No Work. All Play.

Date Night

**No One’s POV**
Entering the restaurant she smiled as the hostess brought her to her seat. He had given her the name of the place and a time, telling her he would be there at seven. She looked down at her phone and rolled her eyes, it was seven and he was nowhere to be seen. Thing’s had gotten better since their argument and he’s been making an effort. It’s the night before their game in Atlanta and they had arrived around 10. Feeling her heart sink she smiled up at the waitress as she walked over and asked if she wanted a drink while she waited, “Yes, actually I’ll take a glass of water, no lemon. Thank you.” Pulling the phone out of her purse she scrolled through her time line, and then proceeded to check her texts.

“I’m running late c’mon Jordan could you put your shit in gear so we can go man?!” Sidney yelled from the hotel door, his baseball cap placed on top of his head, white button down dress shirt, and, jeans riding a little low and baggy. He pulled out his Blackberry and sent her a text, ‘Running late, sorry Britt I’ll be there in twenty. I work on my time remember?’

Brittany sat in the middle of Jerry Remy’s Sports Bar and Grill, eyes glued to the Montreal game on the flat screen in front of her. She had been kidding when he had asked her to meet him for dinner, and completely shocked when he had agreed to do so even with his busy day. Pulling out her phone she replied to his text, ‘You better not stand me up Crosby, I would NEVER forgive you.’ “Really, do we remember what the hell defense is gentlemen?” she said as Washington scored another goal on Montreal.

Sidney spotted her the minute he walked into the restaurant, grinning as he saw that she was wearing her tights and a blouse. Sneaking up behind her he watched her intensely, chuckling inwardly as he heard her mumbling under her breath about their lack of defense. He placed his arms around her and whispered into her ear, “Hey, do you trust me?” she jumped out of her skin as she felt him slide his hands around her neck, “I freaking hate you,” she playfully slapped his chest. He chuckled and kissed her cheek, “No you don’t, and don’t even start in on that quitting me bull shit either. We know that’s not happenin.” She rolled her eyes, trying to hold back a moan as she felt his pathetic scruff scrape against her soft cheek, “Keep telling yourself that Sid. One of these days it WILL happen.”

He laughed and slid into the booth next to her, “You don’t mind if I sit here next to you do you?” She shook her head, “I don’t have much of a choice now do I?” He winked at her, “Besides, I wanna be able to watch the game with you, and clearly I can’t do that if my back is to the TV.” She rolled her eyes, “You’re so full of crap Crosby.” He put his arm around her and pulled her to him, “Loosen up! I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”
After about five drinks, their first course, Brittany shivered as she felt his hand slid down her wrist, his fingers weaving in with hers. She looked up at him and smiled, “Sneaky ,” He chuckled, and leaned down in her ear, “And you love every minute of it.” Snorting she began to walk off, only to feel Sidney pull her back to him, “Where do you think you’re going? It’s freezing out here, where the heck is your jacket?” Looking down at her outfit she shrugged, “Listen DAD, it’s like fifty degrees out in the middle of November, I’m fine. I promise.” He sighed as he looked down at her; he grinned and licked his lips as his eyes trailed down her body, “You decided to go casual huh?”

Rolling her eyes she looked at him, “Listen, first of all I was not expecting you to actually agree to this little meeting of the minds, secondly, I thought it appropriate considering we were in a sports bar, Mr. I always wear my baseball hat no matter where I go.” He cocked his head back and laughed, “Touché, and for the record, I didn’t say what you are wearing is a BAD thing, I’m just used to women dressing to impress.” She scoffed at him, “Wow.” Pulling her into his embrace he kissed her forehead, “And THIS is why I wanted to meet you for dinner,”

Sidney helped Brittany into the Escalade when they were finished, walking around to the other side he opened the door and slid in, looking at her he smiled, “Alright Jordan, let’s go to the hotel.” Sneaking a glance over at her on the ride to his house he smiled as he saw her sitting next to him, her eyes closed, he saw her chest rising and falling as he watched her sleep. He jumped when he heard her, “I’m not sleeping Crosby, get your eyes off me.” Chuckling he grabbed her hand, “I thought you were sleeping.” She grinned, “I know, which is how I know that your eyes were glued to my chest, kid.” He laughed, unbuckling his seat belt he slid over closer to her and unbuckled her, pulling her into his lap, he held her face in his hands, “Why do you keep calling me that?” She pulled her face out of his hands, placing her hands on his thighs she tried to move, only to feel his hands on her hips, fingers digging into her leggings, “Because you are one, now let me up.”

He shook his head, giving her his signature lop sided grin, “Nope, you’re fine right where you are.” He moved his hips against her purposely, watching as she blushed, her blue eyes glaring at him, “What?”She just rolled her eyes, “You don’t play fair you kid. I know you did that on purpose.” For the first time she was playfully trying to hurt him and they were both acting like a fun couple. He slide his hands off her hips and up and down her thighs, licking his lips his brown eyes never lost contact with her, he watched as the red spread down her neck, goose bumps breaking out along her arms. He leaned up and over to her ear, “I think you like it.” He placed kisses along the outside of her ear, and then trailing down her neck he nuzzled in the crevice, gently nipping at the sensitive skin, he felt her shift in his lap, her core coming into contact with his throbbing cock. She tilted her head to give him more access to her neck, “Just don’t stop Sidney.” He chuckled against her skin, “I knew you’d cave.”
She stopped, her brain no longer foggy, she removed his hands from her thighs as her breathing returned to normal, however the ache between her legs lingered, “Oh no, this girl,” She pointed to herself shaking her head, “This girl will NOT fall victim to you.” He laughed and grabbed her hips as she tried to get off of his lap, “Oh no you don’t, you’re staying right here.” He thrust himself against her core, “You can’t tell me you don’t want it.” She snorted, trying to keep her breathing even, “Nope, I don’t.” He pulled her closer to him, her chest against his, his hands on her hips he rubbed himself against her, smiling as he watched her bite her bottom lip, “I know you do, I can see it in your face; your skin is blushing for me, goose bumps along your arms. You want me and you know you do.”

Feeling the vehicle come to a stop she took the opportunity to escape from Sidney’s lap, sliding over she opened the door and hopped out, taking a deep breath she stood there, letting the coldness seep into her body, trying to replace the heat that he had created in her body. She wrapped her arms around her body, trying to stay warm despite the weather. “You comin in the room, or are you gonna stand out here?” Rubbing her arms she gave in, “Fine, let’s go,” He held out his hand to her, “Okay fine, I’ll be on my best behavior, however, I can’t be held accountable if it’s you that can’t keep your hands to yourself.” She snorted and rolled her eyes, weaving her fingers in with his she tried to push aside the butterflies that were settling into the pit of her stomach. What if someone sees’s us?

He pulled out the first Saw movie, “Have you seen Saw?” She shuddered, “Oh Jesus, you aren’t going to make me watch that are you?” He nodded his head, “Well, you said you didn’t care.” He pulled the movie out and placed it in the DVD player, grabbing the remote he hit play and took a seat next to her, placing his arm around her he slid her closer to him, “You know, this snuggling thing would have been easier if you had just sat down on the couch.” Rolling her eyes she shifted, getting up she sat down on the couch, “Well, you wanted to snuggle, let’s snuggle.” She giggled, “And I can’t believe you’re in your twenties and you still call it snuggling. You are a kid.”

He hopped out of the seat and sat down next to her, pulling her close to him he kissed her forehead, “What’s wrong with snuggling?” She snickered, “That’s what my two year old nephew calls it.” He tickled her ribs, laughing when he heard her squeal, “Are you saying I’m five?” She nodded her head, “Maaaaaybe.” He attacked her rib cage again, his fingers rubbing up and down her body, “Fine, cuddling, better?” “Snuggling is still cuter,” “Make up your mind women,” he laughed. He tried moving his hand down to her breasts, but she caught on quick, “You don’t give up do you Sidney?” “Nope. If I want it, I’ll work damn hard to get it.” Through the entire movie Sidney would make little gestures, running his hands up and down her arms, using the pads of his fingers he drew invisible circles around her wrists, just watching her reactions to his touch, smiling because he knew that her body wanted her to sway, “Give it up Britt.” She looked at him sleepily, “Nope.” She yawned and moved to the other end of the couch, covering her eyes during the gory parts, “Please tell me why I let you pick this movie.”

He slid over to her, his body covering hers, he moved her onto her back, placing his forehead against hers, he parted her legs with his thigh, rubbing it against her core, watching as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, “I picked it so I could watch you squirm.” Pushing into her core a little harder he continued to rub her through her leggings, “I bet you cum just like this.” She thrashed her head back and forth, her hands coming up only to force herself to put them back down, digging into the fabric of the couch when what she really wanted was to dig into his skin, “Sidney, please!” She yelled out, her hips rolling against him, forcing her body to give into what she wanted, her brain still screaming not to do it. She tried to sit up, to move away from him, only to meet his chest as she tried to escape, his thigh still rubbing against her core, she felt her body start to shudder under his touch, “Sidney, let me up.” She tried to keep her tone level, forceful, trying to prove to herself and to him that she could keep herself from doing this. “I can feel you want me babe, I know it,” “And I can tell how horny you are tonight. But it’s a shame cuz I’m exhausted,” she smirked as she got up, spread her arms out wide and walked over to the bed. She noticed his clothing on the bed and did a slow switch of clothing infront of him, leaving him breathless and wanting more. When he got in bed with her he tried to get some action but got shot down again. “You’re no fun babe,” he pouted. “Oh yes I am, just wait and see,”
♠ ♠ ♠
Cute right? Poor Sid, all this teasing. Ha ha! Couldn't resist.
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