Status: Back again :)

You Got Me


My dad ended up buying the tickets for the next night. I sat up until about 2 o'clock in the morning texting people and IM-ing people on Facebook. I saw Shayla come online a few times, I clicked on her name more than once, resisting the urge to actually send a message.

"Okay, fishbowl cleaned out, fish food out so Shirley can find it..." The next evening before our flight, my dad checked off things on his to-do-list. He was a fucking weirdo. "Kade, did you get all food that could rot out of your room?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah." I made sure to grab all of my clothes that I was going to wear in Portland, I hated going to a new place and then remembering something I needed.

"Good. Make sure your room is clean."

"Why does it need to be clean when we'll be gone all summer, no one will see it," I argued.

"Aunt Shirley will see it."

"Who cares, she's family."

"She doesn't need to see what a mess you are."

"Oh, please."

I went back up to my room and cleaned it up. Throwing my clothes from everywhere into the closet and pulling my blanket over my mishap bed. Good enough.

"Kade! Someone's here for you!" My dad called from downstairs. I hoped it was Jake, coming to apologize for the whole Shayla thing, he knew it wasn't cool to do that.

I ran downstairs. "Hey. bro--" I froze.

"Hey." It was Shayla.

"Um," I got awkward, trying not to stare at her, gorgeous as always. Her blonde hair was super straight, she wore a tight, v-neck shirt that showed off her huge tits. "What are you doing?"

"I heard you were leaving...just came to say peace!" She giggled. Um, that was more annoying than usual.

"Peace, huh."

"Yep." She pulled me into a hug, she was shorter so she wrapped her arms around her neck, pushing her boobs against me.

"Okaaaay." I let her know it was weird. "We're gonna take off here in about," I looked at my cell. "Two hours or so."

"Oh cool! Then you can come hang out! Me and Jake were going to a movie!" She motioned outside, where Jake sat in his black Honda.

"Yeah...I have stuff to do." I couldn't believe Jake.

"Oh." She looked disappointed. Why the fuck was she even here?

"Yeah, I guess I'll message you on Facebook or something."

"Sure!" She smiled and ran back to truck, her skirt showing off glimpses of her ass as the wind blew it up. She was a little bit of a skank. Back when we were dating she really wasn't like that, less annoying too.

I slammed the door, I was glad I was getting away from all the bullshit of this situation. Maybe I'd be able to hook up with a couple willing girls in Portland. I always heard that place was full of parties. My source wasn't very reliable though, it might just suck as bad as this place.