Status: Back again :)

You Got Me

Tooley's Shit

"Fuck, I'm high." I said and squeezed my eyes shut. As soon as Dylan pulled out his bad, we went to the restroom and he rolled it up.

"I know, bro. Tool's got some good shit," Dylan replied as he sucked hard to get a hit off the roach he rolled.

"Wait, you got this from Tooley?" I leaned forward, interested.

"Hell yeah man, he's Jamaican, come on now." He laughed.

"Ha-right, right." I leaned back against the wall.

Dylan said it was chill to get high here, everyone did it and no one ever found out. Tooley didn't let just anyone back in to the skate park.

"What you guys doi--holy shit man!" Aron came in waving his hand back and forth.

"It's not that bad," Dylan said and offered the last tiny bit of the joint and Aron took a big hit, burning his fingers in the process.

"You've got to be kidding, Addy was about to come in here but Tooley wouldn't let her come in the boys' bathroom."

"Well shit dude, she knows all she has to do is holler. Why isn't he letting her in anyway?" Dylan looked guilty.

"Oh, well. It's whatever." Aron leaned against the wall and sank to the ground. "It's hitting me pretty good, is this Tooley's shit?"

"You know it is," Dylan replied.

"I don't know how you afford that stuff from Tooley, man." Aron started rubbing his temples.

"How much does it cost?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it, but it's really good, ain't it?"

"Oh yeah," I said. I could feel my whole body buzz as I closed my eyes and if I kept them closed long enough, my body would feel like it's rising up really fast and then going back down like a rollercoaster. "We should get Addy in here, man."

"Totally, Tool usually does let her in here." Dylan opened the door and went outside.

"You look baked." Aron laughed.

"I am baked," I said and laughed too.

Dylan opened the door and two girls followed: Addison and the girl with black hair.

"Hey, Kade do you even know Cheyenne yet?" He gestured to the girl with black hair.

I stood up. "Nice to meet you."

"You too," She held out her hand and I took it. She smiled. She had the most incredibly sexy voice.

She took off her sweater and she had one arm completely tatted up.

"Wow, nice sleeve," I said. I had always thought girls with tattoos were extremely hot.

"Thank you, I actually just got it done this summer." She smiled and admired herself. "I also have tattoos on my legs."

"That's so cool!" I glanced over at Addison to see her admire her friend.

"I'm too much of a baby to get a tattoo," Addison spoke up finally.

"She is, I tried to make her." Cheyenne winked.

"Anyways, give me that!" Addison reached for the brand new joint Dylan rolled.