Status: Back again :)

You Got Me


"So," I was sitting on the edge of one of the bowls in the skate park and Addison came up to me and sat down. We were both clearly high out of our minds: red eyes, glazed eyes, donuts in hand.

Tooley had bought the donuts.

"So," I replied.

"Cheyenne's pretty badass, huh?" She slouched down and looked over at me.

"Jealous?" I took a bite of my donut and eyed her down.

"How can I not be?" She took a bite of her donut also.

I realized the mistake I made and quickly corrected it. "Because you're pretty fucking badass yourself."

"Psh, she has tattoos."

"You should be more confident," I said.

"Yeah, well."

"You should, you know." I said, about to give her the best advice I had ever given anyone. "Confidence is 90 percent of Cheyenne's hotness. She's hot because she knows she is."

"I see. So you just know the world's fucking secrets?" Addison laughed.

"Hell yeah," I said. "You're hella gorgeous too so I think you should know it."

"Hm." She ate the last bit of her donut. "Thanks," she said when she finished chewing.

"Yeah, no problem. I think we should have sex now for sure."

She busted out laughing. "And I think not."

I smiled. "Aw, come on. Why not?" I gave her my best puppy dog eyes.

"I'm not just going to bang any guy who looks at me, if that's what you want: Kasi is your girl."

"Oh jeez. That's cold!"

"I'm just kidding. She knows she's a slut and she really, honestly doesn't care." She smirked. She had really gorgeous eyes, in contrast with her hair it made her stand out.

I smiled and repeated what she needed to know earlier, "It's all in their confidence."