No Work. All Play.

One on One Interview

It’s been a few weeks since the Winter Classic and Sidney has been removed from the Pens roster temporarily with a concussion. Part of me figured he had a concussion; the symptoms were all there but came at a later time. He had a very hard time focusing in on specific items or tasks, he was becoming forgetful and he always had pounding headaches. He’s been seeing a specialist for a while now and there has been little improvement. Everyone in Pittsburgh and more than likely Canada is waiting for his return.
“Brittany!” he called to me from the TV room. “Yes?” I asked quietly, not sure what he needed, carrying a load of his laundry. I have sorta moved in temporarily to help him out because he’s been spending most of his time sleeping or in a quiet zone because of the headaches. “Would you wanna watch a movie with me?” he asked softly. “Of course, just let me take this upstairs to your room and I’ll be back down.” I kissed him. “No, no, I got it. You can pick out a movie,” he said getting up and taking the basket from my hands.

We sat cuddling on the couch watching the movie. I had noticed that Sid was squinting his eyes when they weren’t wandering around the room. “Sid, are you okay?” “I’m having a very hard time focusing on the movie,” with that I shut the movie off. “What ya do that for?” “Because it’s not helping you, it’s gonna give you headache’s if you keep squinting like that, “But I wanted to watch the movie with you,” he whined like a three year old. “I know babe, but your gonna get an even worst headache. And I want you to be better and not be in pain.” I brushed my hand across his cheek.

“How did I manage such a great girlfriend like you?” “Easy.” I giggled. “I mean it, you’re amazing. I really appreciate all you’ve done for me lately. You didn’t have to stay over and do everything for me, on top of your job and your own life.” “It’s no big deal. I want to take care of you right now. I know how bad your hurting and how hard this recovery process will be for you.” “I really appreciate it. Thank you so much,” he said kissing me. “Anytime.”
Today Sidney and I are having an exclusive interview. Nobody other than our families and the few teammates know we’re dating and it would seem sort of awkward. My hair had big loose curls and my outfit was set! I sat down in my chair and got started on my exclusive interview with Sidney. “I’m Brittany Campbell and today we sit down with the one and only Sidney Crosby. Last month it was announced that Sidney would be out indefinitely for concussion like symptoms, and today I’m getting the opportunity to talk to the hockey phenomenon. Ladies and gentlemen, Sidney Crosby.”

The camera image showed Sidney sitting down in a suit and waving to the small in studio audience we had. “How are you?” I asked with a smirk after the overwhelming applause he had received. “I’m doing good, yourself?” “I’m good. So why did you agree to doing this interview, when your such a private person?” “Well I think I owe it to the fans of Pittsburgh. They have done wonders for me and I owe it to them.” “Usually you have huge conferences to discuss these types of situations, why a one on one interview?” “Like I said earlier, it only made sense. I do have a conference for the public coming up though.”

“So as I’m sure everyone wants to know, how are you feeling?” “I’ve had my days. Some good, some bad, some better than others,” “What do you experience with this concussion?” “I have really bad headache’s that make me wanna sleep the day away because it’s hard to be awake to bare through them. I have a hard time focusing on objects and watching tv. I can’t pay attention for things for too long or I become uninterested,” “How did you know something was wrong?” “I just knew I didn’t feel like myself and I was having a hard time on the ice.”

“How did your team come across as when you were first experiencing these symptoms?” “They were supportive, and I think they knew but didn’t wanna say anything about it because they were trying to be nice or they weren’t sure.” “And now?” “They’re all supportive and they’re really anxious to see what happens next.” “You left off during the season with a scoring streak, did it feel nice to shave?” I teased, knowing he knew how much I hated his mustache, he chuckled, “Yeah, I know some people like it better when it’s off my face, but it represented a great thing in my opinion and it meant something to me.” “We’ll be back with more of Sidney Crosby after the break, stay tuned.” He kills me!
♠ ♠ ♠ << the outfit of the chapter.
Sorta boring, I get it, it was neccissary for other chapters to come so don't mind it.
Thanks for all the messages and comments and those who read my Evgeni Malking one shot: Sex For Breakfast! Means so much! If you haven't checked it out, please do, just like my Tyler Seguin One Shot, Better Late Than Never!
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