Sequel: A Twist in His Story
Status: Complete!

A Twist in my Story

I've Never Kissed Someone Before.

“Where the hell are you?” I heard Rose hiss into the phone. “I don’t care if you’re with your college friends, get the hell home, our parents are here and we’re about to have dinner with them and Caleb, you know, the guy you wish was your boyfriend?” Rose asked with raised eyebrows, “Why should it matter if he’s around, he knows, maybe you should grow a pair and ask him for a date,” Rose muttered, rolling her eyes. “How do you know he doesn’t swing that way? Have you asked him?”
I was growing irritated by their bickering and I had gone from a relaxed sleep on Rose’s bed to sitting up rigidly and staring into Rose’s eyes. A groan left my mouth before I rose without thinking and grabbed the phone away from Rose and pressed it to my ear.
“No, I haven’t asked him, Rosa-Belle but I don’t want to risk our friendship over asking him. Sure he acted like he enjoyed it in the hall, but it’s obvious he’s never dated anyone, so why would he act any different?”
“Yeah, Xander asking me would get further than bickering with your sister,” I spoke before I hung up on him and threw the phone back at Rose with no expression masking my face as I collapsed back onto the bed.
“Don’t worry about it Rosie, it’s nothing to be concerned about,” I murmured with a soft smile, looking up at her.
“Fine,” Rosie huffed before she deflated onto her bed beside me.

Rosie and I must have laid on her bed for about half an hour, talking about the randomest things before we heard someone scurry up the stairs and barge into Rosie’s room.
Xander stood at the door way, huffing as he used the door frame as support. Xander’s eyes quickly located me next to Rose before he moved towards me, dragging his feet over the carpet effortlessly until he stood beside me. Xander crouched down beside the bed before he looked over my face.
“I made it here as fast as I could, I just need to clarify something,” Xander said, looking at my face as I rose up to support the upper half of my body with my elbows.
Xander’s eyes flickered over to Rosie as he watched her raise to her feet and climb off of the bed and leave the room as she murmured ‘I’ll leave you two alone’ quietly before she left.
“What would you like to clarify?” I asked, tipping my head to one side.
“Do you like me?”
“In what way dear Xander?” I smirked up at him, knowing exactly what way he was asking about.
Xander quickly rose to his feet, running his hands throughout his newly dyed black hair as his teeth tugged on one of his lip rings nervously. Xander began to pace the room silently and didn’t stop until five minutes later.
“Caleb, would you go on a date with me tomorrow afternoon, just you and I,” Xander asked, crouching beside me once again, hope glistening in his eyes.
“You can,” I replied, watching as Xander jumped up from his spot with a grin. I could tell that he was celebrating in his head, “Under one condition.”
Those three words made him freeze and stare down at me nervously, fear obviously running throughout him.
“What condition?”
“Kiss me,” I replied, looking up at him with a smirk as I could feel the nerves running throughout my body.
“Fuck yes,” Xander mumbled to himself as he watched me stand up in front of him.
I stared up into his beautiful blue eyes nervously, watching as he stared at my face for a short period of time, admiring the way I looked. A smile rose to his face as he moved closer towards me, running his hands through my hair that was now able to cover my green eyes.
My hands moved, placing them onto his chest, my hands gripping at the fabric of his Bring Me The Horizon tee. I felt one of his hands move away from my hair and down to my hip while the other only slid down to the base of my neck before he moved to kiss the corner of my lips teasingly. A smirk rose up to his face when I was the one to move over the inch to kiss him on full on the lips. I could feel his thin lips capture my bottom lip and tug on it lightly before his teeth copied his lips actions.
“Ah hem,” I heard Michelle’s voice echo from the door frame making Xander place one last kiss onto my lips before he pulled away to glance up at his smiling mother.
“Ma!” Xander yelled happily, pulling away from me to move over to his mother and pull her into a hug.
“You could have at least visited me before you chose to visit your boyfriend,” Michelle teased, wrapping her arms around her taller son.
“He’s not my boyfriend, I mean, I wish he was but sadly, not yet,” Xander replied as they pulled away from each other.
“But Rose just informed me that you two were going on a date,” Michelle replied, looking at her son as her eyes flickered briefly over to me.
“We are, tomorrow and hopefully after the date we will be dating,” Xander replied, winking down at his mother.
“No oofty magoofty in this house Alexander!”
“I wouldn’t even think of having sex with him yet mother,” Xander replied shaking his head with a smile.
“Well sorry, I know you’re nineteen and he’s Rose’s age, so sixteen and we both know that you are very horny at that age—”
“Ma!” Xander yelled horrified.
“Sorry, sorry,” Michelle smirked, raising her hands up defensively, “anyways, I came up here to inform you that dinner is almost ready.”
“Okay, we’ll be down in a minute,” Xander replied, placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Ew, son germs!” Michelle complained rubbing her cheek as she walked away towards the kitchen.
I wandered away from my spot to stand beside Xander before rising up onto my tippy-toes and placing a kiss onto his cheek. I whispered silently into his ear, a sentence that made him freeze, a sentence that made him feel like he was on the top of the world and sentence that made him grin like a madman.
“I forgot to mention that the condition was to kiss me and to be my boyfriend.”
I smirked up at him before sending him a wink and walking down to the dining room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading! And thank you MorgieLuvs for commenting!
Caleb's POV or Xander's POV for a (possible) sequel? Which one?