Sequel: A Twist in His Story
Status: Complete!

A Twist in my Story

I've Never Eaten Waffles.

I could feel the blood pumping to my head as my headache continued to surge on. A groan left my chapped lips, making the hushed whispers that both Rose and Xander were speaking cease, before they continued to bicker. My headache was causing too much pain for me to decipher whatever they were talking about, even though I had a strong feeling that it was about me.
Groaning again, my eyes squinted open; surprised when everything appeared upside down. Frowning, I blinked furiously before letting my legs drop away from the top of the couch, wincing when my cast covered leg landed onto my shin.
"Just finish making Breakfast, we'll discuss this later," Rose said sternly, before moving around the couch to look down at me. "Oh, you're awake, good morning," Rose chirped happily, beaming down at me.
"Morning," I groggily replied, moving to a sitting position, pressing my index fingers to my temples as I rubbed circles onto my skin.
"Headache?" Rose asked, tipping her head to one side to stare at me, her grin turning into a grim smile when I nodded. "Alex and I figured as much, I'm pretty sure that he's serving some Aspirin with breakfast for you."
Rose reached down to grab my hands which rested on my knees, before yanking me up to my feet, sending me flying forwards, only Rose stopping me from falling flat on my face. A blush rose to my face, as I stared down at my feet.
"Sorry," Rose murmured apologetically, rubbing the back of her neck when I glanced up at her.
"S'all good," I mumbled back, rubbing my eyes with my balled fists as a stifled yawn left my mouth.
"Breakfast is ready!" Xander yelled from the kitchen as clattering of plates was heard.
"Yay, food!" Rose exclaimed, bounding towards the kitchen as she dragged me along behind her cheery figure.
I grumbled under my breath everytime I stumbled from not having my crutches to use, glaring at the back of Rose the whole time until we were standing at the kitchen doorway. A shirtless Xander grinned over at us as he piled three square, pastry-like things onto each plate that sat on the island counter. A blush rose to my cheeks as I glanced over Xander’s ripped body before quickly looking away towards the odd looking food.
I glanced over to Rose, confused as she just beamed up at me before dragging me over to the island. Grumbling again, I sat down at the table before picking up a fork and prodding the food carefully, blushing when I heard Xander chuckle.
“They’re waffles; they won’t jump out and tear a limb off or anything. Usually people put fruit, syrup or ice cream on them,” Xander informed, pointing out the two large bowls and a bottle that held all three substances that Xander had just named.
“O-oh,” I mumbled, biting the inside of my cheek as I stared down at my ‘waffles’.
Letting out a distance sigh, I stabbed the waffle with my fork before cutting off of a corner and placing it into my mouth, chewing slowly to absorb the taste. It was sweet, crunchy and yet at the same time, sort of plain. I swallowed the waffle, before reaching for the maple syrup, tipping a bit on the waffle and repeating my actions as before. I listened closely as Xander chuckled again and moved around the island to sit next to me, making another blush form on my face.
A burst of flavor hit my mouth as soon as the waffle touched my tongue, making a small moan leave my mouth before a blush rose to my cheeks, but luckily, neither of them heard, or at least if they had, they didn’t comment on it.
I grabbed the bottle of syrup before smearing it onto my waffles. Placing the bottle back onto the table I began to eat, almost bouncing off of my seat.
“So, Caleb, you’re from Australia, right?” Xander asked, making me glance over at him, nodding. “How long have you been in America for?”
“F-four, almost f-five weeks,” I stuttered, blushing.
“I see,” Xander nodded, plopping a bit of waffle into his mouth as I cut off another piece.
“How’d you get the cast?” A voice asked from the doorway, making me glance up.
“How do you think he got it? He obviously broke a bone, and you see, when you break a bone, you go to a place called the hospital and they give you a cast, fascinating right?” Xander mockingly replied, his chin now resting on his open palms as his elbows rested on the table.
“Shut up Alex, he knows what I meant,” Lily sneered, before turning to me with a smile.
I swallowed nervously before looking down at my lap where my hands now tugged on the bottom of my shirt. I had no idea what to tell them, I couldn’t just outright say, ‘oh, my Dad did it while he was trying to kill me, no big deal,’ well, I could, but I couldn’t do it without making them freak out, and maybe worry? No, I had never had someone worry over me for almost ten years and I knew that if I told them the story, they wouldn’t worry, they’d just be horrified. They’d be repulsed by me and abandon me, or even worse, turn into what my father was.
“Caleb?” Rose asked softly, making me glance up at her. “You don’t have to say, really.”
“Yes he does!” Lily argued as she advanced towards us.
“Have you thought that it may be personal, that it may relate to why he has scars on his fac—Hem, I’ve said to much, I’m going to get changed,” Rose said with a blush as she bolted out of the kitchen towards her stairs.
I reached up towards my face, and ran my fingers over the bumping texture. Maybe they were more obvious than I thought.
Tears welled up in my eyes, I knew I would never be normal. I would never fit in, ever.
“Caleb?” I heard Xander whisper softly, but I didn’t look at him, my gaze just returned to my lap as I jumped out of my seat and hopped back into the living room, brushing past a silent Lily.
Letting out a shaky sigh, I picked up my crutches to support my body as I stared down at the bright carpet.
“How is this my fault?” I heard Lily boom from the kitchen.
“You brought up the cast!” Xander growled.
“So? It was a simple question. I didn’t know it was personal!” Lily snarled back.
“Not everything can be told at once!” Xander yelled, making me wince and move towards the kitchen.
“Well sorry for assuming that a simple question about a cast wasn’t personal!” Lily shrieked in return.
As I entered the kitchen, I could see Xander and Lily pressed up against each other, both pissed off as they stared into each other’s eyes with complete hatred.
“You should—”
“I-it’s alright,” I mumbled, staring down at my feet as I quietly cut Xander off of his rant.
“Caleb?” Xander asked, in a more softened tone.
“I-I won’t tell you, not now, maybe n-not ever, but p-please, don’t fight, n-not over me,” I stuttered, once again, as I glanced up at the both of them.
“Fine,” Lily huffed, before stomping out of the kitchen to get ready for school.
“We should get ready as well, Caleb,” Xander said, stepping towards me with a kind smile.
“I-I don’t have any other clothes,” I mumbled, blushing as I stared down at the carpeted floor, biting the inside of my cheek.
“We didn’t expect you to; Rose has probably already raided my closet and found what you’ll be wearing today any—”
“Caleb!” Rose yelled from the top of the stairs, impatience obvious in her voice.
“You better go Caleb, she gets feisty when she doesn’t get what she wants.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope I didn't make you guys wait too long! Sorry for the late update, I have a harsh Maths assignment.
Anyways, thank you for reading! I love you people! :3
I'm planning to have another one done in a few hours, but it'll probably be more of a filler chapter.
I would also like to send my thanks to ViceorVirtue? and The-Joker because they are simply amazing people, you see? :D