Sequel: A Twist in His Story
Status: Complete!

A Twist in my Story

I Never Thought This Would Happen.

I stood in front of the Geography teacher’s desk next to Rose as he informed us on our assignment. Neither Rose or I understood the assignment he had given us, and both my cousins and Xander could wait five extra minutes so we could comprehend the assignment. By the end of it, both Rose and I had realised that this assignment wasn’t actually that hard, he was just trying to make it seem difficult.
We thanked our Geography teacher before we left his room, arguing about the assignment, not realising that the empty corridors held five other students. Rose and I jumped in fright when Damien cleared his throat and walked towards as with his two follows not far behind him. I backed away from his advancing figure before I looked towards Zeke and Izzy, both of them wearing smirks on their faces as they watched as if they were watching an interesting movie.
Rose had pushed in front of me, obviously she had figured out that it was me that they were after and not her.
“Caleb, Caleb, Caleb, using your friend as a shield isn’t very kind,” Damien said, tipping his head to one side as he moved closer forwards.
“And threatening to beat someone up is?” I asked incredulously.
“I never said a word about beating you up, I just want to talk,” he cooed with a smirk.
“What, talk with your fists?”
“Not just my fists, but my knees and feet as well, I don’t want them missing out on our conversation,” Damien spoke, now standing only inches away from Rose.
Damien easily peered over Rose to look at me with a smirk, his hands balled at his sides as he rocked on the balls of his feet. I could tell Damien was quickly growing irritated by Rose’s presence, so instead of throwing his first punch at me, he threw it at Rose’s cheek, sending her flying to the ground. I looked down at her with horror, as I saw tears rising to her eyes, her lip quivering while she rose her hand up to rub her red cheek.
“You fucking asshole,” I growled, staring at him with deadly eyes.
I think Izzy, Rose and Zeke were more shocked that I swore than that I retaliated.
“Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?” he asked, pressing his chest to mine, his smirk still on his face.
“This,” I hissed before I brought my knee up towards his crotch as fast and as hard as I could, watching as he grabbed his crotch in pain before he looked up at me.
I looked down at him without emotion before I brought my fist across his face making his head snap sideways, shock running throughout his expression. Damien growled before he stepped back a few steps, his eyes refocusing on my body as he commanded his two follows not to join in, making them slump back against the lockers and draw out a cigarette pack. The two of them both drew out a cigarette each before placing it in their mouths and lighting the end.
Looking away from Josh and Liam, I noticed Damien charging straight at me with a furious expression. He slammed me straight into the wall behind me with as much force as he could muster making a loud grunt leave my lips before he slapped his open palm against my cheek. I could feel Damien using all of his effort into beating me up, and halfway through I couldn’t tell the difference between each blow. All of his attempts to hurt me felt the same, each punch, kick, slap and blow just felt like a surge of pain throughout my body. I let no reaction show on my face; I turned into the doll that I used to be for my father. I let him abuse me as much as he could, he was just a younger version of my father, although my father’s blows hurt more, and he only ever put half the effort into beating me up.
I heard footsteps advance towards us as I laid on the floor, letting Damien repetitively kick me in the stomach with a pant to each blow.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I heard the familiar voice of Xander growl, knowing that he had his eyes narrowed onto Damien.
“Oh, how surprising, the boyfriend comes to the rescue. How fucking romantic,” Damien growled, moving away from me as I heard him spit, feeling the liquid from his saliva land on my face.
Squinting my eyes open, I noticed Xander pounce onto Damien like a cat as Zeke and Izzy slowly crept down the hallway, away from the commotion. Rose stood against the lockers with a relieved expression as she watched her brother, her mobile in her hand. Grunting, I sat up to a sitting position, wiping the saliva away from my face with the hoodie’s sleeve.
My stomach ached and as did my legs as I prodded my ribs, checking to see if any of them were broken, luckily, none of them were. Moving further along, I used my fingers to brush the blood away from my already broken nose and from the corner of my lips as I spat out a mouthful of blood, a cough rising up my throat as I did so.
I paid no attention to the fight that was happening a few metres away, already knowing who was going to win, although, I didn’t want Damien dead. My stomach lurched as I looked over to see Xander punching an unconscious Damien, while Josh and Liam slowly started to step away from the fight. I shook my head, removing my attention away from the followers and placing it back onto Xander.
Letting out a sigh, I slowly rose to my feet, using the blood stained wall as support as I climbed to my feet, my legs wobbling as I did so.
Letting out a breath of air I staggered over to Xander, ignoring Rose’s complaints. I stood next to Xander, swaying a bit as I did so before I placed a reassuring hand onto his shoulder. Xander hesitated a bit and glanced up at me, watching my swaying become worse as my eyes drooped. I could slightly see Xander yelling at me worried before my vision fully went black and I could feel myself dropping to the floor.