No Work. All Play.


It’s the day I’ve dreamed for, my wedding. Never in my life would I have imagined to find my husband in Sidney, or even find myself engaged after dating for such a short amount of time. After 9 months of dating, Sidney proposed on our second last day while visiting my family in Newfoundland. For the first half of the summer he came to Toronto and we spent 3 weeks there. Next we went to Cole Harbor for 3 weeks. When my family decided to go to Newfoundland to visit family, Sidney and I decided to tag along and next thing I knew I was getting married.

**Sidney’s POV**
“Your actually doing it man,” my best man Andrew said patting my back as he went over to where the rest of the guys were getting ready to escort the ladies down the aisle. I sat on the hotel room bed with my elbows on my knees, and looking down at the wedding ring that I took out of the box. You did it bud. After spending a majority of the past year with her I knew. It all started back in Newfoundland after being home and really knowing she’s the one. I remember sitting her parents down at the table at the old family home they have there. They were so happy and supportive, though I’m sure they thought I was crazy, just like my parents did.

I took her to her favourite place on the island, overlooking the ocean. I took her out to a beach that day and we just hung out. After bring her to the spot she loves most, and packing a dinner for two, I thought I had the perfect opportunity. But not during a meal. We sat on the bench that was located on the side of the big cliff, right beside the lighthouse over looking the ocean. There was the odd whale that came to sight, but the most beautiful part of it all, aside from being with my girlfriend- soon to be fiancé- was the gorgeous sunset. I knew it was time. I told her how much I loved her, and everything from the heart. I got down on my knee and she said yes. It was the best day of my life, aside from this one.

**Brittany’s POV**
Standing inside the mansion we were staying at, and getting married in the garden at, I overlooked everyone taking their seats. The groomsmen were escorting the women to their seats, all looking dapper, but I couldn’t find Sidney. It is a gorgeous day in May. We knew that we wanted to get married as soon as possible and we decided on this gorgeous property in the garden to do so. The weather was sunny but not overly hot or too cold. I don’t care about the weather though, I just want to be with my husband and enjoy the day. “Britt, it’s time to go,” I heard my dad say.

**No One’s POV**
Once the boys were done escorting the ladies to their seats, they made their way back to meet the bridesmaids. Sidney walked to the front, coming from the side where he was anxiously waiting to see his bride. Trina welted up in tears as she was ready to see her son get married, a day she didn’t think would come anytime soon. Andrew and Shannon, Brittany’s maid of honor, walked down the aisle arm and arm. Sidney nodded at Shannon and did his special handshake with Andrew they’ve had since they were young kids. Brittany’s sister Jessica and her brother Kyle walked each other down the aisle, Sidney’s sister Taylor walked down with Colby Armstrong, Sidney’s good friend for several years, and finally Meg and Jordan walked down. When the ring barer Camden came down, he sprinted down to me. Sidney and Camden grew to be so close. He gave Sidney a high five and went to give the rings to Andrew. Sidney looked over at Shannon who was welting up seeing her adorable son acting the way he is.

When it was time for Brittany to walk down the aisle everyone rose and waited. Sidney couldn’t contain himself. He was too excited to see his bride. Brittany on the otherhand had to remind herself to walk slowly, otherwise she would sprint into his arms. Her dad took her arm and they began their walk down the aisle. When she become in view to see Sidney, both of their smiles grew wide in anticipation and in love. “She is gorgeous,” Sidney barely breathed out to him, truly in disbelief at how beautiful his bride is. When they made their way up to the front, her father said, “She’s all yours. I know you’ll take good care of her Sid,” he smiled trying not to cry. “Don’t worry, I won’t.”

The pair couldn’t keep their hands out of each others hands. The ceremony wasn’t long, but once the vows came on, they were all choked up. “Brittany, never in my life would I have expected to meet someone as great as you. You put a smile to my face whenever I hear you or see you. You have this unique personality that I find so attractive. You are extremely warmhearted and kind. During a time when I really needed someone, you were there for me. I know you love me. I know you want to make me happy, and just by being yourself makes me happy. You bring out the best in me, and I’m not sure if that’s the journalist in you or not,” he winked, “You are my world and the one I want to wake up to, the one I call when I’m down, the one I want to hug for no reason and the one I want to spend my life with. I know we’ve only dated for a few months, but I know you’re the one for me. And seeing how beautiful you look today, reminds me of the first time I met you and when we got engaged in Newfoundland. I love you so much. Brittany, I take you to be my wife from this time onward, to join with you and to share all that is to come, to be your faithful husband, to give and to receive, to speak and to listen, to inspire and to respond; a commitment made in love, kept in faith, and eternally made new.” He repeated the last part from the priest.

“Oh,” Brittany almost started to cry. “Sidney,” she started to cry. “I would be the one crying. I have never been happier in my life than I have been with you. You bring out the best in me. You don’t expect anything of me and you love me for being myself. Never would I have expected to have met you during my job, and never would I have thought that this would have worked out, and it did. Here we are today in front of our friends and family, celebrating our love, means so much for me. You are my rock. You are my pillow at night, you are my umbrella when it rains, you are my blanket that keeps me warm, you are now my husband, and I am blessed to have you in my life. I love you so much and I will forever cherish what we have. I love you,” And she too repeated the priest. “Sidney, you may now kiss your bride!” They both smiled at each other and they went in for the most passionate kiss they had ever shared.

After a beautiful ceremony and loads of pictures, the couple was ready to make their grand entrance! “And now, Mr and Mrs Crosby!” the almost hockey announcer voice said. They came out and did their first dance, and sat down at the head table. They danced the night away and had the best night of their lives. On the limo ride back to the hotel they were going to stay in, Sidney said, “I’m so glad to be married to you,” kisses her hand. “Me too,” “You know I love you right?” “Of course, and you know too right?” “Yeah, I was just checking,” “You’re such an idiot,” she laughed. “Thanks babe. You know, I’m glad you didn’t listen to your boss,” “Me too, cuz I wouldn’t be married to you now.” “I love you,” “I love you too,”
♠ ♠ ♠

Well, my first story on Mibba is over! Thoughts? I'm thinking of a sequel? Yes, no? Please let me know! :)
Thank you so much for reading and the support! It's been fun to write! Stay tuned for another story from me soon ;)
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