No Work. All Play.

First Game!

As Pittsburgh prepared for their home opener against Philly, I myself was preparing for tonights game. I will be the one doing some behind the scenes stuff and will be doing some live coverage from the game, and talking about it on Pens TV. I was currently in dressing room hallway, outside of their dressing room. “Alright, so I am here behind the scenes, right outside of where the players are getting ready to go out and play their home opener. Now I know that the players are inside getting ready but let’s see if we can steal a few quick words from any of the players.” I said knocking on the door. It was Sidney Crosby who came to the door.

“Whoa! Look at that! First game and we got the captain coming out! Especially in his spandex! Do you feel me on this ladies? At this rate, we will have a great show for you guys! So Sidney, first game of the season, how are you feeling?” “I feel good. Pretty calm and ready to go out there and start off our season to a great game and hopefully a win.” “Alright, alright. Now, you’re a pretty superstitious guy, did you do your typical routines before this game cuz we don’t wanna you to be out of whack or anything?” he laughed at my odd question. “That I did do. It is the first thing to do on my list of routines to do before a game.”

“To do them all? I got ya. Well I think I have to let you get ready, you’re a little under dressed for hockey right now. We’ll be back with more of the Penguins in a bit!” “What? No hug for good luck?” he asked with an innocent smile. “Aw, of course!” I said hugging him.
Once the camera’s were off the two camera men went down the hall to make room for some of the players. “Are you nervous yet?” he asked me. “Yes, are you?” “Now that I have my good luck hug I think I’m good.” I just laughed. “Sid, we need you back inside!” a trainer yelled out. “Back to the boys,” “Have a great game! Good luck!” “Thanks!” he smiled, walking back in. The rest of the game I sort of watched and did nothing. The Pens were winning already in the first, leaving the fans thrilled.

At intermissions I would go back to the area and hope to get an interview. I didn’t succeed this time but a familiar face showed up for an off camera interview. “How was the first period?” I heard him ask me from behind me. “Well I don’t know, this number 87 on Pittsburgh seemed to have slacked, I mean, he even scored a goal and everything,” I laughed. He knew I was teasing, “Hey, at least I’m doing my job, miss, I didn’t get an interview yet,” “Oh shut up and win the game!” I yelled back as he was being escorted to the dressing room.

The Penguins won and the crowd was ecstatic! It wasn’t a boring game by any means, but we did a dang good job at winning. Sidney scored the first goal and Geno Malkin with the second goal. Marc-Andre only allowed one goal, but we’ll allow that now, only so he could let having one goal in, out of his system. We were getting a ton of quick interviews of them walking by and screaming things, or footage of them celebrating. “Yo Britt! Since we have to go on your show tomorrow, do you wanna come clubbing to celebrate our win, after filming tomorrow night?” Tyler Kennedy asked as he poked his head out of the door. “You bet!” After that, it was a sea of other sports channels lined up, so we opted to back out while we were ahead and go film fans as they left, and their reaction to the game.
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