Status: Back again :)

You Got Me


"Oh, I wasn't expecting company!" My mom exclaimed when she opened the hotel room door to find me and Dylan.

After hanging out at Tooley's for a couple hours, Dylan asked if he could come see where we were staying. I asked him if he knew Stacey and he said he didn't but definitely wanted to after giving him a detailed description.

"Sorry mom, this is Dylan."

"Nice to meet you, Dylan." She came over and wrapped him in a hug. As I said before, the sweetest lady you will ever meet, my mom.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs...?" He looked at me, fishing for a last name.

"Foster," I answered.

"Mrs. Foster," He smiled smoothly. I watched in confusion and amazement as my mom blushed and quickly turned away. I looked to see my dads reaction and as I suspected his eyes were narrowed at Dylan.

My dad was always suspicious of any friends I had who were over the age of 18, as my dad called them: "old enough to seduce your mother". Dylan's attempt to be suave with my mom was definitely not helping my dad's paranoia.

"So Dylan," My dad started. This couldn't be good. "You got yourself a girl?"

A weird question for him to ask you might say. But sadly, I can't say that this was the first time he had asked it to one of my friends.

"Um, no sir. Not at the moment." Dylan looked uneasy. As did all the others my dad asked in the past.

"I see," He said, glared Dylan down once more and turned to walk out of the room. As soon as both of my parents left, Dylan burst out silent-laughing.

"What. The. Fuck. Was that!"

"Dude..." I shook my head. "No idea, my parents are being fuckin' weird."

There was a knock at the door. "Pizza!" My mom called out.

"Hell yeah, I'm starved," Dylan said.

We rushed to the door where my mom was finishing paying the pizza boy.

I grabbed the box and went to set it down on the table.

"Help yourself, Dylan," My mom said. Her cheeks turned slightly red again. This was something that was extremely unusual. My mom, even though my dad was suspicious of every person over 18 that had a penis, never got shy around any of my friends. No matter how old.

Dylan leaned over a chair to grab a piece and I shit you not: I literally watched my mom's eyes graze over his ass.

I almost puked in my mouth.

"Hey bro, let's go to my room," I said.

"Wait, what? You have your own room in a hotel?"

"I know! It's fuckin' awesome!"

"Language," My mom said sternly.

"Sorry." Dylan and I went to my room and I flopped on the comfy bed.

"This place is hella nice," Dylan said.

"Yeah. I can't even believe my dad would pay for a place this nice. He's so cheap."

"He seems like a real hard ass." Dylan bit into his pizza.

"Yeah, he is. Really protective of my mom. That's probably why he got this nice hotel so my mom could just relax in a nice place after the stress of going to see her dad at the hospital." I continued to chow down on my pizza.

"Why is he in the hospital?" Dylan asked and I explained what had happened, I even told him what happened with Shayla and Jake.

"And she was hot?" He was referring to Shayla.

"She is. She's almost hotter than Kasi."

"Whatever man, Kasi is so fine."

"Man, you don't even know. I gotta show you a picture of Shayla." I pulled out my cell phone and automatically went for a picture she sent of herself topless when we were together. It was, afterall, the best she sent me. I gave him the phone.

He raised his eye brows and gave me a look. "Wow, nice going. She's sexy! Her tits are huge!"

"It was great while it lasted. She's just a slut though. Whatever."

"That sucks man. And your best friend just decided he was going to fuck your ex?"

I scoffed. Thinking about Jake and Shayla just pissed me off. "Yep."

"Yeeaahh, see that's why I don't date girls," Dylan said. I froze. I got what he was trying to say: he was bisexual.