Status: Its finished. Sequel coming up... Title ideas, Message me. LOVE YA! :)


Chapter 1

I was running from a terrible nightmare. I got deeper and deeper in the streets of California. I was running from a bad dream and i tripped. -Smack- Right onto the gravel pavement where i got knocked out. It was dark, and raining.
The next thing i knew, I was in a bed, In a huge mansion. I was handcuffed, Stripped to my bra and panties. I looked to my left and saw the dresser that had my clothes on it. Then I looked to my right to see a man, Sitting in a chair. "Hello Lilly." The man said. I closed my eyes and started to breathe really heavy. I was nervous. I didn't want to die, or get raped, so i played along and sighed.
"Lilly, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." The man said. He took the handcuffs off and smiled. "I am Jimmy By the way." Jimmy said. I nodded as i looked at my arms. They had scratches and everything. They were bruised. "Oh, and here, are your clothes. I washed them and put them into the dryer. They were soaked. I didn't take your bra off. But I did have a pair of women's underwear from the playboy mansion." Jimmy said.
I looked at my butt and saw the playboy logo. Jimmy smiled. "Oh, I have these, But i didn't know if you like batman or boxers." Jimmy said. I sighed and looked down. Jimmy handed me my clothes. "Um.. I will stand in the bathroom and wait for you to finish." Jimmy said. I nodded no. I smiled and pulled him from his tie. He laughed. "So I'm guessing you want to...." Jimmy said. I smirked. "You could Say that." I said. "Or we could cuddle." I added. Jimmy smiled.
"That works. What movie do you want to watch?" He asked. I smiled. "Uh... The Bride of Chuckie" I said. Jimmy smiled, and pulled out The Bride of Chuckie. "Okay, If you get scared, you can cuddle closer to me." Jimmy said. I smiled and laughed. "Alright. I'm really good with scary movies. I love this movie." I said. Jimmy smiled. "I am one of these people who can look at blood and not flinch." Jimmy said. I smiled again. "Me too." I said. Jimmy smiled and looked at me. I smiled and watched the movie. Jimmy had a very dark secret, but he was afraid to tell me. He didn't want to lose me. I sighed and my eyelids got heavy. I was tired, and started falling asleep. As soon as I fell asleep, Jimmy smiled and slowly got out of the bed. He put on a soft piano song and covered me up. He then left the room and went downstairs. Matt, Olivia (His Wife of 6 years), Their daughter, Leela, Syn (My step-brother), Zacky (My best friend), and Johnny (My, step-brothers best friend) Were sitting on the couch, watching television. Leela was in bed, and Matt and Olivia were cuddling on the couch.
They smiled when Jimmy came down. I was still asleep and Jimmy smiled at Matt and Olivia. "Guys, I think I'm in love." Jimmy said. Matt laughed and looked at Jimmy. "Dude, if your in love with her, You would probably be having a... Oops, spoke too soon." Matt said. Jimmy laughed. "What? Having a boner?" Jimmy said. Matt nodded. "Yup, but my Junk belongs to my wife." Matt said. Olivia turned red and Jimmy laughed again. "Liv, your turning red!" Jimmy pointed out. Olivia hid her face and laughed.
I woke up with a start. More like a silent scream. I didn't know what to do. I sat there and looked at my hands. I then got my clothes on. I grabbed my bag and looked at the door. I waited a second. I sighed and then went downstairs. The living room was in the back of the house and the stairs were in front of the front door. I swallowed and lunged toward the door. Just then, I ran into Jimmy, Landing on my ass. "Where are ya going?" Jimmy asked. I sighed and got scared. I didn't say a word. Jimmy helped me up, Kissed my cheek, And gave me my phone. He put his number in it so that we could keep in touch. "Wherever your going, Whatever your looking for, I hope you find it." Jimmy said. He kissed my cheek again and gave me my car keys.
I looked at Jimmy as he moved out of my way. I took a deep breath and went outside, To find my Mitchubisi on the curb.