Status: Back again :)

You Got Me

Dylan's Game

"I just fuck them," Dylan continued and then laughed.

I let the air in my lungs out. I didn't even realize I was holding it in.

"So, what? You're telling me you just never date girls?" I asked. I loved dating girls.

"Yeah, pretty much. Seriously, all I want right now is to have sex with good looking women and by being in a relationship, they expect you to only stay with them and if you break up, you lose that person completely."

"Yeah but you get to have sex with them more than once in a reltionship," I laughed.

"You can still do that out of a relationship, even more," he explained. "By holding back, a girl sometimes will want you even more."

"Yeah I guess. But it's not all just about sex. I like having a girlfriend to hang out with and chill with."

"You've got a point. The girls I've slept with though, we're all still on good terms. Instead of breaking up with them and then hating each other. Like you and offense."

"Yeah...I didn't want to hate her. She was kind of my best friend back when she was cool. And as we got older...she just wanted to be skanky and stupid like a lot of other girls."

I thought about when she started changing. Instead of wearing jeans and hoodies, she began wearing short skirts to show off her tan legs, tight, revealing tops.

She began acting more and more ditzy. And then one day I noticed we were just way different.

And yeah, I noticed Jake was looking at her differently. I knew he wouldn't say no if she wanted to cheat on me with him. I just don't know why I didn't confront him about it after her and I broke up.

"That sucks man," Dylan said.

"Nah, it's all good now. I don't even want to think about them."

There was a knock on my door and my mom came in. "Hey you guys. There's some girl for you, Kade?"

"Oh...who is it?" I became curious, hoping it was Addison.

"I don't know but she's blond and pretty." She smiled. I got up and went out to see who it was.

Stacey. My heart and hormones slowed down.

"Hey...Stacey...what are you doing here?" I looked over at my mom and she winked at me.

"Well, I said I'd see ya later, right?" She looked behind me, eyeing Dylan.

"Oh. Well, I got someone here, as you can see."

"And my name's Dylan." He stuck out his hand to shake hers, enthusiastically. I wanted to warn him. Of what though? She was hot. And he clearly wasn't going to date her. What harm would it be to just let him do his thing?

"Hi, Dylan." She winked.

After introducing them, we all talked awkwardly for a few minutes. Well, they didn't seem awkward but it felt awkward to me because I was obviously not wanted here.

Eventually though Stacey, because she's just ridiculously easy, invited Dylan over to her place.

"Hell yeah," Dylan replied when she asked.

And then there I was alone. A new place, 4 fine new girls, and still...there I was.