Status: Back again :)

You Got Me

Room Service

"We're descending into Portland, please fasten your seat belts..." I zoned out after I heard 'descending into Portland'. I was too excited for anything else. I figured I fucking hate planes, and landing was the high light of my whole day. This was going to be a new start for me, to leave all that bullshit drama behind.

We rented a car when we got there and went straight to a hotel and checked in. Mom went right to the hospital afterwards, she needed to see her father. Dad went with her. So I was all alone in the hotel. I turned on some t.v. and started flipping through the channels.

Playboy channel? I clicked on it and it said pay per view. My dad wouldn't notice...

That was a lie. My dad noticed everything about his budget. I turned the channel again. I wasn't that big of a horndog. I had just never seen the Playboy channel. I was curious. I looked around for my dad's laptop. I found it in his bag. Since I was alone...why not?

I pulled up a popular porn website that I knew of. The only one I knew of. I didn't watch porn a lot, mostly the reasons I would watch porn is because no one was home.

"Room service," A bored voice called from the other side of the door.

"Huh..." I stood up and walked over to the door and checked in the peep hole, sure enough room service. I opened the door and my heart sped up. The girl standing there was hot. She looked like she was my age. I wondered why she was doing room service for this hotel, but judging by the looks of this place, I knew why. This place payed well. I might just drop out of school, then I could come work here.

"Hey, can I help you?" I didn't know why she was here.

"You guys called for banana splits?" She looked around the room, not being very subtle. "Nice room."

"Yeah, it is nice. But...I didn't ask for any." I wondered if my mom or dad did.

"Whatever. Just take them. It's for room if you didn't order them, it doesn't matter."

"Okaaaaaay." Not making a lot of sense, lady. She was cute though. So this 5 foot trip to the door wasn't a total loss. I wheeled the nice cart into the room. The girl followed me into my room without even asking. "Can't you get fired for that?"

"For what?" She pursed her lips like a cocky young girl.

"For walking into peoples rooms? Being rude? All that jazz." I lowered one eyebrow.

"Yeah...don't really care. My mother owns this piece of shit. I'd do anything to get fired," she said.

"Well why don't you just quit then?"

"Because," she said, like it was obvious. "my mother owns me until I'm 18."

"Oh." I could never imagine having parents like that. My parents were pretty hard to deal with, but if my dad forced me to work at his place, even though he doesn't have one, I'd be pissed. "Well, sure then, come on in."

"Yeah." She chewed her gum loudly and looked around. "I'm Stacey by the way."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kade." She went over to the cabinet and grabbed a bottle of champagne. This hotel served champagne in the rooms? She popped open the bottle and started drinking it.

" dad's not gonna be too happy about that," I said.

"Why not," she asked.

"Because he has to pay for it?" I said slowly. This was one dumb bitch.

"I'll tell my mom to let some stuff go free for you guys."

"It's all good," I said.

"Whatever. Well, I need to go now and do some stupid servicing to other people. I'll come by maybe later or whatever. See you later, Kade."

"See ya."