Sequel: A Twist in His Story
Status: Complete!

A Twist in my Story

I've Never Stood Up For Myself Before.

I sat back in my Art chair and stared up at the colourful mural that covered the ceiling with complete boredom. I had not bothered to grab out my art work and I had also noticed that Damien was once again missing from the classroom. Although I didn’t really fret about his absence that much but I did wonder where he could’ve disappeared to. Usually, Damien would never ditch Art and I knew this because it was his sanctuary away from everything. He always came to Art, one because of the free gifts and secondly because painting, drawing and anything artsy gets his mind off of the real world. He had never mentioned this, but watching him work, anyone could have gotten this.
He put so much concentration, so much effort into each stroke. He ignored the world as everyone chattered away, and he created masterpieces that I would even hang up in my room. I had missed the last drawing he had done, but I knew it would’ve been amazing, it would’ve been something to see, they always are.
Letting out a sigh, I closed my eyes and ran my hands over my pale face before I heard Misses Burrows clear her throat from several feet away. Letting out a huff of air, I drew my hands away from my face and glanced up at my teacher, curious to what she wanted.
“Why aren’t you working?” she asked, her hands placed on her hips as she stared at me, authority running throughout their voice.
“I’m finished, I informed you of this last lesson. You even saw it,” I replied, staring back into her blue eyes as I awaited the reply.
“Show me.”
Huffing, I stood up from my seat and made my way over towards my drawing, before grabbing it out without glancing at it. When I wandered back, I noticed Misses Burrows still wearing the same powerful expression, as if she could tell me to do whatever without me complaining once.
Looking over her I placed the drawing down onto the table top before looking at it for the first time since yesterday. My blood ran cold as I felt my hair stand up on my skin. I could feel my skin tightening as my jaw slacked. I couldn’t believe how realistic I had drawn the image; it felt as if he was literally reaching out of the paper to grab me, I could feel the anger that was contained beneath his dark brown eyes.
“Wonderful!” The teacher beamed, looking up at me with proud eyes before she deflated and shook her head. “Except, it has to be of someone you know, obviously you weren’t listening to my instructions,” she paused, as she thought before she continued. “Now, since you can’t seem to pay attention to simple rules, I shall give you another chance. I would like you to take some paper work to the office, it’s sitting on my desk on the right side to my laptop. Do you comprehend?”
“Yes,” I muttered before I stormed around the room until I reached her desk.
I grabbed the only papers that were on her desk before I walked out of the door and into the empty halls. Rolling my eyes at her foolishness as I kept walking, there was no point in arguing with her logic.
I scuffed my shoes on the lino as I made my way to the office, the halls sounding relatively silent until I reached the ‘T’ section of the hall. Furrowing my eyebrows, I noticed Izzy, Zeke and Damien standing against the lockers as they chuckled as if they just heard an amusing joke.
Izzy was the first one to notice me, and her happy, smiley face almost instantly changed. You could see the hatred that ran through her veins when she spotted me, causing Zeke and a beaten up Damien to glance over in my direction.
“What do you want?” Zeke hissed, glaring at my figure.
“I’m going to the office,” I replied waving the papers before questioning them, “why aren’t you in class?”
“Ugh, why should we tell you? You might tell Ma again,” Izzy sneered.
“If I really wanted to tell Auntie about whatever you do wrong I’d have a very large list by now and you’d have more than several weeks of being grounded,” I answered, shrugging my shoulders as I tried to move past them but they moved in my way, blocking me from the path towards the office.
“Well then, since I can’t beat your logic,” Zeke answered sarcastically, “we’re skipping class. History is far too boring, plus, we have to have some time to have fun since we can’t go anywhere any other time because someone told on us.”
“Yeah, after someone beat me up,” I hissed, glaring at Zeke, my eyes flickering towards Damien.
“Yeah, well don’t feel too bad for yourself, he got beaten up too,” Damien scowled unhappily.
“Yeah, whatever, can I please go to the office now?” I asked, growing irritated.
“Whatever? Are you serious? This is your friend’s fault. If she would’ve kept out of our business, now, I’d still look gorgeous, but since she didn’t, now I look like a beaten up fool. I look like someone who can’t stand their own ground. Do you know how this makes me look to my friends? Do you know how much my rank has lowered? Did you know that Josh and Liam can’t even stand the sight of me anymore just because I got my ass kicked? This is your fucking fault!” He screamed, moving towards me with a growl emitting from his throat.
“It is not my fault, it is your fault!” I screeched back, “I was not the one that beat someone up, I was not the one the ate more than he could chew, I am not the one that hurts people just because they want to. I actually care for people!”
“And you think I don’t?”
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I think,” I answered, shaking my head before I shoved past them and finally made my way to the office, still fuming.
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Thank you for readin'! :D I still love you all!
Also, a big thank you towards FangsAngel, A_Darkness_Creeper, BlueOfTheAlchemy, Jemma_Vengeance6661X and last but not least MorgieLuvs for commenting... I love you all! Everyone of you! (that includes the non-commenters! :D)