Sequel: A Twist in His Story
Status: Complete!

A Twist in my Story

I've Never Been Shopping.

A knock was heard at the my door before I had opened my eyes. Squinting blindly, I glanced over my right shoulder at Izzy, who now stood at the open doorway. Blinking furiously, my eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight that was shining through my closed, white curtains.
“You need to get up,” Izzy mumbled sleepily, squinting with her tired, amber eyes.
“M’kay,” I replied back as I sat up in my bed, Zeke’s old clothes hanging loosely off of my thin, boney frame.
Izzy nodded drowsily before she stumbled out of my room and down towards the kitchen as I continued to stare at the open doorway. Letting out a sigh, I peeled the blankets off of my warm body, exposing my clothed body to the cool air that seemed to wrap around my thin frame. I reached forwards for my wooden crutches as I stood, trying not to fall flat on my ass.
I had been living at Aunt Patricia and Uncle Billy’s house for approximately four weeks, and so far I had made a lot of success both learning and health wise. I no longer needed bandages and for once in my life my body felt untouched, although my leg was still bounded by the signed blue cast. As for learning wise, I had improved with my reading ever since Izzy began teaching me, and apparently I was able to read like any other teenager, which made me feel proud. Izzy had taught me about the basics of maths, science and all of those subjects while Zeke had been trying his best to find a sport that I liked and so far I liked none of them.
Zeke had me playing soccer, football, tennis, swimming, basketball, even a sport called squash, but all of them were pretty horrible. Shaking my head, I tugged the large grey tracksuit pants back up to my waist as I trotted out of my room towards the strong smell of bacon, eggs and toast.
Smiling happily I plopped myself in a seat at the island beside Izzy and Zeke as Aunt Patricia placed an even amount of food on each of our plates, each of us saying a 'thank you' back in return.
“Okay, school is tomorrow so I would like the three of you to go shopping for your supplies,” Aunt Patricia stated, nodding along with what she was saying as she picked up a piece of paper that was sitting on the counter top along with a hundred dollar bill that was paper clipped to it. “These are the supplies you need,” she continued, handing the paper and money to Izzy as she smiled delightfully. “Now, finish your meals, get dressed so you can go.”
Izzy, Zeke and I nodded as we took our time to follow her instructions, about an hour after we had eaten we were finally leaving the house, planting kisses on Aunt Patricia’s cheek as we left, saying a small ‘goodbye’.
The walk was short to the mall, and Izzy was almost jumping up and down with excitement when we walked past a cosmetic store, begging that we return on the way out, which we just blandly nodded to as she squealed in delight even though she knew that Zeke wouldn’t let her enter, not even on the way out.
Izzy was skipping ahead of us, admiring all of the stores that we went passed, and I couldn’t blame her for doing so, I mean this place was huge. I glanced around the large area, ignoring the large crowds that reminded me of the airport, except, minus the staring.
I suppose I no longer looked like a ‘living mummy’ as what Zeke had called me. I now looked like a regular teenage boy. I had gotten all of my shaggy, shoulder-length hair shaved off when I had arrived at the Smith household, so it would match my bald patch and four weeks later it had only grown back about an inch. The bruises and scars that once covered my face had faded, and you could only just see them if you looked at me closely while the scars and cuts that covered the rest of my body was hidden by a black hoodie and a pair of black jeans that belonged to Zeke.
“Okay, Izzy, calm down. Let’s get the supplies that we need for school, and then after than we can decide what to do with the left over money, okay?” I heard Zeke ask from beside me after Izzy had bounced back over to us babbling one thousand words a minute about what she wanted to do first.
Izzy deflated with a pout before nodding as we followed Zeke around the shopping center watching him as he placed three of each school supply into a trolley, in the end we had about fifty dollars left along with three hungry teenagers that were starving for food.
The three of us stopped at McDonald's on the way out of the shopping center to grab a meal as we dawdled back to our house, stopping at an ice cream shop on the way.
The ice cream shop was small, only having three booths to the right and a large fridge-like freezer on the left that displayed multiple amounts of ice-cream cakes, while at the back sat the counter with two people behind it. One was a teenager a bit older than us with his back turned to us while the other was a thirty-year old woman that was filing her nails with much interest.
The door let out a small chime as Zeke dragged it open, letting Izzy skip in first with me following curiously behind. I had never had ice-cream before and I was positive Izzy and Zeke knew this.
“Ooh, which one?” Izzy asked curiously, staring into a large, glass topped freezer that held multiple amounts of ice-cream.
Zeke rolled his eyes at this before peering into the freezer himself, just as I was left to follow their actions. Looking in, I bit my lip as I glanced over all the flavors, Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Triple Choc Chip, Cookies and Crème, Coffee and loads more. I felt Zeke’s eyes flicker onto my face as a voice broke through the silence.
“Hello, how may I help you today?”
I glanced up towards the bored male voice, glancing over the pale boy that seemed to flash Zeke a fake smile with his thin, light pink lips as he tried to hold back a sneer.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Izzy hissed her eyes narrowed onto the dark haired boy that had his hair covering half of his face, shielding one of his blue eyes from view.
“I work here,” the taller boy said, speaking again as he tried to hold back a jeer.
I looked between the boy and my cousins in confusion, shying away when the boy saw me for the first time. The boy raised his eye brows as his eyes trailed up and down my body several times before a smirk made its way to his face.
“And who, is, this?” the boy spoke, in a flirtatious voice.
“Our cousin who is clearly not interested in you,” Zeke snapped back, glowering at the boy.
“And how would you know? Have you asked him if he’s gay or bisexual? Have you asked him if he would like a piece of Xander?” the boy Xander asked with a raised eyebrow, letting his hands run along his chest. After a pause Xander’s smirk turned into a knowing smile, “exactly.”
“Ask him then, go on,” Izzy growled furiously.
“I will, but first,” Xander said, before turning to me, “What is your name, gorgeous?”
A blush crept to my face, before my eyes diverted to my feet, suddenly becoming fascinated with my shoes, “C-Caleb,” I stuttered, my cheeks reddening.
“Mm, sexy name,” Xander murmured as he leaned closer towards me, interested. “So, Caleb, are you interested in the same sex?”
“I-I don’t know,” I mumbled, my eyes flickering up at Xander’s face for several seconds before returning to the floor.
“Just serve the customers, you’re giving me a headache,” the other woman in this shop interrupted Xander, as she looked up from her nails with a glower.
“Fine, what would you like?” Xander snapped, glaring once again at Zeke
“One strawberry, one cookies and creme and whatever Caleb wants,” Zeke sneered back, his eyes quickly flickering over to me.
“C-chocolate, p-please,” I stuttered, blushing again.
“Oh, how polite, unlike your homophobic cousins,” Xander said, flashing me a half smile as he scooped up the ice creams.
“That’s because you shouldn’t like the same sex, it’s fucking disgusting,” Izzy snapped as Zeke nodded in agreement.
Xander shoved the ice creams into Izzy and Zeke’s hands before gently placing one in my hands with a flirtatious smile and a wink making my face redden even further. A low chuckle left Xander’s mouth as Zeke dragged me out of the ice cream shop after he had slapped down a twenty dollar bill and told them to keep the change.
“W-what’s wrong with liking the same sex?” I asked, as we headed home.
“It’s fucking disgusting, tell me, have you ever seen an animal have gay sex with another animal?” Zeke asked as he licked his ice cream.
“Well, n-no, but I’m sure that t-there are gay animals,” I said, defensively.
“Don’t tell me you’re a fucking fag,” Izzy hissed with clenched teeth making me wince back at the word ‘fag’ as I bit my lip, holding back the tears.
“I-I don’t know if I-I am, but even if I was, w-what difference would it make?”
“You’d be a disgrace,” Izzy growled, “now shut up, and eat your ice cream I don’t want to discuss this any further,” Izzy snapped before striding farther forwards.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading! I love, love, love ya!
And also a big thank you to fallen useless for commenting! So please give him a round of applause! :D
Another thing before I start writing chapter five is, I would love it if people gave me advice. I want to improve my writing skills, and push myself to my full potential, but I don't know if I can do better, so please, any ideas?