Love Isn't Always Fair

lets start in 8th grade (Juliet)

"Goth! Emo! F@G!" I could here them from down the hall. I turned the corner and saw Andy laying on the ground while Jeff Smiled, Jack Asoner, and Sam Loogger, kick Andy multiple times in the stomach.
I wanted to run right up to those boys and tell them to stop, maybe even give them a few punches. But I can't, I would, but I can't, mother would be very disappointed in me. Instead i went to the nearest class room with a teacher in it and told her.
"There doing what!" The teacher yelled while standing up from her seat, "Show me where they are," she asked, heading for the door.
I lead her to where I last saw them, witch was out side of the boy bathroom.
We round the corner and they were still kicking poor Andy, "What in gods name are you three doing!!" she yelled.
As soon as the boys heard the voice, they took off, fallowed by the yelling from the teacher telling them to come back. But Andy grabbed Sam's leg, witch made him fall.
The teacher (I did not know) Walked over to Sam and started yelling, "Oh, Boy you are in big trouble this time Loogger. Wait until your parents hear about this," I could hear Sam's whimpers a pleads for her not to call his parents.
I knelled next to Andy, "You OK, buddy?"
I looked at his skinnyish body, he was bruised. his lip was bleeding, and his whole face was swollen. When i went to got help him up, he shrieked in pain. He lifted up his shirt, all around his belly were bruises, nothing to serious because he was covering his stomach with his hands, but pretty bad.
"Ya, I'm fine," He lied, I could obviously tell he was not.
I rolled my eyes, " No your not. Come on lets get you, try to get you to the nurse," He put his arm over my shoulder, and I lifted him up.
"You bringing him to the nurse?" The teacher asked.
I shook my head slightly, not wanting to hurt Andy. We headed down the three flights of stairs, with every steep I could feel Andy tense.
We finally made it to the nurse office. She didn't look surprise, "Oh, Mr.Biersack," she said handing him a hand full of ice packs. Andy smile and started putting ice packs over his body. He flinched when he put one on his left arm.
"I'll call you parents Andy," Then the nurse disappeared behind another door.
I looked at Andy and he looked at me and smiled, "What?" I said laughing.
He looked down at his bruised knees, "Thanks," he mumbled.
I pertained i couldn't hear him, "What?"
He looked at me, "Thanks."
I still pertained, "What!" I yelled.
"Thank YOU!" He yelled but laughing.
We laughed, "Your welcome."
He shook his head like he wasn't sure of something, "No, Juliet, I owe you big time...They were gonna kill me."
I shook my head, "Andy, killing is a sin, killing in a Catholic school, big no no. Why-"
"They'll kill me because I'm different. Cos I where black, listen to Kiss, or other 'satanic' things," he looked at me and smiled. I knew what he was gonna say.
"Fcuk them," we ended up saying together.
His perfect teeth smiled at me, "You know me way to well, Juliet."
I shrugged, before we could say anything else the nurse came from her office, "Andy your parents will be coming soon, so you should go to the office," Andy shook his head.
The nurse took the ice packs, then help Andy up. He put his arm around me, I couldn't help but get butterflies.

We headed to the office, Talking about random sh*t, "So why were you at school so late?" He asked me.
"Trying out for the talent show. You should try out."
He shrugged, "Maybe."
"Why where YOU here so late?" I asked.
"Detention, for, "not bringing in my homework, blah, blah, blah,'" We laughed.

When we got to the office, Andy's mom was there. She looked worried and was horrified when she saw Andy.
"Oh, goodness," she gasped.
Andy had to tell the story to his mom, and to the princabul. so did I. After the princabul took the names of the boys(except Sam, he was already talked to) she told us we could leave.
"Do ya need a ride?" Andy asked.
I shrugged, "Naw, It's raining, I LOVE to walk in the rain."
Andy looked disappointed, "It's raining! I wanna walk in the rain," He laughed, "Come on Jules, It's the least I can do."
He gave me pouting eye, "Ok, sure."
He flew his arms in the air, "Ya!"

It was raining buckets of rain at a time, but the time we got to the car we were all soaked.

* * *
Well that's all I could think of for THIS chapter. More is comeing soon c: