No Work. All Play.

Oh No He Didn't!

Yet another road trip and we’re off to Quebec! Only this time without our captain. I found out through work that he wasn’t coming because of the headache’s he’s been having over the past week, and we’ll be gone for 4 days so they didn’t want him to get worst or be bothered by it. Sidney doesn’t know I know and called me at work today and asked if we could talk. So after work I’m going to talk to him.

I changed into a little bit more comfortable clothes before I made it to Sidney’s house to talk. He came to the door in gym shorts and a hoodie. “Hey babe, come on in.” He leaned down and kissed me as I walked passed him, “How are you feeling?” I asked softly not sure about how his head was. “I’m feeling better today. Do you want anything?” “I’m good thanks. Where do you want to talk?” “Upstairs.” He led me up and even leant me a hoodie to wear over my t shirt underneath. It looked good with my tights actually. Sidney sat on his side of the bed, with his back on the headboard and under the messy covers, while I sat cross legged on the other side sitting somewhat beside him.

“So what did you want to talk to me about Sidney?” “I won’t be going on the 4 day trip to Quebec with you guys, or the 3 day trip to Vancouver either. Doctors and coaching staff are basically putting me on bed rest for a little while,” “It’s understandable, you get headache’s easily now and being stuck on a plane isn’t the best thing for you right now. And they’d want you to be comfortable in your own home rather than be in a hotel all day,” “So with me being gone,” he let out a sigh, “I don’t want this to come out rude,” “What do you mean?” “Well, I don’t want you to be spending too much time with the guys unless you have to.” “May I ask why?” “Well, I don’t.. really want you…” “You don’t want me to hang out with the team because you think I’m going to cheat on you?”

He went to answer but I quickly cut him off. “I don’t care Sidney. Those guys are my friends; I would never do anything like that with them ever!” “It’s-“ “I can’t even believe you think that I’d even cheat on you. Do you know how sick that is Sidney? I would never in a million years ever cheat on someone. And for you not to even trust me-“ “It’s not you I don’t trust!” He cut me off getting loud and quickly reacting to how loud he had just gotten, “I don’t trust my teammates. Please hear me out.” I crossed my arms and got comfy, with a hint of attitude.
“One time while I was away at a media thing in Toronto the team was having a random party and asked the girl who I was dating at the time to come along. So I said she could go. So anyways, when I got home I had a ton of emails and text messages, I was asleep on the plane and everything was off. My team all told me that one of our guys hooked up with my girl. She cheated on me. Now I’m not gonna tell you who, but it was a very hard and awkward practice the next morning. And I walked in to see my girlfriend on his arm that morning. Needless to say I have trust issues with my woman and my team.” “Aw Sidney, that’s terrible.”

“So now you can see why I don’t want you to go hang out with the guys while I’m not there. I’m not sure how they’re gonna be, if they’re gonna be intoxicated or not, or what you will be doing. But it scares me. I don’t want to lose you to my teammate ever, and I want you to be mad at me for being over protective,” “I understand now baby. That must’ve been pretty hard and I don’t blame you. I won’t go out with the team if I don’t have to and I promise you that nothing will happen, okay? I really like you and I’m not ready to leave you yet or get together with one of those idiots.” “Thanks for understanding baby,” he said getting close to my face. “Anytime, and I’m sorry for getting angry at you,” “It’s alright, at least now you know,” we kissed. And made our final goodbyes for the week.

I was pretty off to myself for the first day/night. I sat by myself on the plane, didn’t get out of my hotel room much unless I had to, I didn’t go out clubbing, I didn’t go to team meals and I stayed pretty quiet. It wasn’t just that I was doing what Sidney said, but I felt guilty that I’m here with his team instead of him, knowing how bad he would want to be here, I’m missing him, and it’s not like there are any girls on the road for me to associate with. I’m getting tired of the same ‘boy’ conversations. I was sitting on my bed flipping through the channels, which were mostly in French. I received a knock at my door.

When I opened it, it was Jordan. “Hey, why aren’t you downstairs with everyone else?” “I just don’t feel like being down there, that’s all.” “Sit down, we need to talk.” The two of us walked over to the bed and we sat down. “Shoot. And don’t tell me you don’t wanna talk about it or something’s on your mind because I know you by now and I want you to tell me. I’m not gonna tell anybody, its okay. I just wanna know what’s on your mind.” I told him everything that was on my mind and about the story Sidney told me.

“Oh yeah, I remember that clear as day. It really hurt him,” “Yeah, he was pretty upset talking about it, but he didn’t tell me who did it.” “You don’t wanna know.” “Oh,” I bowed my head. About 30 seconds later, after Jordan stopped rubbing my back in a consoling way he stopped, took his finger under my chin and kissed me. I was surprised he was doing this. He grabbed my face and pulled me in towards him if possible. His tongue was practically being jabbed into my throat and he was sloppy and needy. I slapped him away after maybe 7 seconds. “What do you think you’re fucking doing?!” I asked. “Oh no, what did I-“ “Get the fuck out of my room right now.” “I just got caught up in the moment, I’m so sorry. So, so sorry,” “Just let me think okay, I’ll talk to you later.” I said welting up. I cried for half an hour, then pulled out my laptop and went on Skype. “Sidney, we need to talk.”
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Bam! Left ya hanging there didn't I? I know, it's cheesy. Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I was sick and wasn't thinking straight, ugh. But I'm good now! Thanks so much fr the comments, for subscribing & for reading! Please keep it up! :)