Status: Everyone has a purpose in life and all you can do is wait in the shadows until it's your turn to shine

This Is War

This is War: Prologue

There's an old saying my mother used to tell me. Her mother used to tell it to her and then she told me, and someday I wish to pass it on to my kids. Whenever I was sad or depressed about something she always told me "Everyone has a purpose in life and all you can do is wait in the shadows until it's your turn to shine."

Different people have their own opinions on what the saying means. Mine is that I shouldn't give up on life because someday I'm going to look back at the path I chose and think all that pain and suffering was worth it because everyday I got a little wiser, a bit stronger, and more of what made me who I am today.

But now she's not here to tell me that anymore. Now, I have to rely on my memories to remember everything that was taken away from me.

My father, though it'll be fairly easy to remember him. All I have to do is look in the mirror. Everyone always told me I looked and acted like him. I don't deny it either. We both have the same black hair and blue eyes. the only difference between our appearances is that I have natural red highlights, and I'm a girl of course. And I don't mean the dark red brown or the color of a "redheads" hair. I mean like the color you'd see on a marker or crayon.

My mother was almost the oppostie of my dad. Only in looks though. She had dirty blond hair and beautiful golden eyes. She was kind but also fierce.

My brother is a mix of my mother and father. He has black hair like our father but golden eyes like our mother. Sometimes I think he has a big head.

I don't have to remember him, though, because he's still with me unlike our parents and new born nrother. They were brutally murdered in front of me. I have been scarred for life ever since.

i've become cold. My old firey, playful personality has almost vanished. I only show my true side to Zack, Hikari, and Kai. They're my only family that escaped the attack. Shadow did too, but he's not human.

Shadow was sent to protect me when we were under attack. He's stuck by me ever since. Not only because he's supposed to protect me, but because we've grown close. He's like my best friend, but in wolf form.

I act cold towards others because I don't want them to die because of me. It's because I was born that my family and friends died. They died trying to protect me. I'm not cold toward Zack, Hikari, and Kai because I know they won't give up. Even if I act rude and obnoxious, they'll still stick by me.

I hate to admit it but I'm scared. I'm scared of what will happen when they find us. I'm scared I might not be ready and I'll fail. Fail everyone who died trying to make sure I lived so I can fulfill my duty.

Why did it have to be me? Why did I have to be chosen to save the world? I'm only a 15 year old girl who lost her family. Now I'm running from the murders that someday I have to face.

It's what I have to do though. I was chosen. I was chosen by who I thought was a legend. Who I thought wasn't real.