Status: Back again :)

You Got Me


"All right bro, fuck you and fuck her." I got up angrily and slammed out of his house. How fucking dare him ask to hook up with my ex-girlfriend. Of course I don't have ownership over her but I really didn't want him, someone I considered a best-friend, going out with her.

"C'mon Kade, wait!" He shouted.

"Seriously?!" I shouted back. "You know me, Jake! You know how much I liked her." I threw open the door to my beat-up, old truck and hopped in. I drove away before he could say anything else. I left him standing there, defeated.

Shayla was a gorgeous girl who all the guys had a crush on. I had told Jake that I really liked and now he wanted to fuck her? No way. That was definitely not going to happen if I could help it. Shayla and I were only together for about a month and a half but I really had fun with her, she was a cool chick to hang out with and she was seriously hot. I didn't even know how I got her.

My phone buzzed and I answered it. "What!" I barked.

"Hey, why are you yelling?" It was my dad.

"Nothing. Just shit."

"Okay, you need to come home. Your mother and I need to talk to you about something."

"Can you just tell me what it is right now?" I asked, curious.

"No, it's important so we need to talk about it in person." With that, he hung up. Now I was really curious, I pushed Jake and Shayla to the back of my mind.

As soon as I reached my house I ran inside. "So what's going on?"

"Come sit on the couch," my mom said, smiling, but her eyes were red and puffy. She had been crying.

"Hey, mom, what's going on?" I asked as sincerely as I could.

"Um, well." She looked at my dad for him to finish.

"Your mother's father has had a stroke, a bad one." He put his arm around my mom. "We are going to go to Portland for the summer. She wants to be there as he recovers," He squeezed mom's shoulders tighter. "If he recovers."

"Oh," I thought about all this, letting it soak in. Portland. I had never been to Portland, all I knew was: it was where my grandpa lived and it was all the way across the country. "Yeah, I mean, if we have to." I didn't know what else to say.

"It's just going to be for the summer." My mom tried to comfort me. I wasn't the one who needed comforting, it was her. I felt like a dick.

"Mom, no. It's okay, it really is." I forced a smile onto my face. I felt bad for her. Her and her dad had always been really close. He called her every day and they talked for hours.

"Okay, well we're leaving as soon as your dad can get tickets, so go pack your stuff. Aunt Shirley is going to be looking after the house when we're gone." I nodded. I got up and kissed my mom on the cheek and then ran up the stairs to my room to start packing.

I texted Jake and told him I was leaving for the summer because my grandpa had a stroke. I really didn't feel like talking to him but I had to tell him we were leaving.

He texted back. It read: ok..take care. That was it? He was taking my ex and now he wasn't talking to me? Whatever, he could go screw himself.

I threw all the clothes that I wanted into my duffel bag and layed back on my bed, this was going to be one fucking interesting trip.