Status: Keep or Kill?

Breaking Free

Alone at Last

"Your job is to make sure the dogs get out, feed and water them. Have your cousin's cell number on you, and her husband's too encase of an emergancey. Wake up your brother and have him walk you to the bus stop. I don't feel safe letting you walk there alone. I'll give you my card number so you can order pizza one night and there's a frozen lasagna in the freezer for dinner the next. Call me when your on the bus and when you get home from practice, you got all that?" My mom ordered frantically.
She was....different then most. Her head was taken over by tight frizzy ringlets for hair. The last time she got it cut, they cut it too short so now it looks somewhat like a dead poodle. A cute dead poodle. She's in her 50s and never lost the fat from haveing 5 kids. The hippy personality she has makes up for her looks. She's a natural artistic therapist. I'm the youngest and only girl so I get to be fretted and worried about the worst. I would never trade my mom for anything.

"Yes mom, I can survive fourty-eight hours without you. You've left me alone longer then that." My voice was challenging in a joking way.

"Never on a school night." Well, my mother knew she won.

I smiled cleverly. Softly under my breath I mumbled "Penis."

My mom got the hint.

"Penis!" she said in a normal talking voice.

It went on back and forth until we we're shouting on the top of our lungs in the moving car. I wondered slightly if anyone could hair us from the street.

"You won." I concluded. My throat hurt and it was pointless to try. My mom has gone to one to many Grateful Dead concerts when I was a baby. "So whats the plan?"

"I'm dropping you off and going to the office because I have a shitload of work to do before I leave to Dallas."

"Mmmm k. I can deal."

The rest of the ride was pretty silent. When we got to the house I got out of the car and opened the trunk to let my dogs out. We have them in one of those metal cages for safetly reason. Before they could run into the street I beckoned them into the house and my mom drove away.

I have a minature snouzer and a Austrailen shepard. The minature snouzer is mine and her named is Mia. The Austrailian Shepard is named chance, he belongs to my mom.

Our house only has three bedrooms with four people living in it. I have my own room. When you go down the hall it's the second door on the right. The first door is the bathroom that we all have to share. Down the same hall to the left, the first room my brother Airistotle lives in with my cousin Forest. The second door my brother Dylan has to himself. My mom sleeps in what would be the living room.

Wait didn't I say my mom had five kids? My oldest brother still lives in Massachusetts, where we all formally lived. Her first born child died when he was a few months old.
My room is something that would take awhile to describe. So if you want to use your own imagination, skip all the italized words.

Imagine your standing in my door way. The door way is the bottom right hand corner. You got that? Take onestep into the room. Parallel to your body on the imediate left is a bid dresser about five feet tall and three feet tall. Infront of you is a writng desk. In the top left corner of a room is a twin bed. Just a sprin box and mattress, nothing else. It is up agaist the wall to your left. next to the right of the bed is a small 2x4 table with a lamp on it. At the end of the bed is a bookshelf about 1 foot wide and 3 feet tall. It's packed with books. In the bottom left corner of the room is the closet. In the closet are two dressers for extra strorage. The entire room is messy in an orginized way. To anyone who enters it just seems like a mess. If I was to look for something I would know exactly where it was. If this confused you, just
imagine what you want to.

It's about 4pm and sunday night so I get to work on homework. By the time I'm finished it's 8pm. I have to shower and go to bed so I can wake up at 6am for school.

When I'm in the shower I look down at my hair that hasn't grown.
I take a razor to my arm and make one thin line and grit my teeth from the pain.
I'm so stupid.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so i'm sorry this was a boring intro chapter.
Things will be better once she goes to school.
Please let me know what you think.