Sequel: A Twist in His Story
Status: Complete!

A Twist in my Story

I've Never Been To The Beach.

I tried to glance around the black folder that Xander held in his hand. I knew that it contained the check and I really wanted to know how much the meal had calculated up to, but thanks to Xander, he refused to show it to me and instead he just placed some money into the folder and placed it onto the table before rising from his seat and sending a wink towards me. I glowered at him before I rose to my feet as well, tucking my chair underneath the table before we headed towards the elevator.
The doors closed quickly behind us after we had stepped in and Xander automatically turned to me, shaking his head.
“I know what you did,” he murmured, pressing to floor button.
“What did I do?” I asked, looking at him confused.
“You picked the cheapest thing on the menu, I was tempted to change your order into something you would really enjoy, but I didn’t only because if that’s what you want to do, then you can do it, but just remember, I don’t mind spending money on you Caleb,” he replied as the elevator started to descend.
“Why do I want to spend money on you?” Xander asked, confused.
“No, why do you care about me? No one has cared about me since I was seven,” I asked, truly curious.
“You are really silly Caleb, you know that?” Xander chuckled as the doors opened. Xander took a step out of the elevator, tugging me along with him before stopping and turning to me. “Caleb, I thought you were attractive the first time I spotted you, not even the Smiths could change my opinion on that, and when you became friends with Rosie, I was more than ecstatic, normally, I would leave Rosie alone with her friends, but with you, I couldn’t, I had to be around you and even Rosie picked that up. Yet, the more I hung around you, the stronger my feelings grew, it wasn’t until yesterday that I realised my feelings were too strong and there was no way in hell that I would ever get a chance to go on a date with you, so after getting my lips pierced and my hair re-dyed I decided for once I would hang around my college friends. My friends that always seem to be high and drunk and that use to amuse me, but yesterday, I also realised, I was nothing like them, I couldn’t take drugs anymore, no, I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to smoke anymore or drink, I just wanted a clean life with you, but even that seemed difficult.
“And then, Rosie called me up asking where I was, she started panicking and then she grew angry, she was yelling at me and I was tempted to hang up on her, but then she mentioned you and after that, my heart froze, I froze and then your voice was heard and what you said gave me hope. I had to get home as fast as I could. So I drove home and ran into the house up the stairs ignoring my parents, I just had to see you and when I did, I was so happy, what happened in that room made me the happiest man alive. So yes, I am glad to be your boyfriend, I want to treasure you for the rest of my life. I love you Caleb, and I don’t mind if you aren’t ready to say it back yet, but I do, I love you so much,” Xander said, his gaze filled with love and happiness.
He what? He loves me? But how? Why? Why on earth would someone as amazing as him like something as broken as me? It went against everything. Xander is meant to have someone that is special, someone that isn’t scared to love, someone that doesn’t have a haunting past.
I bit my lip and looked down at the floor, thinking everything he had said over before shaking my head and looking up at him with teary eyes.
“Like I said, I don’t expect you to love me back, but I will one day,” Xander said, winking with a smirk before we left the restaurant, grabbing Xander’s jacket on the way out.
The same guy that took Xander’s car drove it back in before bowing slightly to Xander and joining his friend’s once again. I let out a small sigh before I climbed into Xander’s car watching as he climbed in beside me and drove away from the expensive restaurant and in the opposite direction to his house.
“No questions, I ban you from asking them,” he interrupted, a smirk appearing on his face. “Oh, by the way, when we get to the destination you can open the bag.”
The bag, that was one thing I was curious about, I knew it wasn’t a present since he had carried one too, I knew that—
“No thinking about it either,” Xander spoke again before glancing briefly over at me.
“No, if you think about it, you might get the answer.”
“Questions are banned, remember?”
“No buts.”
“You are so mean,” I muttered back in response.
“No insulting the driver either. Jeez, you aren’t too good at following rules, are you?”
“Well, sorry Mister I-know-all-the-rules-but-won’t-share-them-until-Caleb-breaks-one-of-them,” I muttered, rolling my eyes.
“Is that meant to be an insult?”
“No questions, following your own rules, Alexander.”
“Oh, we’re using full names now, Caleb… Oh, well that sucks,” Xander muttered, realising the name he calls me, was my full first name.
“Sucks to be you,” I answered, smirking.
“You just insulted me,” Xander said, pointing an accusing finger at me.
“That’s a negative. I was just pointing out true facts.”
“True facts my arse!”
“Aw, is someone offended?”
“Damn,” I muttered, slapping my forehead.
“Who does it suck to be now?”
“Question!” I repeated, smirking.
“No swearing!”
“No buts!”
“You’re having fun with this aren’t you?” Xander asked, narrowing his eyes.
“That’s a question, but I shall answer anyway. That’s an affirmative.”
“You suck,” Xander muttered before, pulling into a parking lot.
“What do I suck?”
“Oh, you suck—”
“Beach!” I screamed, climbing out of the car, pulling the bag along with me, automatically knowing what was in the bag as I raced towards the bathroom.
I quickly changed into the black board shorts that had a red dragon racing up the right side of the board shorts. I pulled the plain red t-shirt over my head as well before I stuffed the suit back into the bag and raced out happily, passing Xander who had only just made his way to the bathroom. I put the bag back into the unlocked car and leaned against it, grinning happily as Xander walked out moments later in a pair of matching swimming trunks that had a white dragon as he wore no shirt.
“Beach! Beach! Beach!” I screamed happily, pointing out to the crashing waves that looked beautiful with the full moon’s light.
“Calm down little duckling, just let me placed my suit back into the car and we can go.”
“Well hurry up!”
“Well Sorry!” Xander said, placing his bags in the car before grabbing two towels and locking his convertible.
“Yay! Beach!” I screamed once again before racing towards it, grinning wildly when my feet made contact with the soft sand.
“Caleb!” Xander yelled before I felt weight on my back and suddenly both Xander and I were tumbling towards the ground. “You were meant to catch me!” Xander cried before climbing off of my back, ignoring the fact that my face was buried in the sand and I could feel the sand in my mouth and up my nose.
Moving to a sitting position, I spat out most of the sand and got as much as I could out of my nose before I looked up at a cackling Xander, an innocent grin spreading across his face when he spotted me looking.
“Water!” I yelled, before jumping into the rippling waves.
“Can you even swim?”
“No!” I yelled back, sitting down in the shallow part, flapping my arms up and down joyfully.
“You are so weird,” Xander muttered, shaking his head before he plopped down beside me.
“Isn’t that how you like it?” I asked before climbing onto him before moving to straddle him.
I looked up into his eyes as I could feel the cold waves gently pushing against my lower back.
“You are so gorgeous,” I heard Xander murmur before he pressed his soft, warm lips against mine.
Our lips moved together, synchronised. My hands moved away from my sides to his stomach, my hands feeling his hard abs before I moved my hands upwards over his chest and behind his neck and into his dark locks of hair. Xander pulled back a bit, separating us for a brief period to look into my green eyes before placing another kiss onto my lips and slowly falling backwards onto his back.
His lips never moved from mine when he fell backwards, my hands moving from his hair to use the wet sand of the beach as support, keeping me from squishing Xander. I could feel Xander’s tongue sweep along my bottom lip, leaving me curious. I pulled back to look down at his, curiosity in my gaze.
“Just open your mouth when I do that next time,” Xander answered my gaze, winking at me before he brought my lips back down to his.
Our lips moved together again, almost instantly before I felt his tongue against my bottom lip again, so following his instructions I opened my mouth, letting his tongue enter and explore around, our tongues both swirling around each other before mine pushed his backwards into his mouth, allowing me to explore his mouth. I let my tongue sweep along every inch of his mouth and I could tell he was enjoying it from the fact that a loud moan came from his lips.
“Who’s there?” We heard an unknown voice boom making me jump apart from Xander and land next to him in the water, ignoring the erection that was obvious through my board shorts.
A bright light flashed around the beach until it landed on us, both Xander and I raising our hands to block the bright light that was blinding us.
“What are you two doing on the beach at Seven thirty on a Sunday night? Do you know that it is out of bounds from five-thirty onwards? Leave now before I fine you!” The man growled making us jump up from the wet sand, grab our dry towels and the car keys before scurrying back to the car, climbing in once we both had the towels securely wrapped around our waists.
Xander drove away with a chuckle as we anticipated the drive home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading! I love you guys and also, thank you to Murder Rush!, Jemma_Vengeance6661X and A_Darkness Creeper for commenting! :D