Sequel: A Twist in His Story
Status: Complete!

A Twist in my Story

I've Never Eaten at a Fancy Restaurant.

Rose and I let the Geography room chuckling about a joke that the boy in front of us had shared. I glanced sideways at Rose as she skipped beside me spinning around with a grin on her face. I narrowed my eyes on her face suspiciously, watching her every move. After several moments, Rose noticed this before stopping and placing her pale hands onto her hips.
“What is it Caleb?”
“Why are you so energetic?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You’ll see this weekend,” Rose said before returning to her happy skip as we made our way towards the front through the crowded halls.
The corridor was loud, filled with the chattering students that were eager to leave for the weekend. Some had planned going to the beach before winter hit too hard, others were talking about a party that some kid was throwing, others about sport and some even about the homework they were going to do. Rose and I on the other had stayed silent as we wandered through, our eyes glancing around at everyone as we made our way to the exit, both of us taking a dramatic deep breath of fresh air as if the corridor would’ve of suffocated us if we were to stay in there much longer.
I chuckled before shaking my head and heading towards the car-park, surprised when I noticed Xander there already, looking rather dashing. From what I could see, Xander was wearing a black dress shirt and had his hair neatly done as he winked over at us, a smirk on his face as he did his normal routine of glancing over my body with delight.
I let out a sigh before I jumped into the back seat, Rose jumping into the front next to Xander. Rose beamed over at Xander before pulling the black seat belt over her body. I glanced out the window with bored eyes before my eyes landed on two familiar people glaring back at me. I smiled innocently at Zeke and Izzy before waving with a smirk.
“I hope you get AIDS!” I heard Izzy shriek with a sickening smile.
Smiling at her, I wound down the window so my voice wasn’t muffled.
“I hope you get AIDS too!” I yelled back as Xander drove off with his hands gripped tightly at the wheel, his knuckles almost white.
Smirking I wound back up the window and pulled my seatbelt over my thin, pale frame. I glanced up at Rose and Xander, watching as Rose bobbed her head to the beat of the song while Xander just continued to stare out at the road, deep in thought.
“How was your day?” I heard Xander speak after a while, glancing between the both of us.
“It was good,” Rose said nodding her head before going back to dancing to the music.
“Nothing happened? Nothing you want to explain to me about, especially about you skipping class Missy,” Xander said, glancing over at her with raised eyebrows.
“Oh, yeah, um, about that,” Rose murmured, looking down at her lap.
“Yeah about that, you better be happy it was me that was home today and not Mom and Dad,” Xander muttered, looking over at her briefly before returning his eyes to the road.
“I know, it won’t happen again, Dad,” Rose snapped, before slumping back in her seat to stare out her window, her eyes watering.
I had no clue what had upset her at that point, but obviously Xander knew. Xander let out a low sigh, glancing over at her before pulling into their driveway.
“Look, Rosie, I’m sorry, I just care for you, I don’t want you getting hurt or even upset for that matter. I just wanted to know what was going on.”
“I-I know,” Rose sobbed into her palms as she cried.
“Go inside Rosie, have a shower and dress into the dress that I bought for you. I’ll ask Caleb because there is no doubt he would’ve skipped as well,” Xander spoke softly as Rose nodded and climbed out of the truck without another sound.
Xander glanced back at me before patting the seat beside him, indicating that I should climb over the seat to sit beside him. I smile and nodded before doing as he asked.
“So what happened today?”
“I-it was n-nothing really. R-Rose and I were s-sitting out the back, l-like usual, but then Zeke and Izzy came a-along. They insulted Rose about begging, because she was trying to figure out my fear, b-but I wouldn’t tell her,” I said, fiddling with my hands. This felt like me being interrogated all over again. “Then, she snapped back, asking why they were there. Zeke r-rudely told her that they were there to speak to me, it was then s-she retaliated back about them not speaking with me for three weeks. Then Izzy spoke, she insulted Rose, calling her some pretty bad names that I-I don’t want to repeat. After that, I-I got angry so I sort of exploded and yelled at them. I told them that I love Rose and her family. I told them that you guys were more of a family than what they would ever be. After that, Zeke insulted me, telling me that I was just as bad as any gay or lesbian and said I should be tortured along with every gay and lesbian before being killed, then he stormed off with Izzy. After that Rosie couldn’t stop crying, so we sat out the back until she had stopped crying and had finally calmed down,” I explained slowly watching as Xander balled and un-balled his fists in anger.
“If I wasn’t so angry, I would be glad that you stopped stuttering,” Xander snarled before climbing out of the car with me trailing behind him.
I was shocked, I hadn’t realised that my stuttering had seized. That was something, I was most definitely happy about, but I knew that now wasn’t the time to be celebrating about that small fact, so instead, I kept a blank face as I followed the well-dressed Xander into the living room, surprised when he chucked me a bag of clothes.
“Have a shower in the guest room and get dressed in those clothes,” Xander spoke, his voice still holding anger.
“A-are you sure you w-won’t break anything?” I asked, disappointment instantly running through my veins when I stuttered.
“Yeah, you can leave, I won’t hurt anything, I promise,” Xander said with a forced smile.
“O-okay, if you insist,” I murmured before turning around and heading towards the guestroom to have my shower.
When I made my way out of the guest room, I was dressed into a pair of polished, black shoes along with black trousers and a plain white, long sleeved dress shirt. I tugged at the end of the dress shirt before I walked back down the stairs slowly, using the crutches as support. I would be getting my cast removed on Monday, thankfully. I don’t think anyone believed that I could walk without using crutches, and I must admit it was going to be difficult to start walking on my leg again, but I was prepared.
When I glanced up, I noticed that Xander was staring at me wide-eyes, his hands falling out of his trouser pockets to dangle at his sides. I smiled at him shyly before I glanced over to Rose who stood in a black dress that had a ruffled skirt and three purple claw-like marks around the chest area, on either side. Rose wore a purple flower in her hair and purple flats to match her dress as a silver chained bracelet sat on her wrist, a silver heart dangling from it to match her silver heart earrings and her silver heart necklace that had wings sprouting from either side. Rose’s hair was tied up into a bun as a small strand of her wavy hair hung loosely beside her cheek.
“Fuck, you look amazing,” Xander muttered, looking over me, making a blush warm up on my cheeks.
“T-thank you, you d-don’t look too bad yourself,” I murmured back, looking down at my feet, curiosity still running through my mind about what was going on tonight.
“Let’s go shall we?” Xander asked a grin on his lips as we made our way out of the house and piled back into the car.

The ride was quick and filled with small talk as Xander drove, only one hand clasped around the steering wheel. On the way I had asked where we were going but got no reply, they only ever ignored me when I asked, so I simply, deflated in my seat and waited until we pulled up at a fancy restaurant that had a name I couldn’t pronounce. Xander glanced quickly back at me before smirking and climbing out of the car as Rose and I followed in suit.
The restaurant looked quite small from the outside, so when I walked in it was quite a surprise to see how large it was. There was over forty tables spread across the room as a small stage sat in the centre against one wall with a small band playing soft, ‘romantic’ music. I continued to look around with Rose as Xander spoke to the man at the door.
“Alexander Royce.”
“Hmm, Royce,” the man in the tail coat spoke in a British accent, looking over the list, “Ah, yes, please, following me sir.”
“‘kay,” Xander said, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he walked, us following idly behind me.
The man lead us to a four seated table before bowing and walking back to the entrance as we sat down at the white clothed table.
It wasn’t long until another man showed up with menus before leaving again. The man showed up several times again until we received our food and drinks before finally leaving us alone, but keeping a close eye on us and some other tables that he was serving.
“So, what are the plans for tomorrow?” I asked, forcibly stopping myself from stuttering.
“I’m not saying,” Rose replied in a sing-song voice as she plopped a bit of steak in her mouth.
My eyes flickered towards Xander as he took a bite out of his rib, getting sauce over his cheeks making a smile reach my face. I stared at his face, looking over his features slowly. Xander’s eyes were a beautiful, sapphire blue that were fixated on his food as his small nose contained a small amount of freckles running from one cheek to the other as a smile was placed on his thin lips.
His face was pale as his shiny, black hair was brushed neatly out of his face for once revealing his attractive features. I wasn’t ashamed to call him attractive, because he was. If Zeke wasn’t so against gays, he could even tell you that.
I was surprised that he was single, surprised that he didn’t have a boyfriend already, but yet again, I didn’t know his love life, maybe he had a boyfriend, or has one that he has kept to himself—wait. Why am I even thinking about his love life? What does that have to do with me?
“I’m flattered that you find me so interesting but your food is going cold,” Xander spoke, making me snap back to reality as a blush crept onto my face, making me glance down at my food before stabbing a meatball with my fork and placing it into my mouth, absorbing the strong flavour.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two is one day? I think yes! :D
Thank you for reading! I love you people. I have no special people to thank today, so I shall just say another thank you to all before I disappear until the next chapter is done. I hope you enjoyed Chapter 10, finally in the double digits. How exciting?!