare on Elm’s Street. Enrique plus Andi, Jaxon, and Lein walked into the kitchen, passing me by. I sipped my coffee happily before Enrique sat by me. I scooted over and into my side of the couch.
“Izelle, your being childish.” He said in frustration.
I scoffed before saying,” I’m not being childish, get over yourself!”
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