Sequel: A Twist in His Story
Status: Complete!

A Twist in my Story

I’ve Never Seen Her So Disappointed.

“Are you sure?” Xander asked for the millionth time as his car idled in my driveway.
“Yes, I’ll be fine. If not, I’ll call you, I have your number.”
Xander let out sigh before he nodded, his hands clasped tightly on the wheel as he look away from my beaten up frame. I had woken up an hour ago in their spare bedroom, with the white covers over my body. I had noticed that Xander had cleaned me up and helped wrap up my injuries. I didn’t have many injuries really, a few cuts and a lot of bruises, some of which I knew was going to hurt more tomorrow morning.
I had pleaded to go back to my cousin’s house and truthfully, I didn’t even know why. They had assigned Damien to beat me up, yet I wanted to go back, maybe it was a part of me trying to prove to them that I’m not afraid. I wasn’t afraid, well, I didn’t want to be afraid.
I shook my head and flashed him a reassuring smile before climbing out of the car and waving goodbye to Xander.
Rose had fallen asleep on the couch not long after Xander had cleaned me up and she hadn’t woken up since, although Xander did leave a note for her just in case.
Xander only shook his head in response as he watched me close the door. His clasped hands around the steering wheel tightening before he pulled out of the driveway and drove in the direction towards his house. Biting my lip, I looked back at the house, suddenly regretting my decision, but nevertheless I marched forwards, noticing Izzy and Zeke peering through their bedroom windows.
My worried expression quickly vanished as I waved towards my cousins, a smirk rising to my face. Placing my hand on the door handle I opened the door and let myself in, closing it softly behind me, the door making a small noise.
“Caleb, is that you?” Aunt Patricia asked before the kitchen as she wandered forwards, suddenly appearing in front of me as she dried her hands with a checkered red tea towel.
“Hey Auntie,” I murmured flashing as smile.
“Caleb! What happened to you?” Aunt Patricia asked shocked when she noticed my cut face making her move towards me as Izzy and Zeke appeared behind her.
“Ask them,” I said, shrugging my sore shoulders, making me wince.
“What happened sweetie?” Aunt Patricia asked, looking backwards at Izzy.
“Uh,” Izzy mumbled, her face showing fear.
“Isabella Smith what did you do?” Aunt Patricia growled angrily.
“It wasn’t just me!”
“Well who was it, and why is Caleb beaten up! You know about his past and don’t you dare lie to me and say you don’t.”
I gaped at the back of Aunt Patricia’s head, they knew? My Aunt and Uncle knew as well? How didn’t I notice? They were always so nice, they never looked at my scars, they never even asked about them. Of course they knew!
“Zeke, Damien and Alexander were there as well!”
“Damien? You were around that boy? You know my opinions on him! He is bad news, and Alexander wouldn’t do such a thing, he is a sweet boy.”
“But he did Ma, please understand tha—”
“He did not! He saved me from Damien, and the both of you know it,” I growled in defense, my eyes narrowing on Izzy.
“Same thing, he still threw punchs until Damien was knocked out,” Zeke shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“It is not the same thing Zeke Smith, there is in fact a difference. Now, why was Xander at the school?”
“Rose texted him, she knew Damien wouldn’t stop until I was unconscious,” I said, looking over towards Aunt Patricia.
“Okay, you’re only giving me parts. Caleb, please tell me the whole story and be truthful.”
So that was exactly what I did, I explained it from meeting them in the hall to when I blacked out. I , had no clue what Aunt Patricia was thinking, but obviously it wasn’t happy thoughts. Her face was blank as she stared at me, biting her bottom lip.
“Is this true?” I heard Aunt Patricia ask as she glanced behind herself to look at Zeke and Izzy. “Well, is it?” Aunt Patrica growled, turning to look at them with narrowed eyes.
“Yes,” I barely heard Izzy whisper.
“Excuse me?”
“Yes, yes! It’s true!” Izzy exclaimed in defeat.
“Isabella and Zeke Smith! What have I told about this?” Aunt Patricia asked, disappointment running throughout her voice. “It doesn’t matter whether a girl or boy likes the opposite sex, he or she can’t help it. You don’t even know if he likes guys, he hasn’t told you anything, and like you have given him a reason to tell you. Now please, go to your rooms, I will be up there soon to take your iPods, phones, laptops, video games and make-up, you are both grounded for the next three weeks. You are not allowed to visit your friends and you will only be allowed your laptops when under supervision of myself or of your father so you can complete assignments. Now please apologise to Caleb then get out of my sight.”
The both uttered an apology before they bolted towards their rooms without an arguement. Aunt Patricia shook her head sadly before glancing back towards me.
“I really am sorry, they are usually better than this. If they do it again, tell me, okay?”
“Yes Auntie,” I murmured, nodding as she gave me a tight hug and walked back into the kitchen.
I swallowed nervously before I let out a huff of air and slowly made my way towards my room, grabbing the phone on my way.
I dialed Rose’s home phone, which I knew off by heart and listened to it ring, Xander picking up after several rings.
“Hey Xander, I just called to tell you everything went fine. They’re now grounded,” I said, slumping down onto my bed.
“That’s great! I’m glad you’re okay,” Xander replied, I could hear the smile in his voice. “What happened?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading!
You should be happy, I did this during my Biology class since I have finished all four of my assignments :D
Also, a big thank you to A_Darkness_Creeper
and ViceorVirtue? for commenting! :D