Sequel: Takin' Back My Love.
Status: writing at my own pace.



I sighed as more images came into my head. I had fallen back asleep a while after the whole waking up fiasco last night. We had gone further than kissing, and I didn’t know what to do about it. I ran my fingers through my hair while walking into the bathroom. I hopped into the shower and took a nice hot long one. I remembered that today was Friday which meant party time.

I got dressed, did my hair, and did my make-up before heading downstairs. I looked around and saw Enrique talking with his friends. When I walked past them he paid notice to me which I ignored, I didn’t want him back at all. I couldn’t because he would just end of leaving me again.

My phone buzzed, I checked my messages. Krissi told me to come over to her house. I shook my head before grabbing a Gatorade, my sunglasses, and my keys. Walking out I was met with tons of flashing lights, good thing I was wearing sunglasses. I saw paparazzi everywhere.

“Are you dating Enrique?!” I heard someone shout.

One of them yelled, “How do you know each other?!”

It was hell right now and I couldn’t hear shit. I got into my car and turned it on. I quickly turned up my music so I couldn’t hear them as a rolled my windows down. I pulled out of the driveway and drove to Krissi’s house. When I walked in, all my friends were yelling at each with the TV blasting.

“Izelle, you’re on fuckin’ TV. What the fuck is going on?!” Matt screamed frustrated.

I looked over to the TV to see me when I was leaving the house. My storming off, I was in the spotlight. It was so not a good thing. I tried to speak but nothing came out.

“WHY IN THE HELL DID HE HAVE TO COME BACK?!” I eventually yelled, punching the wall.

“I don’t know babe.” Krissi pulled me into her arms, hugging me tightly.

“I’m not going to change my life for anyone. He can’t ruin my life again.” My legs collapsed making me slide down to the floor.

“We aren’t going to let him ruin your life.” Autumn said with a set jaw.

“The party’s still on whether or not it’s okay with ‘him’.” Landon said with a glint of anger in his eyes.

Mitch pulled me up and into his lap on the couch. He wiped away my tears and kissed my forehead, giving me encouragement. I got the courage to get up after some compliments from him. I pulled out my cell phone and started calling to order things for the party.

I hugged them all before we walked out to my car. Then out of nowhere paparazzi jumped out, snapping shots of me plus them. I climbed into my car and sped off. When we pulled up and into the driveway the paparazzi went nuts, snapping pictures.

I smiled as the alcohol store pulled up with the kegs. I walked into the house leaving Landon, Autumn, and Danielle to start bringing in the party stuff. I, for once, felt amazing and invincible.
♠ ♠ ♠
Izelle's outfit
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I wrote this in pain, so if its bad I tried.
I hope you guys enjoy it (:
