Status: Back again :)

You Got Me

Time to Go

"Take off time!" My mom said. When my parents said it was time to go, well, it was time to go. We didn't wait a second longer than we had to. I grabbed my backpack and my suitcase type thing. I looked around my room, checking to see if there was anything I missed or anything I had to do.

I popped open my desk drawer and dug some condoms out. I could've bought some in Portland but who knows, maybe I'd get some ass on the plane.

I was being ridiculous. I'd never get any on a plane, I contemplated putting them back in the drawer, but ended up putting them in my pockets.

"Kade! Time to go!" My dad yelled from downstairs. There was no messing around now. I lugged my stuff downstairs and into the car. We were only about fifteen minutes to half an hour away from the airport so there was about an hour left 'til the plane actually took off. I was in no rush, but my dad was hauling ass through the house. He was a little bit of an extremist.

"Hon," My mom called to him. "I think we got everything."

"I think so too. Kade, get in the car." He would've sounded demanding a little bit of an ass to some other person, but I was used to it. He wasn't intentionally being mean or anything. That's just the way he was.

I pulled my hood up over my head as we drove out of the drive way. I missed the way Shayla used to be. I can't believe she changed so much since we started going out. Or maybe she had always been that way, I just hadn't noticed because I liked her so much. I hoped that wasn't it. I didn't like the thought of everyone seeing that I was with a slut except for me.

As soon as we got to the airport my dad was back at being all quick about getting the luggage out and ushering us into the terminal. Aunt Shirley was supposed to come later with my dad's friend Tony and get the car.

"Honey, you didn't forget anything did you?" My mom asked me.

"Nah, I don't think so. I checked all around my room and stuff."

"Ok. Good."

"What's in your pockets, Kade." My dad said. Not a question. He had done this before. I guess my pockets were too full or something for his liking.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"You can't bring marijuana on the plane."

"Holy shit dad. I don't have marijuana in my pockets."

"Okay. I'm just telling you."

"And please don't cuss, Kade." My mom said, sweetly. She was always way too sweet. It made me feel bad about cussing.

"I'm sorry."

My mom and dad both had luggage that they had checked. I just brought carry-on because I didn't want the hassle of having my luggage away from me at anytime. We sat in the chairs at our gate, of course, early. It was the worst hour of my life. That's a little exaggerated but it was pretty boring.

"Flight 252 to Portland, Oregon, boarding now." The guy at the desk said into the loud speaker a couple times. I got up and grabbed my luggage, also trying to help my mom with her big bag.

"I got it, Kade." My dad swooped in for the rescue.

"'Kay." I said. We slowly made our way through the line and onto the airplane. Hopefully on the start to a better summer.