Sequel: A Twist in His Story
Status: Complete!

A Twist in my Story

I've Never Stood Up For Someone Before.

It had been three weeks since my first day of school and not much had changed. Every weekend I would stay at Rose’s house and she would show me something new. In the first week she had shown me video games, so far, my favourite game was Call Of Duty: Black Ops. On the second weekend Rose had taught me how to cook basic foods, I learnt to cook cake, biscuits and steak with vegetables. Rose won’t tell me what we’re doing each weekend, but, I don’t mind, I like the idea of a surprise.
At school, Damien was still shoving me in the halls and throwing insults at me at every chance he got, but that was alright, I could handle it. He wasn’t that bad, he hasn’t even caused a bruise yet, so I should be fine.
And at home, Izzy and Zeke were still ignoring me, I didn’t know I did something that bad that they wouldn’t be talking to me for that long, I mean, it’s not like I’m dating a guy or anything, I just defended gays. If that makes me a horrible person, then I guess I am a bad person, plus, Xander’s gay and I’ve become quite fond of him, although, for some reason, I still stutter around him, yet I don’t stutter around Lily, and I barely know Lily.
It was a Friday and both Rose and I were sitting in our normal spots, out the back on a single metal chair that gave us a view of the football field. The chair was placed on the grass, beneath a large oak tree, that shaded us from the bright glare of the sun. Behind the large tree was the school, which was built out of bricks and cement. On the wall of the school, closest to us sat an old-looking red bell that shrilled along with the others when the end of lunch or classes occurred.
“Yes, beautiful, beautiful Rose?” I asked, smiling over at her, fluttering my eyelashes, as a smirk was obvious on my face.
“Oh, stop Caleb, you’re making me blush,” Rose said in return, waving her hand dismissively at me as she grinned. “Anyways, I just wanted to ask you if you have any major fears? Such as heights, spiders, anything at all,” she asked, peering over at me, smirking.
“Oh, no reason, no reason at all,” Rose said innocently, her smirk turning into as smile as she battered eyelashes, clasping her hands together.
“Uh, is it such a wrong thing if I don’t believe that?”
“Yes, yes it is,” Rose said, grinning.
“Then, I shall not tell you because, even now, I still don’t believe you,” I said, biting my lip, trying to disguise the real reason I didn’t want to tell her my fear.
“But ple—,”
“Is begging really necessary? I mean come on, you’re already pathetic as it is,” I heard a familiar voice snap.
I looked over towards the back entrance of hte school, my eyes gliding over the twins that had been ignoring me for so long. Izzy’s long, black hair was tied up into a high pony tail as her side fringe covered half of her face. Her eyes were thickly coated in dark eye make-up and her face also had a thin layer of foundation covering her freckles that dotted across her small nose.
Izzy wore a white singlet, which had a sequined heart across the chest, it matching the short, denim skirt that she wore at her hips. On Izzy’s feet, there were black and white polka-dotted flats along with a golden heart anklet sitting on the bone of her ankle.
Zeke stood next to her, his arms crossed of his flannel-shirt covered chest as he looked at me with a disappointed, disgusted expression. His black hair fell down into his face as a frown was prominent on his face. Zeke wore a simple pair of black jeans and light blue Nikes to match his dark blue flannel shirt.
“What do you two want?” Rose snapped, her cheerful eyes turning into daggers.
“Oh calm your farm Betsy, we just want to talk to Caleb,” Zeke answered, rolling his eyes.
“Says the guy who’s been ignoring him for three weeks,” Rose growled in response, her eyes narrowing on the both of them.
“Oh shut the fuck up you stupid lesbian whore, don’t you understand that no one cares about your opinion? No one fucking likes you, so why don’t you go run, crying to your fucking Mummy and ask for a some attention you fat attention-seeking bitch,” Izzy snapped, her eyes staring at Rose, an irritated expression on her face as her hands were placed onto her hips.
My jaw slacked as I stared at Izzy, shocked before my jawed tightened, anger coursing through my veins as I stared at her, my eyes flickering over to Rose’s face. Rose’s eyes were watering, but she was trying to disguise it, she was trying to be strong, but even I knew she was offended and hurt, that Izzy had just gone too far.
Normally, I would have been scared to stand and face someone I barely knew, defending someone else that I barely knew, but it came without thinking. I rose to my feet, my hands clenched at my sides as I glared at my cousins, pure hatred soaring throughout my body.
“What is wrong with you? What has Rose done to you two? Huh? Nothing! She is probably the sweetest, most caring person I’ve met ever since I’ve gotten here and you know what? So is her entire family. Her family has been more like family than what you two have ever been. Who cares if one of them is gay and the other is lesbian? Who cares if they like the opposite sex? What does it matter to you two? They would never find two people that are so horrible, so heartless even remotely attractive. In fact, I’m glad you guys ignored me for the past three weeks, if I would’ve listened to you I wouldn’t have an amazing friend, I wouldn’t know Rose’s amazing family. I would just be a guy that hated the sight of everyone for reasons that are completely irrelevant. How would you like it if people hated you for having black hair or for being twins? How would you like it if someone hated you for something you couldn’t help?
“So, yeah, I don’t give a flying batooty what you think. Rose is my best friend, I care about her more than you can imagine. I know I’ve only known her a short while and I know I still have a lot to learn about her and her family, but at least I can honestly say that you could try torturing me out of being friends with Rose, but you know what? It wouldn’t work. I’m sticking by Rose, Xander, Lily and the rest of their family until the day I die,” I huffed, glaring at their shocked faces.
“And to think that we were going to forgive you, you are just as bad as them. They’ve brainwashed you, but you know what? I really don’t fucking give a shit because I never liked you in the first place. You were odd, I mean, what kid arrives to their Aunt and Uncle’s house unexpectedly, covered in bandages, bruises, cuts and a cast covering their leg and then, them not even having an explanation for the injuries… It was bazaar. So yeah, have fun with your faggot friends, I hope you live a horrible life. I hope you don’t get accepted by them. I hope that they break your heart so many times that you commit suicide. I hope that you get tortured before you die, because, you know what? You deserve it, along with the rest of the faggots,” Zeke snarled before turning on his heel and disappearing into the school building, Izzy trailing behind him.
I stared blankly after them before shrugging my shoulders and turning to Rose. That insult wasn’t even hurtful. I had lived with far worse insults from my father compared to the insult he had just thrown at me then.
“Are you alright?” I wondered, trying to peer beneath her strawberry blonde hair to her face.
“I-I should be asking you that,” Rose sobbed, drawing her white, jean covered legs up to her chest as she continued to cry.
“Oh, darling,” I murmured, sitting back down next to her as I rubbed her back sympathetically.
I gave her a sideways hug, rocking her back and forth. We sat there for what felt like hours. We had acknowledged that the bell had rang to go to class some time ago, but I refused to leave Rose like this, I couldn’t. I’d rather risk getting in trouble than having Rose have a major break down in class or end up running into them.
I can’t believe they did that to her. I was honest with what I had said. Rose is the nicest person I have met and she is more like family than what Izzy and Zeke would ever be.
“C-Caleb?” I heard Rose ask, looking up at me as she wiped the stray tears from her puffy, red eyes.
“Yes, Rosie?” I asked, with a warm smile.
“Thank you,” she murmured, pulling me into a hug, making me chuckle.
“What for?”
“For defending me silly! You’re the bestest friend, I could ever have and ever want. I love you, as a brother of course, but nevertheless, I love you,” Rose said, grinning as she pulled back just as the bell rang for last period. “We should probably go to Geography; I don’t want to get in anymore trouble from my parents than I’m going to get,” Rose mumbled, biting her lip.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine,” I replied, before standing up and grabbing my bag.
“Oh, come on, I’m going to be slaughtered,” Rose muttered, rolling her eyes as she stood up and grabbed her bag as well.
“Damn, that means I’ll have to find a new best friend,” I joked as she slapped me.
“Just because I die, doesn’t mean you can go find a new best friend, because if you do, I will haunt you for the rest of your life and make the other person's life a living hell.”
“That sounds like fun you know, you staring at me while I’m in the shower and all, because you know, you want me,” I whispered seductively, winking at her with a smirk.
“You have been hanging around Alex for far too long,” Rose muttered shaking her head as we began to walk towards our Geography class.
“Aw, that’s harsh,” I replied with a pout.
“Good, you need to be shown your place every now and then,” Rose replied with a grin.
“Again, harsh,” I answered, shoving her a bit as we entered the Geography classroom, waiting for the boring class to begin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you, you beautiful people! You should be happy, I did this when I was supposed to be studying and working on assignments, but you see, I love you guys more than that. Aren't you happy :D... well that and the fact that I really am not in the mood to do them xD.
Anyways, thank you for reading! :D and thank you to happyemo, little death; and ViceorVirtue? for commenting. I love them thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much! (well many a bit more, but you get the point.)
Have a nice week readers!