Sequel: A Twist in His Story
Status: Complete!

A Twist in my Story

I've Never Been On A Date Before.

I sat in Rose’s room, twisting my hands nervously together as I let out a shaky breath. I had no clue what had come over me yesterday. I didn’t know where the confidence came from and I was confused to whether Xander and I were actually dating or not. I had no idea what gave me the courage to tell him to kiss me, to whisper what I said into his ear or even kiss him first, I really had no idea.
I had told Rose what had happened and I knew she was curious about everything just like me. Rosie had dragged me up to her room an hour before we were to leave and told me that Xander had told her where we were going and that I shouldn’t worry about a thing. I had asked her where but she had simply replied, ‘Nope, it’s a surprise. I’m only allowed to tell you to be ready and down the stairs by five o’clock.’
After the tenth time I had given up and I had also stopped complaining about how Rose kept using me as a dress-up doll. In the end I was wearing a white suit that had white buttons and a black tie. The button-up shirt underneath was white along with my shoes and shoe laces. My shoes were formal leather shoes and they had an obvious black bottom to them.
Once I had walked out of the bathroom after marveling about how nice it felt to wear a tuxedo, Rosie squealed loudly in excitement and yank me into a tight hug. Once she had pulled away she handed me a bag and told me strictly not to open it until ‘Alex’ tells me too, so in response I nodded curiously and kept a mental note on the bag.
Rosie beamed up at me before she told me to stay still and raced into the bathroom, returning moments later with a brush, some hair gel and some other hair products. Looking at her cautiously, she assured me that she wasn’t going to kill me with the unknown products.
Biting my lip nervously, I watched as Rosie began to neaten my hair, putting some odd coconut smelling liquid in my hair after she had brushed it and then she placed the hair gel throughout it. After that she simply sprayed it with some hairspray and stood back to admire her work, when she nodded in approval I knew she thought I looked ‘stunning’.
In the end I stood in front of Rosie, smiling down at her as she hugged me around the waist, jumping in fright when an alarm loudly came from her phone. Rosie instantly pulled away from me and shoved me out the door with a kind smile and a slight wave before she pulled shut the door and left me in the hallway.
Swallowing nervously, I played with the bottom of my blazer as I moved towards the stairs, nervously taking each step, not looking up until I heard Xander gasp. My eyes quickly darted over to Xander’s shocked face as I found his eyes tracing over my body. Xander’s profile made me let out a small gasp as well, at the moment, he looked far more attractive than ‘handsome’ or ‘gorgeous’, there was no words to describe how amazing Xander looked.
Xander wore a formal black Tuxedo with black shoes and a white tie as he sat on the couch. His hair was slicked back off of his face just like mine and you could see his dazzling blue eyes very clearly. Letting out a shaky breath, I focused my eyes back onto the stairs and finished walking down the remainder of them.
“You look gorgeous,” Xander murmured, after he had risen from his seat on the lounge to wander over to where I stood at the base of the stairs.
I could feel my cheeks grow warm as I glanced up at his face, studying his caring, loving expression watching as he bent down to place his lips onto mine for a quick kiss. His lips were warm against my cold ones as his lips clasped around my upper lip, letting mine clasp around his bottom one. Our lips moved freely together, as one before he pulled away with a chuckle.
“Come on Romeo, let’s get this show on the road,” Xander winked as he moved to pick up his own bag before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards his car.
“Why’d you call me Romeo?” I asked, as we climbed into his motor vehicle.
“You know, Romeo and Juliet? The book, the movie or even the second movie.”
“Romeo and Juliet?”
“Never mind,” Xander murmured, shaking his head before he pulled out of his driveway and drove out of his street.
I stared out the window for a long period of time, awkward silence filling the car as I heard Xander place a CD into his CD player, the sound of Three Days Grace filling the car. A smile rose to my face before I glanced towards Xander, noticing that he was looking at me also out of the corner of his eye.
The ride only lasted half an hour, until we pulled up in front of a very fancy looking restaurant, with a name I couldn’t pronounce, let alone spell. Xander continued to drive into the restaurant until he pulled into a u-bend near the entrance, also near where several guys stood, all wearing tail-coats. The guy closest to us let out a chuckle to a joke one of the guys shared before he walked over to our car as Xander and I climbed out of the convertible.
I noticed Xander give the guy some cash before the man climbed into Xander’s car and drove off. Glancing curiously at the back of the car, my eyes flickered towards Xander who wore an amused expression before he gestured me to follow after him as he turned on his heel and walked towards the revolving door, leaving me to scurry to catch up to his figure.
I bit my lip nervously, watching as he pushed the door open just as I moved next to him. We walked through the door before getting greeted by another man in a tailcoat, except this time, he held his hands out for our coats which Xander happily handed over to him. I kindly refused the man’s offer as we wandered forwards to the next man in the tailcoat, a smile on the man’s face as he asked for our reservation.
“Alexander Royce.”
“Ah, yes, I see, follow me,” the man spoke, bowing a bit before he lead further into the restaurant, passed the tables before stopping in front of an elevator, pressing the upwards button. Only seconds passed before a small ding was heard and the elevator doors moved open, allowing us to enter the small space.
I moved forwards after the man and Xander, letting my formal shoes sink into the soft, red carpet of the elevator. Watching as the man hit the bottom button on the wall making the doors close and the elevator jerk upward before the man pressed himself against the wall, trying to step out of our way. The door opened seconds later once the elevator stopped, and the man bowed before telling us that he would return soon with the drink and food menus.
We thanked the man before we stepped out of the elevator and watched him press the down button before flashing us a kind smile as the doors closed. I noticed Xander look me over before he looked out, over at the bright lights of the city.
A gasp of shock left my mouth as I looked over the beautiful scenery, watching as the cars zoomed past, as the lights of houses, buildings and shops lit up the large city. Watching as the water from the ocean moved, barely visible. The view was absolutely marvellous, but as that thought crossed my mind, I realised how high up we were, I could feel my heart picking up pace in my chest as my calm breaths turned into deep, sharp breaths.
“Caleb? Caleb!” I Xander yelled, worried before he placed his arms around my shoulders and led me over to the seat of the table.
I sat down slowly, trying to calm my breath, but that only caused me to hyperventilate more, I could feel my breath quickening as my panic increased. I could feel how hard it was becoming to breathe and I could also feel how worried Xander was and that was something that made my heart stop for a short period of time.
Letting out a large breath of air I closed my eyes and began to try and calm down my shaking figure, I could feel Xander rubbing calming circles into my back as I heard the elevator ding open once again, the man returning with the menus.
I swallowed nervously before I opened my eyes to glance over at the man holding the menus before whispering to Xander that I was now fine and that he could sit down. Xander glanced over me sceptically before he nodded and moved to his seat, still doubtful that I was fine.
I noticed the man hesitate before he moved closer and placed the menus on the table and grabbing the white napkin from the table. The man placed them on both of our laps before bowing to us and informing us that a waiter would be up soon to get our orders. I flashed the man a thankful smile as he moved away, leaving me alone with Xander.
I looked towards Xander, but refused to look any further towards my right, knowing that there was a ledge only several metres away. Swallowing my saliva, I could tell that Xander was worrying for me; I could tell that he was thinking of ditching this place just so I could be comfortable.
“This is nice,” I murmured, not too sure if what I was saying was true or not.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine Xander, if I really wasn’t I would tell you, so please calm down,” I replied with a small smile.
“I don’t believe you, but I trust you enough to not question it any further,” Xander answered before picking up a menu to look over the list of food.
I let out a sigh before grabbing the second menu and opened it before glancing over the food that was listed, placing the menu down almost immediately when I noticed to prices. I swallowed, and stared down at my lap, rubbing my hands together uncomfortably.
“Caleb, what’s wrong?” I heard Xander ask, worry in his voice.
“I-it’s so expensive here,” I replied, biting my lip.
“You are so silly, you know that? Who cares about the price, I’m paying for this anyway, why should the price concern you? Just pick a meal you would like and take it, okay?”
“Okay,” I mumbled back before hanging my head and picking up my menu once again.
I searched the list several times until I was sure I had picked the cheapest drink and the cheapest food on the menu, when I was satisfied, I placed the menu back down onto the table just as the elevator let out a ding.
A young looking man in a waiter outfit walked out, a cloth over one of his arms as he held a notepad in hand, his eyes instantly flicking over to Xander.
“May I please take your order sir?”
“Sure, I would like Ribs and Vegetables with a glass of red wine, I don’t mind which, thank you.”
“Yes sir,” the waiter nodded before turning to me with an expectant look. “And what would you like sir?”
“Uh, c-could I please have the spaghetti and bolognaise with a glass of water?” I asked, biting my lip nervously.
“Yes sir,” the waiter replied before flashing us a kind smile, “I’ll return with that right away,” he answered before bowing and disappearing back into the elevator.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guys, you don't know how sorry I am! Really, I am, but you have to understand, it's my exam week and I'm stressing out about passing, then I also have a huge play I have to do tomorrow in front of a large crowd, which is something I am most definitely not use to, I have major stage fright.
Anyways! Enough about me, I should be thanking you guys for sticking with me even though I've been a failure at updating. So here is the the third, maybe forth, but most likely third last chapter (of A Twist in my Story, there will be a sequel, as you guys know :3)
ALSO! Thank you commenters! It is always a joy to read what you have written, I love the feedback, so thank you to deadweight, MorgieLuvs, ThirtySeven Stitches, kblueveins, unicorndreams, A_Darkness_Creeper, Murder Rush! and Jemma_Vengeance6661X.