No Work. All Play.

Date With Sidney

Today is my date with Sidney and I have never been more excited or nervous in my life. I got off work early and got time to change. I was looking through my closet to see what I should wear when I received a text from Sidney saying: “It’s casual ;)”. It was almost as if he read my mind! I replied back with a winky face saying thank you. I had decided to braid the front of my hair to the side and put my hair in a bun and wear a high-skirt and a fancy tank top. I was so nervous.

His car pulled up, and it made me so nervous. He looked so attractive! He was wearing a navy blue button up shirt and khaki’s with flip flops. His hair was short too, which made him even more attractive. He rang the door bell and I waited a few seconds so I didn’t seem like I was waiting for him. “Hey Sidney,” I smiled, opening the door and locking it. “Hey, you look great. You really clean up nice for a journalist,” he joked. “Thanks, you clean up nice for a hockey player,” He opened the door for me and let me in. Considering he leaves his hockey bag in here, his car smells so good.

When he got in and started the ignition he asked, “So I’m guessing you want to know where we’re going?” “You are on the ball today, especially with the text. I was just wondering what to wear,” “I think you made a great choice.” “Thank you. You must really know how girls think don’t ya Crosby?” “I do. I’ve done this before once or twice,” he chuckled. “So where are we going?” “I thought it would be nice if we went to dinner, you know, to talk and get to know each other more, and we’ll see where it goes from there,” “You read my mind. That’s perfect.”

When we got to the restaurant, it was a family place, sort of like a Kelsey’s back home in Canada. When we got our drinks Sidney said, “You know, I’m really glad you decided to go on a date with me.” “What can I say, who wouldn’t want to go on a date with the oh so handsome Sidney Crosby,” I said dramatically, showing my sense of humor. He chuckled taking a sip. “Seriously though, I’m impressed you asked.” “Really? What makes you think I wouldn’t have asked you?” “Well because I didn’t think that you usually take girls on dates that often. You never hear of you with a girlfriend or anything like that.” “Yeah, it’s true I guess. But I did ask you so I guess that means something.” “And I did say yes, so I think that means something too.” I smiled.

When our meals came Sidney said, “So since you know so much about me through work and your research, well, some of it anyway. Why don’t you let me know about yourself. You know, the basics,” “Well, I’m Canadian.” “Really? Then how did you get a job in Pittsburgh working for us?” “I’ll get to that in a second,” “Sorry, continue.” “So I grew up just outside of Toronto, like a fifteen minute drive away. I have a younger sister and brother. Uh, I had a pretty normal upbringing. I played rep volleyball for years, and actually got a scholarship for volleyball at the Pittsburgh University, and graduated with a degree in broadcasting journalism. While I was studying I had to do a co-op placement at a local station and while I was working there, someone from Pens TV met me and we kept in touch. Right as I graduated they offered me a job instantly, so I accepted and decided to live here.”
“Wow. Didn’t you want to live at home in Toronto?” “Well I thought about it of course, but it would be hard to find a job where they have no clue who you are, you know? I wanted to but I got the offer and I actually like Pittsburgh.”

“Understandable. So are you close with your siblings?” “Oh yea. My sister is my best friend. I’m also super close with my brother, but not like I am with my sister.” “How did they react to you moving?” “Uh, they were happy for me but at the same time they were a bit sad cuz I was leaving.” “So do you see them often?” “Yeah. We talk everyday and try and see each other once a month.” We continued to talk about our families even more and continued with our date. “I’m actually glad you chose dinner for our first date and not a movie,” I said. “Huh? Why?” “Because at dinner we have a chance to talk and get to know each other. At the movies we would sit in a dark room together and not get to talk,” “Never thought of that. Glad I made the right decision then.” He laughed.

When we were on our way out of the restaurant Sidney clued in and asked, “Wait a minute, you got a scholarship for volleyball? You’re not that tall, no offense.” “None taken. I’ve heard that my whole life. That’s why I play libero.” “Huh?” “It’s a position where you only play back row. It’s a free substitution for a taller player who can’t pass to come off and I come on and pass, then they come back on. Most libero’s are small like me,” “Oh, that would make sense.” He chuckled.

He dropped me off at my house and had to leave, due to curfew and an early practice and game. “Thank you for the date Sidney, I had a great night,” “Your welcome, me too. I wish we could’ve done something else but this stupid curfew-“ “I understand.” “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow morning then?” he asked. “Of course.” “Good night Brittany,” “Good night Sidney.” We hugged. I would’ve liked another kiss from him, but I don’t think that it would help us in any way right now. I felt like we had a great date and I feel like he actually likes me! He was so interested in what I had to say, and had a smile permanently all night. I think I have a shot with Sidney Crosby.
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Hope you liked it! :) ♥
thanks for reading!