Sequel: A Twist in His Story
Status: Complete!

A Twist in my Story

I've Never Been Kissed.

I sat at Rose’s study desk as Rose typed away on her laptop on a site called Facebook. Facebook was apparently a site for people to interact to people that they know. It was so people could communicate, like a phone, except you type. I am not really making sense, am I? I let out an internal sigh as I reached up to pick at the brace that held my broken nose. It was becoming irritating, I mean, I had had my nose broken tones of times and had never once gone to the doctor—sure I didn’t really have a choice, but I survived didn’t I?
I didn’t see the point, but apparently, both Xander and Rose did. I remained slumped in my seat as I watched Rose, continue to be absorbed into the computer screen. Biting my lip I glanced away to look out the window that revealed the darkness of the night, it lighter than usual due to the full moon that appeared brightly in the sky.
Looking away, I placed my arms onto the cool, cream coloured table and rested my forehead onto my warm skin. I knew Rosie paid no attention to me as I did this, she probably thought that it was out of boredom—which is correct—and chose to ignore it. I couldn’t blame her, it’s not like this house had much entertainment. I mean, sure, we could go watch a movie, but she wasn’t in the mood and I wasn’t going to force her into something I knew she didn’t want to do.
So instead of complaining about the boredom, I rose to my feet and informed her that I was going to have a shower. Rosie glanced over at me, surprised by my presence before merely nodding and returning to face the laptops bright screen. Letting out a sigh, I left to Rose’s room, dragging my feet as I headed towards the guest bedroom, letting my crutches drag behind me as I stared at my feet.
I hadn’t heard Xander’s door open, so it was a surprise to look up and find a pair of eyes staring right back at me. My eyes widened as I felt my foot get caught on the wooden floor, making me unable to move any further forwards. I stumbled over my foot, and sure enough, I was heading straight towards the floor. Scrunching my eyes closed I waited for the pain to come from hitting the floor, but instead, I found a pair of hands catching my body.
I could feel Xander’s hands on my stomach as he pulled me pack onto my feet, spinning me around so that I faced him as he pulled us close together, his hands now on my hips. A concerned expression was on his face as he ignored the blush on my cheeks. When Xander was positive that I was alright, I noticed his concern had disappeared and now a new emotion was on his face, and if I was right, it was curiosity.
I looked back at him, inquisitiveness on my face as well. I watched him as his teeth pulled gently at his bottom lip before he stared into my eyes, as if he was asking me a question. It wasn’t long before he nodded and let out a shaky breath before he moved his lips down to the base of my neck and gave it a small kiss.
I furrowed my eyebrows as my face began to turn a cherry red. I felt Xander hesitate before he nipped at the base of my neck, I could feel a smirk appear on his lips when a small moan left my mouth making my blush become a darker red. Xander began to suck on my neck as I dropped my crutches, my hands rising up to grip onto the front his shirt, not bothering to pull away.
I felt another moan leave my lips as I tipped my head back, not paying any thought to the sound of the footsteps advancing towards us. It wasn’t long before the footsteps stopped several feet away from us as Rose cleared her throat.
I heard a frustrated groan leave Xander’s lips as he pulled away from me with a last nip to look over at his younger sister, a bland expression on his face. I scratched the back of my head out of embarrassment as I looked at Rose, watching as she tapped her bare foot against the ground while her balled hands were placed onto her hips.
“I thought you were having a shower,” Rose snapped, looking at me with her piercing eyes.
My eyes instantly went wide before I pulled easily out of Xander’s grip, picked up my crutches and limped off to the guest room with a shaky breath. Once I had pulled out my clothes, I wrapped a plastic bag around my casted leg and hoped into the shower, but I couldn’t concentrate fully on bathing myself, instead, my mind kept drawing the experience that had just happened in the hall, a blush on my cheeks the whole time.
I felt my hand move over the spot on my neck where he had kissed me. I couldn’t think straight at the moment, I was acting like a ‘lovesick teenage girl’— well that’s what Rose would say anyways. Shaking my drenched head, making water spray everywhere, I turned off the shower and climbed out. I wrapped a towel around my naked, wet body and sunk to the floor in thought.
I had never really thought much about dating, or whether or not I was gay, bisexual or straight but, I was most likely bisexual. I never found something wrong with dating the opposite sex or the same sex and it wouldn’t start tonight. I even admit that I wouldn’t mind dating the same sex, but I sort of would mind admitting to dating Xander. I mean, he’s attractive, so very attractive and I like him so very much, but I’m sort of scared of Izzy and Zeke. I’m scared on what they would do to me, I scared of their opinion, I’m scared of them in general. No one knows how much I wish I wasn’t, but I’m too weak to not to be scared of them. Some days I wish to get down on my knees and beg for their forgiveness, while others, I’d wish to punch them in the face. It’s a confusing relationship I have with them; although, I’m sure they don’t even want to see me again after yesterday.
Letting out a grunt I rose to my feet and dried myself and the wet spot on the floor before I got changed and left the room, still in deep thought about Xander. I didn’t notice Rose as I threw my dirty clothes at the bed, hitting her face instead of the bed, making her let out a grunt before she threw the clothes to the floor.
I jumped in surprise before I glanced over at her, biting my lip, worried. I had forgotten about Rose. What would she think? Would she help me? Or would she be horrified? Glancing down at my feet, I noticed the bag around my foot. Sighing in relief, I bent down to undo the bag, glad I had something to distract me as I took my time.
“Caleb, calm down, I’m not going to scream at you,” Rose said, watching as I pulled the bag off of my leg before I glanced up at her surprised.
“Yes, really, I just want to know what happened,” she murmured, patting the spot next to her.
“Oh,” I mumbled, looking down at my feet as I hobbled over to her.
“Caleb, please?”
I glanced over at her pleading expression, before I sighed in defeat and collapsed next to her and told her the story, excluding the few parts on how I liked it and when I moaned.
“So, you didn’t feel anything towards Alex? Nothing? So you don’t like him?”
I bit my lip at these questions as I studied her curious expression with wonder before I answered, as truthfully as I could.
“I honestly, have no clue how I feel towards Xander. I find him very attractive, but I don’t know about dating him. I think he’s kind, sweet, adorable and protective but, I have barely thought about dating in general, so this is all moving so fast for me. I don’t want to be forced into anything, but I don’t want to hurt him either. I just want a little while to actually think properly about all of this,” I said, swallowing nervously.
Rose nodded with furrowed eyebrows as she thought about what I had just said before she beamed over to me.
“I understand,” she said with a grin.
“Dinner’s ready!” I heard Xander yell from downstairs after a short pause.
“When are your parents returning?” I asked, standing up with her.
“Next weekend, gosh, I cannot wait until you meet them! They will adore you!” she gushed as we left the guest room, chatting happily.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you readers! I love you (still)!
Also thank you to ViceorVirtue? for commenting... like always! :D