No Work. All Play.

Jealousy Is A Good Thing In A Relationship

“I’m upset because of us Sidney.” “What?” he asked, his emotions changing to be absolutely crushed. It was like I ripped out his heart and it was breaking me to pieces just as much knowing I caused him pain. “I can’t deal with not being with you Sid. I mean, I understand not acting like a couple, but I feel like your completely ignoring me.” “Why do you think that?” “Oh I don’t know cuz at dinner you won’t sit anywhere near me or really talk to me. Sure we’ll text but that’s not much. When we’re hanging out at the hotel you’ll be with your boys or alone in your room. Yes we’re still supposed to hide it but a little “Hello” here and there won’t kill anyone. When we’re at home, which hasn’t been often over the past month, I get it, we might get together for a night, but that’s about it. You and I both know that at work we’re supposed to hide it, I get that but you’re completely ignoring me.”

He looked concerned and wanted to listen. “I understand Sidney, I really do, but I don’t like having to beg for your attention. I’m surprised you even noticed how mad I was tonight, Jordan sure did.” He took a step closer and put his hand on my cheek, wiping a tear from my face.“It’s hard not to notice you. Your way too beautiful to stay mad. And beautiful girls shouldn’t cry. You know that this is hard and new for both of us, especially me. You know I have a lot of pressure and I’m trying, but I don’t want you to lose your job either.”

I looked away for a minute, breaking connection with his eyes, “look into my eyes Brittany. I care about your so damn much to lose you,” “Well after tonight you were going to. Sid, I have been trying for weeks to get you to say hi to me,” “I have said hi,” “Yeah, but not like your teammates who aren’t dating me. They run up to me and give me a big hug and a hello, you just say hi and if I’m lucky I’ll get a hug. Or if I text you, you won’t reply all the time. And I get that you’re so busy, but I know when you’ve read my messages and it hurts. I also hate having to dress up all the time to see if you notice me. Think about it. I don’t dress up unless I have to, and I went out to dinner tonight in an outfit that I know you’d like with my boobs practically out of my shirt so that you would even look at me. I don’t like having to fight for your attention Sid, I don’t.” I cried onto his chest.

“Have you ever thought how hard it is to keep my hands off of you at work? Your my type and if I had my way, we’d be making out after practice on the ice, or I would be able to call you baby in the media room, or we’d be sharing a room on away games. I really care about you.. In fact, I think jealousy is good in a relationship. It proves that your still willing to fight for someone because you care too much to lose them.” I couldn’t help but smile, “I couldn’t agree more,” I reached up and gave him a hug, which turned into a kiss, which eventually turned into the best make up sex either one of them could ever of hand.
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Kinda short I know, buuuttt my nex chapter will be posted later on tonight! It's really long and with this included it would be way too long so I decided to change it into another chapter. Thanks for reading!
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